Dr. Dipti Kanwar is an Assistant Professor in Apex University, Jaipur. She did MBA and Ph.D in HRM. She is a Certified Personality Development Mentor and Certified Expert in Corporate Communication. 

Apex university

What are your roles and responsibilities?

“To make students adopt a dynamic perspective through discussions and classroom activities”

My duty is to make students adapt to a dynamic broader perspective. We provide discussions and activities in the classrooms. It enriches the skills of pupils to outperform others. 

How do you tend to establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty? 

“Provide a comfortable environment for students and assist in team management in each activity”

We look to each other for various activities such as handling stress, team management, and lecture management for faculties. Our academic excellence is based on expertise, knowledge and experience. We are like guardians for students and provide a comfortable environment for them. They can discuss any matter openly with faculties. 

How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects as industry-oriented in Apex University, Jaipur?

“Organize industry visits, Case studies, role plays, and group discussions for students”

We take pupils for industrial visits and give sessions with industry experts. The importance of real-time functionality of businesses understands by students with the classes of industry experts. Our campus gives case studies, role plays, and group discussions for pupils. 

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What are the best practices offered by the campus for students to gain necessary skills?

Personality development sessions, business quizzes and debate competitions are offered in our campus”

Time management is necessary for the smooth functioning of a campus. We schedule correct timetables, and subject-based classes to widen student's skills. Our campus gives business quizzes and debate competitions to increase the confidence level of pupils. 

How do you strategize the curriculum for the students at Apex University, Jaipur?

“Provide recent industry-required topics, current affairs and general knowledge for pupils”

We can update the curriculum through practical learning, application of knowledge in real-time situations, and overall grooming of students. Our faculties provide sessions related to current affairs and general knowledge for them. We revise the sessions and give industry-related requirements in the syllabus. 

How does your department prepare students for Higher education?

“Prepare students for various LinkedIn courses and pave the way for placements”

We encourage students to enroll in certified courses on LinkedIn and they can realize their future interests. Our campus is linked with the LinkedIn platform. Pupils can take different value-based courses in different areas. All these pave the way for placements and certifications for students. 

How do you help students to cope with outside competition?

“Provide various channels, activities and industry exposure for pupils”

My advice for them is to set goals and dream big. I give them the correct route to mold their efforts in any competitive situation. We provide channels, activities and industry exposure for pupils. It shapes them to be a professional in the market. 

Do you have any extracurricular activities to enhance the skills of the students to face real-world challenges?

“National level technical, cultural and sports events are available to students”

Our campus gives several competitions for students to improve their confidence. We provide national-level technical, cultural and sports events each year. Most students work as coordinators and lead the programs. They get more ideas and raise their knowledge level. Faculties encourage students to attend annual fests of other colleges and universities. 

What challenges do you face to uplift the quality of education at Apex University, Jaipur?

“Online classes during the pandemic period and enhancement of soft skills of students at that time”

The Covid pandemic caused the shut down of schools and colleges. We face challenges to raise the confidence and self-esteem of students at that time. Learning and other applications through online classes are a little bit difficult for students being at home with online classes. At that time, we focus on practical and spoken-based activities for pupils. It removes their worries, hesitation and fear. Another difficulty is aligning the requirements of students and departments. We try to formulate smooth coordination among all members on campus. 

What is your vision for Apex University, Jaipur?

“Enrich practical learning and improvement of skills for students”

I came from an industry background to this campus. A campus combines students from different households, states, urban areas and rural areas. All of their needs are different. My vision is to widen practical learning and enhance students' skills. 

How does the curriculum of Apex University, Jaipur ensure the best practices of the industry? 

“Powerpoint presentations, case studies, and subject expert classes are provided to pupils”

We revise the syllabus every time and give faculty development programs for professors. Case studies, PowerPoint presentations and the latest trends in the market are included in our curriculum. It strengthens students' skills with dynamic information. 

How does the campus enhance the skills of the faculty according to the industry standards? 

“Conferences, seminars, PowerPoint presentations, and expert lectures are given to faculties”

Our campus organizes Faculty development programs each month. Moreover, we give conferences, seminars, PowerPoint presentations, and expert lectures for them. These keep the faculties updated with all information in the education industry. 

What approaches do you bring in apart from curriculum to train the students?

“Group discussions, simulation, role plays, MUN, and debates given to candidates”

We train students through PowerPoint-based classroom teaching. They get a chance to participate in group discussions, simulations, role plays, MUN, and debates. All these are beneficial to improving confidence and attaining necessary skills.

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What are the greatest strengths of Apex University, Jaipur?

“Teamwork and delegation of authority are strengths of campus”

Our department follows to achieve everything by coordination. One of the greatest successes is teamwork. Open access to information and clear communication is maintained on our campus. Delegation of authority is another strength added to campus success.

Any valuable advice do you like to give students to have a prosperous career?

“Be genuine, humble and practice daily for your success”

Practice is necessary to achieve your dream job. Be genuine, humble and practice daily for your success. It is essential to work on your efforts, break the difficulties and work more. You can achieve your dream by keeping these values.