GATE CCMT 2020: Round 3 Allotments Declared, Applicants to Confirm Seats by August 13

Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT) has declared the round 3 seat allotments recently. Applicants who registered for the same can now check their seat allotment status from the official website of CCMT (

Candidates who intend to check the round 3 offers by GATE CCMT, have to visit the official website. Login with a registered number and password. 

GATE CCMT 2020: Details on Seat Confirmation

To confirm admission, students who have been allotted seats at MNIT need to pay a seat acceptance fee. Along with this, candidates have to upload required documents to confirm their seats as well.

Details with regard to fees and documents to be uploaded can be checked once candidates log in to the official website. 

CheckMNIT Admission 2020

Note: Students can check their round 3 seat allotment status till August 13. Also, the last date to pay acceptance fee and upload documents is August 13.

CCMT 2020 Document Verification and other Instructions

The admission committee will verify all the documents submitted by applicants within August 11-16. 

Check: GATE Cutoff 2020

Candidates need to keep checking their application status, to ensure that all rectifications (if required) are completed within the stipulated time. In such cases, candidates will be notified while the document verification process is ongoing. 

CCMT 2020 Document Verification & Confirmation: What Next?

Students whose documents lack any problematic issue and are in order will be required to pay the remaining college fee. The fee has to be paid online to the allotted institute by August 18.

Additionally, students who have been selected earlier through Round 1 and Round 2 have to clear their remaining fees from August 11-18, 2020.
