New Delhi: Maharashtra Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant, has decided to provide an additional 15 minutes for all the university students to write their offline exams.

The education minister took the decision of providing an extra 15 minutes to the students sitting for the offline exams during a meeting with the vice-chancellors of the Maharashtra state universities.
Uday Samant tweeted that given the Covid-19 pandemic situation across the country, teaching and exams were shifted to online mode, which reduced the practice of writing exams physically. As a result, the university students demanded an increase in the exam timings for taking offline examinations.
Thus, the decision to increase the time taken for offline exams by 15 minutes per hour has been decided at the meeting with the vice-chancellors, he tweeted.
कोरोनाच्या पार्श्वभूमीवर शिक्षण व परीक्षा ऑनलाईन पद्धतीने झाल्यामुळे विद्यार्थ्यांचा लेखनाचा सराव कमी झाल्याने, ऑफलाईन पद्धतीने परीक्षा घेताना वेळ वाढवून देण्याची मागणी होत होती, ऑफलाईन परीक्षांसाठी प्रती तास 15 मिनिटे वाढीव वेळ देण्याचा निर्णय कुलगुरूंच्या बैठकीत घेण्यात आला.
— Uday Samant (@samant_uday) April 13, 2022
According to the latest reports, the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education is all set to conduct its upcoming summer examination for engineering and pharmacy diploma courses in the offline mode.
Recently, the University of Mumbai also issued a notice to all the autonomous colleges to provide extra time for students to give their final offline exams.
Similarly, Delhi University announced extending the duration of each exam by 30 minutes as a special one-time measure. Hence, the DU students who will be taking up the semester exams in the physical mode after a gap of almost two consecutive years will get extra 30 minutes and more choices in the question paper as a special one-time measure.
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