OJEE Counselling 2020: Round 3 Seat Allotment Result Declared; Download at @ojee.nic.in

The Odisha Joint Entrance Examination authority had declared the OJEE Counselling 2020 round 3 seat allotment result on November 20, 2020.

Candidates participating in the OJEE 2020 Counselling could check the round 3 seat allotment result from the official website - @ojee.nic.in by entering their application number and password.

Candidates who will be allotted seats in the round 3 seat allotment of OJEE Counselling 2020 should accept the seats between November 21 and 22, 2020.

Also Read: OJEE 2020 Seat Allotment

OJEE Counselling 2020: Steps to check round 3 seat allotment result

Candidates could follow the procedure mentioned below to check the OJEE 2020 counselling round 3 seat allotment letter.

Step 1: Visit the official website of OJEE - @ojee.nic.in

Step 2: Click on the “Round 2 seat allotment result” link on the homepage

Step 3: Login using the application number, date of birth, and security pin and submit

Step 4: OJEE round 3 seat allotment result 2020 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Download and take a printout for future reference.

Direct link: OJEE Counselling 2020: Round 3 Seat Allotment Result

OJEE Counselling 2020: What after round 3 seat allotment

Candidates who were allotted seats in the Round 3 seat allotment of OJEE 2020 should follow the steps given below to complete the process of seat allotment.

  • Choose the Float/Freeze option.
  • Upload necessary documents for verification
  • Make Payment of part admission fees of Rs.10,000/- (General) and Rs.5000/-(SC/ST)

The OJEE 2020 Counselling final seat allotment result will be declared on November 24, 2020, and candidates should accept the seat and proceed further with the admission process within November 26, 2020.

Also Read: OJEE 2020: Participating Colleges
