On January 4, 2021, Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) issued a circular regarding the commencement of offline classes from January 11, 2021.
As per the circular issued by Pune University, practicals, theory, industrial training projects and dissertations of UG, PG and doctoral programs classes in 800 affiliated colleges are scheduled to commence from January 11, 2021, on the same day.
UniPune PG Programmes
Deputy registrar Uttam Chavan said that the practicals, Summer Internship Project, Dissertation classes of Odd Semesters of the second year and onwards of Engineering / Architecture / Pharmacy / Management / Hotel Management / Education / Physical Education / Law courses of Pune University shall commence from January 11, 2021, in offline mode.
The theory and practical classes, Industrial Training Project classes of Odd Semesters of First Year, second year and onwards of Arts, Science, Commerce/ Social Sciences / Library Science / Communication & Journalism and other similar programs shall continue from next Monday in offline mode.
Read: UniPune Admission 2021: UG, PG, PhD, Registration, Eligibility, Last Date to Apply
UniPune UG Program
After wrapping up the odd semesters, the theory and practicals of the even semesters of all the above-mentioned programmes will be conducted immediately in the offline mode.
The practical classes, Industrial Training Project classes of Odd Semesters of First Year, second year and onwards of Arts, Science, Commerce/ Social Sciences / Library Science / Communication & Journalism and other similar programs shall continue from January 11, in offline mode.
The practical of T Y. B.A.and T Y. B.com ( Annual pattern ) if applicable will also commence from January 11, 2021.
UniPune First year of PG/UG of Non-Professional Programs
All the classes of P.G program of first-year, whose admission are not done under CET examination shall continue from January 11, 2021, in offline mode.
UniPune M.Phil / Ph.D programs
All the research work of M. Phil / Ph. D programs shall also commence from January 11, 2021, in offline mode.
Read: SPPU: Oral, Practical Exams of Senior Colleges to be Held After Classes Starts Offline
General Instructions Issued for UniPune Affiliated Colleges
- All the principals, Directors, Head of Department will have to follow the guidelines and safety protocols set by the Government of Maharashtra and Local Authorities for reopening colleges and universities post lockdown due to the covid19 pandemic.
- The schedule of the commencement and conclusion of the academic year 2020-21 as per the circular dated October 15, 2020, shall remain unchanged.
Read: Pune University Guidelines Regarding Opening of the Colleges