Which college has a better coding culture, MMM Gorakhpur or IET Lucknow?

2 Answers

Nikita Chaturvedi Posted On - Sep 14, 2022
B.Tech from Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater Noida

MMMUT Gorakhpur has a better coding culture compared to IET Lucknow. On campus, you will find many people who actively take part in competitive coding. The alumni of the institute have a good performance record in most of the competitive coding forums. If you are interested in coding, you will get guidance from your seniors. 

MMMUT also offers decent facilities and resources to support and encourage the growing coding culture on campus. 



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Rohan Basu Posted On - Aug 7, 2021
Studied at IET Lucknow (2019)

Honestly, none of the colleges have a good coding culture like the IITs, IIITs or BITS. To develop a good coding culture, the college must provide some facilities like unlimited internet with a minimum speed of 5 MBPS, lenient attendance rule and no burden of submitting projects and assignments.

  • In IET Lucknow, there is no coding culture as most of the students do it mostly by themselves. 
  • You will not find any coding group created in the college where students can learn together and help each other with the problems. 
  • The teachers of IET Lucknow CS department are not much concerned about the students. They do not encourage students to do coding. 
  • They do provide theoretical knowledge about programming but don't give any guidance or some practical coding skills.
  • Labs are available but are not utilized. 
  • The teachers expect you to learn coding from the internet. 

In MMM Gorakhpur, the coding culture is also not that great but the CS students here are very talented and sincere with their studies. They are interested in coding classes, but nothing can be compared with the coding cultures of IITs, IIITs and BITS.



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