IET is ranked #1 among all the ATKU 600+ engineering colleges, whereasMNNIT Allahabad was ranked #48th by NIRF for B.Tech courses. The placement rate of CSE branch is higher as compared to other subjects in IET. Generally the recruiting companies for CSE and ECE branches are almost similar. The only difference lies in the institution, teaching staff and the candidate’s performance. Both the institutions have qualified faculties. Both of them are approved by AICTE.
Intake process
IET Lucknow:
MNNIT Allahabad:
Some of the on-campus facilities of IET Lucknow are library, gym, hostel and bank. Some of the on-campus facilities in MNNIT Allahabad are a stationery shop, generator, student club, hostel (geyser, air cooler, refrigerator, water cooler, washing machine), PCO, 24/7 canteen, etc. Getting into IET Lucknow is difficult, as their cut-offs are really high. But the companies recruiting are not so good. Choosing ECE over CSE will give you the advantage of sitting in placements of both the courses. The rest all lies in the hands of the candidate and their interest. They can compare all the information available and then decide which is better for them.