Which course among PGP at IIM Indore and PGP-ABM at IIM Lucknow should one choose if he/she has an interest in Marketing and Operations?

1 Answer

Amit Datta Posted On - Jan 9, 2023
PGP from Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (Graduated 2021)

The simple answer is that the choice of the course depends more or your overall profile than the course itself. Irresponsible of your specialization your chances at placements will be low if your resume is below average. Moreover, institutes like IIM Indore and IIM Lucknow offer joint placements for both programs. 

Students can apply to any company irrespective of their specialization. Yet there are many who are able to get into their dream companies while some failed to get a call from a reputed firm. This is because the PGP program just added value to your resume and if that is already poor then even PGP cannot guarantee you a high-paying job.

So if you already have a good resume all you need to do is improve your resume in marketing and operations. This can be done through extra-curricular activities and B-school competitions. For this the PGP-ABM program is perfect.

But if you have a below-average resume, then go for PGP. Because then extracurricular activities alone will not improve your resume. You need class projects and good academic scores to upgrade it. Unlike PGP-ABM, you won’t miss out on basic electives related to marketing/ops/finance.

So nothing is certain about an MBA program. One needs to know what he will be doing after acquiring knowledge to decide which course to take. I will personally suggest you go for IIM Lucknow PGP-ABM if you just want to improve your resume.



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