What are the perks of being from NSIT/DTU in India?

1 Answer

Tezal Dahiya Posted On - Aug 23, 2023

Both NSUT Delhi and DTU are prestigious institutions. I will tell you about the perks of being a student at DTU-

  • Amazing student interaction- DTU students share a great bond with each other. Regardless of whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you won’t be lonely. The crowd is really uplifting and welcoming to all the students.
  • Great senior-junior interaction- The seniors are really friendly and there is no ragging on campus. You will see yourself claiming their books and notes ahead of time. 
  • Flexible academics- DTU allows you the time and freedom to explore your interests. Whatever you wish to do, this institution gives you all the freedom to do it. As far as the curriculum is concerned, the first year is quite easy. The curriculum is common for all, and half the topics aren’t new to you. The teachers too are a bit merciful.For the remaining 3 years, the difficulty level differs with your branch. CS, IT, Software students are under much more pressure. But they have the best placements among all the branches. ECE has some strict professors but the workload is manageable. MCA, EP, PCT, and ENE are good branches for research.Mechanical is the best branch at DTU. You will get hands-on experience and the workload is very doable. The institution is located near a lot of manufacturing factories so you will get good internship opportunities. 
  • Campus- The campus is spread over 170 acres and is really mesmerizing. You will always have places to hangout with your friends within the college.
  • Societies- DTU has various societies where you can polish your skills and hobbies in entrepreneurship, social work and art.
  • College tag -The DTU tag provides internship opportunities and placement opportunities in big brands. 

Both DTU and NSUT Delhi are well-renowned institutions. Joining these will be beneficial for you even after you graduate from them.



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