How do students at IIM Bangalore, IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Calcutta choose their elective courses? Is there any system?

2 Answers

Saloni Kaushik Posted On - Sep 16, 2022
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar (2017)

For elective course selection, IIMs usually have a course bidding system. Every student receives 1000 points and has to choose 6 courses. The institutes organize a bidding day. At the scheduled time, everyone needs to login into the system and starts bidding. Each course takes a maximum of around 75 students. On average 200-300 students bid on popular courses such as Finance, Marketing, Strategy, etc. It isn’t wise to use all the bid points on one/two courses. As there are many options to choose from, students usually get a course of their preference. 



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Shreya Bajaj Posted On - Feb 11, 2021
MBA from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (2021)

The first year of MBA at IIMs is rigid with respect to the courses. You have to study mandatory courses from all management systems like Finance, Marketing, etc. The system of picking electives begins in the second year.

Course Bidding:

At IIM Ahmedabad there is a course bidding system where you are allotted bid points. The number of bid points is mostly the same, but there is some variation in bid points based on guidelines specified by the academic council.

  • You are alloted with a list of all the courses for the coming semester. 
  • The course bidding is scheduled for around an hour, generally after 2 to 3 weeks following the announcement of the courses. 
  • You are given an hour and within the time, students are required to bid for the courses of their choice. 
  • The number of seats in each course is limited and therefore only some of the bidders may be able to get the seats at their bids and so the bids of each individual keep changing and your status of winning or getting the course continues to change as other students change their bids. 
  • Since there is only an hour of time to bid, you need to make your priority list before, to know which courses you want. 
  • You also required to meet the minimum and maximum credit limits while taking up the desired courses.

IIM Bangalore and IIM Calcutta should have the same system for choosing an elective as IIM Ahmedabad.



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