NIT Surathkal offers good internet connectivity. It provides 24/7 internet facilities to different departments, faculty residences, and hostels. The central computing center of NITK serves this to the campus via LAN network and full-campus Wi-Fi. Internet speed is 4Gbpa lease lines of 1:1. NITK is equipped with 12 core single mode fiber and backbone speed of 1Gbpa/10Gbps.
NIT Surathkal has state-of-the-art facilities available on the campus and hostels, the internet is one of the good facilities they provide. The internet connection is quite good here and reliable. Each student is able to use at least 25 GB a day to him/herself. The college is provided internet by the government ICT service called National Informatics Service (NIC) and the bandwidth provided by them is really high with a very fast speed.
Here is some information on the same-
Sometimes nearby malls will give you better stability as far as the connection goes and the college blames the equipment used for the mishap. If you get past the internet connectivity issue, the speed will cheer you up.
Sometimes, you'd be able to download a 1 GB movie within 10 minutes or so, and on other times, like preparation days, or Sundays, it might take more than an hour to do so, because of the collective access.