Bachelor of Laws [L.L.B.] From HNBGU, Garhwal

Garhwal, UttarakhandCentral UniversityEstd 1973
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Bachelor of Laws [L.L.B.] 
first year fees:  ₹10,720
3 YearsFull Time
(Based on 173 views last year)
13 Students have shown interest in the last 30 days
Year (2024 - 2025)123
Tuition fees₹2400₹2400₹2400
Registration fees₹80-₹80
Exam fees₹1400₹1400₹1400
other fee₹6840₹6250₹6500
Yearly Fees10,72010,05010,380

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Year 123
Tuition fees₹2400₹2400₹2400
Exam fees₹1400₹1400₹1400
other fee₹6840₹6250₹6500
Yearly Fees10,64010,05010,300

Eligibility Criteria

Aspirant seeking admission in 3-year full-time LLB Program must be graduated in a relevant sttream from a recognized university.

Course Details

Caution deposit:

In case of courses with no practical:-

  1. All UG/UG Diploma courses, All PG/ PG Diploma courses= Rs.300/500/-
  2. All M.Phil/ Pre- Ph.d. Courses= Rs.500/1000/-

Various Certificate/ Degree/ Certificate Fees:

  1. Migration Certificate- Rs.150/-
  2. Duplicate Migration Certificate- Rs.800/-
  3. Migration Submission (mid- session)- Rs.500/-
  4. Migration Submission after session- Rs.500/-
  5. Provisional Degree (within four years)-Rs.120/-
  6. Provisional (after four year)-Rs.400/-
  7. Original Degree (student enrolled in 2017 onwards)-Rs.170/-
  8. Original Degree (for those who has not submitted fee for degree)-Rs.400/-
  9. Duplicate Degree-Rs.1000/-
  10. Correction of Degree after one year-Rs.450/-
  11. Correction of Degree after two year-Rs.800/-
  12. Ph.D./ D.Phil. Degree-Rs.500/-
  13. Duplicate marksheet-Rs.300/-
  14. Correction in marksheet- Handmade (for such old student who have not been issue com. marksheet)-Rs.300/-
  15. Correction in marksheet after one/ two year from date of issue-Rs.200/400/-
  16. Verification of Certificate for private sector-Rs.1500/-
  17. Bonafide certificate for passed out student-Rs.250/-
  18. Document attestation fee each copy for passed out students-Rs.25/-
  19. Transcript- Rs.1500/- (upto 3 copies)

Practical/Professional Fee-


Other/Miscellaneous Fee and Charges:

  Transfer Certificate Fees-50/-

  Character Certificate Fee-50/-

  Issuance of Duplicate Fee receipt-30/-

  Duplicate Identity Card Fee-60/-

  Examination centre change fee-1500/-

  Late fee for compulsory subject (Elementary Book Keeping & Environmental Sciencs-1000/-

  Fee for issuing language certificate-500/-

  Fee for course matching & verification-1000/-

  Fee for re-practical examination-1500/-

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