Free For Me Reason In-state tuition, campus environment, close to home, a great American university, and many opportunities.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum at UGA is great at training you to be a very good corporate employee. It can be updated with respect to innovation and creativity.
Different Student to Teacher Ratios depending on Major. Great Teachers who are willing to help. Dr.Karim Jetha is a great MIST professor.
Very good Law School, Terry of College of Business MBA Program, Average Salary: 55,000, Many Career Fairs and Many Companies Attend.
Sharing Rooms for First Year on Campus. The meal Plan is very good with many options to choose from. The rooms are kind of small but cozy.
My Scores: SAT - 1390/1600, GPA 3.7/4.0 Unweighted, None.
Great Campus Life. Nationally Ranked Sports Teams, Business Clubs, Intramural Sports, Indian Clubs, Fraternities, Sororities.
In State: 12,000 a Year, Out of State: 45,000 a Year.
Hope for the Scholarship.