Great location being close to Dallas which is what I needed. It also had great credibility and reputation, especially the business department and major. I needed someone where I could be out of the city and have a college atmosphere.
Course Curriculum
Not bad at all. Some of the core I find unnecessary toward the specific major, but it is not overall that bad or overdone. Such as needing an appreciation of fine arts as a core class to major in Business.
Very very kind and present. I don't see many when I am on campus and in between classes but when I do see them they are always the kindest people and generous.
I took the SAT 2 times with a total score of 1280 if I remember correctly and I took the ACT once with a score of 24.
As far as living on campus, all amenities were included free of extra fees with the monthly payment of rent.
Examination Structure
Not sure yet as much since this is only the second semester. But for the most part, since I've been here, most of my classes have a definite midterm, with one or two other exams throughout the rest of the semester.