Grace Cavanagh Review at RMIT University, Melbourne | Collegedunia

RMIT University

8.2 /10

RMIT has a great reputation and is in a great location that is easy to commute to, it has modern facilities and excellent teaching staff and student mentor programs. RMIT was my number one preference.

Course Curriculum :

The professional accounting course curriculum is well planned and structured, there are two years of traditional style study and then a year of paid placement followed one more traditionally styled study.

Exams :

I completed VCE units 1 to 4 for accounting, business management, methods, English and physical education and completed my VCE Exams and graduate, I received an ATAR if 74.5

Placement :

In my third year, I will be involved in the paid placement where I will be working in the accounting industry learning hands on about my profession, RMIT assists in getting internship styled placements which will help my employability.

Events :

RMIT puts on many events from club organized events to welcome day parties to union-run events such as boat parties and free food days, RMIT encourages its students to be involved in clubs and have events to draw students in.

Fees :

The fee structure is per semester (6 months) and is paid through HECS which means it is not paid up front and instead I will straight laying it back once I earn enough.

Scholarship :

Yes, I am currently applying for Centrelink financial aid which is a fortnightly payment to assist students.

Examination Structure :

I have no completed any exams yet but the timetable which we have been told about sounds reasonable and achievable, exam preparation help is given by student mentors and by teaching staff which will benefit the student.

Faculty :

Incredible faculty who provide help and who are highly qualified for their roles, they are professional and time conscious and understanding of uni students needs.

Hostel :

I am living at my parents home which is 1.5 hours away from RMIT so I catch a train each day, next year I will be living on residents at RMIT village in the city much closer to the uni which will radically reduce my transport time.

8.2 out of 10
9.0/10Social Life