This university provides the best academic opportunities for students who wish to excel in their field of study as well as the best extracurricular opportunities for students to enhance their undergraduate degrees.
Course Curriculum
I think that the course curriculum is great as it allows students to fully understand topics that they are interested in without bombarding students with too much extraneous information for exams and tests.
The faculty at UBC are passionate and inspirational individuals who truly enjoy teaching students and sharing their knowledge of not only the required course curriculum but as well, additional knowledge on related issues or topics they have gained from outside experiences such as research.
Courses cost around $500 for a regular 3 credit lecture course and additional student fees for Alma Mater Society and other on-campus resources are included intuition.
Examination Structure
Courses have midterm exams and/or projects/papers during the semester and a final exam period of 3 weeks at the end of the semester. During this final exam period, students do not attend regular classes and instead, only attend school for the 1-3 hour allotted final exam time.