PCCOE Overall ranking by India Today is 108 out of 281 colleges in India in 2023. PCCOE B.Tech ranking by India Today is 97 out of 284 colleges in India in 2024 and it was 77 out of 246 colleges in India in 2023.
PCCOE B.Tech ranking by The Week is 99 out of 131 colleges in India in 2025 and it was 67 out of 245 colleges in India in 2024.
Stream / Category | 2025 Ranking | 2024 Ranking | 2022 Ranking |
B.Tech Compare | #99 out of 131 in India 2025 #8th in Pune | #67 out of 245 in India 2024 #9th in Pune | #95 out of 216 in India 2022 #7th in Pune |
PCCOE B.Tech ranking by NIRF is 251-300 out of 300 colleges in India in 2022 and it was 251-300 out of 300 colleges in India in 2021.
Stream / Category | 2022 Ranking | 2021 Ranking | 2020 Ranking |
B.Tech Compare | #251-300 out of 300 in India 2022 #9th in Pune | #251-300 out of 300 in India 2021 #9th in Pune | #197 out of 300 in India 2020 #9th in Pune |
PCCOE B.Tech ranking by Outlook is 41 out of 160 colleges in India in 2024 and it was 44 out of 160 colleges in India in 2023.
Stream / Category | 2024 Ranking | 2023 Ranking | 2022 Ranking |
B.Tech Compare | #41 out of 160 in India 2024 | #44 out of 160 in India 2023 | #45 out of 160 in India 2022 |
PCCOE B.Tech ranking by The Times Of India is 15 out of 175 colleges in India in 2024 and it was 16 out of 170 colleges in India in 2023.
Stream / Category | 2024 Ranking | 2023 Ranking | 2022 Ranking |
B.Tech Compare | #15 out of 175 in India 2024 #2nd in Pune | #16 out of 170 in India 2023 #1st in Pune | #18 out of 200 in India 2022 #2nd in Pune |
PCCOE Overall ranking by National Institutional Ranking Framework Innovation is 26-50 out of 50 colleges in India in 2020.
Stream / Category | 2020 Ranking |
Overall Compare | #26-50 out of 50 in India 2020 |
PCCOE B.Tech ranking by Collegedunia.com is 256 out of 394 colleges in India in 2023.
Stream / Category | 2023 Ranking |
B.Tech Compare | #256 out of 394 in India 2023 #1st in Pune |
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At PCCOER, the college has achieved a high placement rate for summer internships, though it might not always be 100%. Typically, around 90-95% of students secure internships through the placement drive. For those who didn't get placements through the college, many students managed to find internships through personal connections, networking, or by directly contacting companies. A significant number of students do get paid internships. The average stipend offered is around ₹15,000 per month, with highest stipends reaching up to ₹30,000 per month, and lowest stipends around ₹5,000 per month. Most preferred companies for internships in our course include major firms like TCS, Infosys, and Wipro, known for their strong presence in the IT and engineering sectors. These companies offer monthly stipends ranging from ₹15,000 to ₹25,000, depending on the role and location. Companies that hire students in bulk for internships include tech giants like Accenture and Capgemini. On average, these companies pay between ₹10,000 and ₹20,000 per month for internships. Conversion rates for Pre-Placement Offers (PPOs) are quite encouraging, with about 30-40% of students converting their internships into full-time offers. Even if a student accepts a PPO, there is typically an option to sit for final placements if they wish to explore other opportunities or negotiate better offers. The internship scenario in other courses can vary. For instance, students in management or design programs might have a different set of companies and stipend ranges. In general, the internship scenario in our course is competitive, but other programs may offer equally valuable or varied opportunities based on industry demand and curriculum focus.
At PCCOER, the college has achieved a high placement rate for summer internships, though it might not always be 100%. Typically, around 90-95% of students secure internships through the placement drive. For those who didn't get placements through the college, many students managed to find internships through personal connections, networking, or by directly contacting companies. A significant number of students do get paid internships. The average stipend offered is around ₹15,000 per month, with highest stipends reaching up to ₹30,000 per month, and lowest stipends around ₹5,000 per month. Most preferred companies for internships in our course include major firms like TCS, Infosys, and Wipro, known for their strong presence in the IT and engineering sectors. These companies offer monthly stipends ranging from ₹15,000 to ₹25,000, depending on the role and location. Companies that hire students in bulk for internships include tech giants like Accenture and Capgemini. On average, these companies pay between ₹10,000 and ₹20,000 per month for internships. Conversion rates for Pre-Placement Offers (PPOs) are quite encouraging, with about 30-40% of students converting their internships into full-time offers. Even if a student accepts a PPO, there is typically an option to sit for final placements if they wish to explore other opportunities or negotiate better offers. The internship scenario in other courses can vary. For instance, students in management or design programs might have a different set of companies and stipend ranges. In general, the internship scenario in our course is competitive, but other programs may offer equally valuable or varied opportunities based on industry demand and curriculum focus.
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