Guru Nanak Dev University College Jalandhar Faculty

Jalandhar, PunjabEstd 1973 GNDU, Amritsar
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Guru Nanak Dev University College Jalandhar Faculty Details

Dr. Tejwant Singh Bagga
Associate Professor
Dr. J.K.Gulati
Associate Professor
Dr. Ashish Arora
Assistant Professor
Dr. Sanjeev Arora
Assistant Professor

Why To Join Guru Nanak Dev University College Jalandhar - Reviews & Rating

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Aman Singh
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2022)


The curriculum is smooth and easy. Faculty makes it more easy with their brilliant efforts. Students do fail in examinations and are allowed to write atkt at the end of semester. There are regular internal exams of each subject and one final examination at end of each semester. The good aspect of course is learning and placements. The bad aspect will be irregular timings of college. The class timings vary day to day on most days there are two lectures 2.5 hrs each. The faculty indulges in discussion with students this makes learning more easy. I do admire Mr. Ubale sir he is operations faculty. He actually engages students in class with innovative tasks and presentations making learning experience better. The 75% attendance is absolutely required for the course. The actions against defaulters varies on case by case basis.
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Aman Singh
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2022)


The curriculum is smooth and easy. Faculty makes it more easy with their brilliant efforts. Students do fail in examinations and are allowed to write atkt at the end of semester. There are regular internal exams of each subject and one final examination at end of each semester. The good aspect of course is learning and placements. The bad aspect will be irregular timings of college. The class timings vary day to day on most days there are two lectures 2.5 hrs each. The faculty indulges in discussion with students this makes learning more easy. I do admire Mr. Ubale sir he is operations faculty. He actually engages students in class with innovative tasks and presentations making learning experience better. The 75% attendance is absolutely required for the course. The actions against defaulters varies on case by case basis.
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Course Duration:  3 Years
₹28661.67  First Year Fees
Course Duration:  5 Years
Course Duration:  3 Years
Dr. Tejwant Singh Bagga
Associate Professor
Dr. J.K.Gulati
Associate Professor
Dr. Ashish Arora
Assistant Professor
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