Punjab College of Technical Education Ludhiana Faculty

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Why To Join Punjab College of Technical Education Ludhiana - Reviews & Rating

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Sainey Jaiteh
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2022)


The course curriculum is not difficult that's if you study. Yes some students fail exam due to lack of interest. The good aspect is the faculties teach so well And the bad aspect is the calculations subjects are somehow hard. In a semester we have 3 exams and in a year we have 6 exams. We have 4 lectures in a day with a timing of 1hr each subject. We Re normally free from 11:00 to 11:25. The teachers teach through PPTs. I admire my operations Research Teach because she knows her subject area very well and controlled the class. I like all my teachers. Each student should have 75% attendance and failure to have it, will not sit to the final exam. I have seen students been detained because of the less attendance
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Fatoumata Fatty
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2022)


My course is not that much difficult. Sone good aspects about my course is that I came to know about new technologies through this course. There is no such bad aspect but there are some subjects which are very boring and not used these days. In a year there are 2 semester,so two times exam conducted per year. Five classes conducted per day and generally timing of classes are 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM. In this duration we get 1 hour of break. Teaching faculty use smart classes to teach students. I didn't admire any faculty from my college. Yes there is strict rule for attendance. If you don't fulfill attendance criteria notice will sent to your home. My classmate got penalized because his attendance was very short.
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Sainey Jaiteh
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2022)


The course curriculum is not difficult that's if you study. Yes some students fail exam due to lack of interest. The good aspect is the faculties teach so well And the bad aspect is the calculations subjects are somehow hard. In a semester we have 3 exams and in a year we have 6 exams. We have 4 lectures in a day with a timing of 1hr each subject. We Re normally free from 11:00 to 11:25. The teachers teach through PPTs. I admire my operations Research Teach because she knows her subject area very well and controlled the class. I like all my teachers. Each student should have 75% attendance and failure to have it, will not sit to the final exam. I have seen students been detained because of the less attendance
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Fatoumata Fatty
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2022)


My course is not that much difficult. Sone good aspects about my course is that I came to know about new technologies through this course. There is no such bad aspect but there are some subjects which are very boring and not used these days. In a year there are 2 semester,so two times exam conducted per year. Five classes conducted per day and generally timing of classes are 9.00 AM to 3.00 PM. In this duration we get 1 hour of break. Teaching faculty use smart classes to teach students. I didn't admire any faculty from my college. Yes there is strict rule for attendance. If you don't fulfill attendance criteria notice will sent to your home. My classmate got penalized because his attendance was very short.
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