AIIMS MBBS 2022 Sample Papers, Question Papers, And Preparation Tips

AIIMS MBBS Practice Papers are the best resource to prepare better for the medical examination. As yet, no changes have been notified in AIIMS MBBS Syllabus and paper pattern. 

AIIMS MBBS 2022 has been replaced by NEET. Candidates willing to take admission in the UG program offered by the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Puducherry, can appear for NEET 2022. The exam has been scheduled for September 2022 in two shifts. The results will be available in October/November 2022

The competitive entrance exam will be conducted in a single day online (CBT) mode. The duration of the paper will be 3½ hours. The entire paper will be divided into Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and General Knowledge.

AIIMS MBBS 2019 Question Paper

Date Shift Question Paper PDF
May 25, 2019 Forenoon Session Check Here
May 25, 2019 Afternoon Session Check Here
May 26, 2019 Forenoon Session Check Here
May 26, 2019 Afternoon Session Check Here

AIIMS MBBS 2017 Question Paper

Date Question Paper PDF
May 28, 2017 Check Here

AIIMS MBBS 2016 Question Paper

Date Question Paper PDF
May 29, 2016 Check Here

Download Sample Papers

How to Download AIIMS MBBS Sample Paper 2022?

For all you desirous candidates, you can practice our exclusive sample/ question papers by following the below easy steps:

  1. Click on link for AIIMS MBBS Sample Paper
  2. A pdf file will open
  3. Download the sample paper for practice

AIIMS MBBS Sample Papers – Importance

The sample papers of AIIMS MBBS 2022 are beneficial for better preparation for the entrance test.

  • To use AIIMS MBBS sample papers efficiently, applicants must solve the question paper as per the prescribed exam pattern. It will help in understanding the paper pattern.
  • During the practice, candidates must try to solve AIIMS MBBS 2022 sample papers within the allotted time limit i.e. three hours thirty minutes (3 hours 30 minutes). This will help aspirants to enhance their time management skills.
  • After the completion of AIIMS sample papers, aspirants can match their answers with the solutions provided below in the practice papers to calculate their probable scores.
  • Once the score is calculated applicants can analyze their preparation level and work on the weaker sections.

AIIMS MBBS Exam Pattern

AIIMS MBBS 2022 Exam Pattern

Before starting to solve AIIMS MBBS 2022 sample papers, candidates must be familiar with AIIMS MBBS 2022 Exam Pattern. It will offer information on the structure of the entrance test. AIIMS MBBS exam contains 200 objective type questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and General Knowledge.

Particulars AIIMS MBBS Paper Pattern
Mode Online (Computer Based Test)
Duration 3 hours 30 minutes
Date of exam September 2022
Number of shifts Two
Language English and Hindi
Type of examination Objective type
Number of questions 200
Type of objective questions Multiple choices (MCQs) and reason-assertion
Marking scheme 1 mark for every correct answer
Negative Marking One-third mark deducted for wrong attempt
Syllabus Questions based on class 12 concepts

How to use sample papers

The paper will have a question from all the sections that are covered under the examination. A candidate must understand how to divide these and practice thoroughly. To use these sample paper it is necessary for candidates to actually have studied each of the subjects individually from the basics. Start solving the sample papers one each day and as the date of exams arrive take start solving two to three papers each day. This will help a candidate score better than they have expected.

AIIMS MBBS Preparation

Preparation Tips For AIIMS MBBS

AIIMS is the dream of every medical aspirant but not all can achieve their dreams. It is not very difficult is a candidate prepares as per the plans they might have for the exam. Let us quickly know some of the points to prepare in a better way:

  1. Physics It is one subject that students are often afraid of. If the basics of this subject is clear then it is very easy to deal with physics. As we know physics is a concept based subjects you can derive formulas instead of mugging them up. Practice from NCERT books and then other important books from HC Verma and Aggarwals to increase the level of preparation.
  2. Talking about Chemistry candidates need to note down all the chemical reactions and bond and paste them so that they need not mug them up but can just memorise them.
  3. For Biology diagrams are important, Make sure you mark all the points in the diagram. Also, do make sure to practice NCERT as most of the questions are found to be from the book.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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