MAH CET 2023 Application Form (Re-Exam Out), Last Date, Direct Link, Fees, Process

MAHCET Latest Updates

26 Mar, 2025 MAHCET Admit Card 2025 has been released on the official website Candidates can download their hall ticket using their application number and password. Read Full News Here.

MAH MBA CET Application Form: The authority has also informed the eligible candidates via SMS and email on their registered contact details. You need to login using your application number and password and provide the consent for the re-exam.

As per MAH CET 2023 Eligibility Criteria, candidates holding a bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50% marks for general category candidates and 45% for SC/ ST/ PwD candidates could fill MAH CET Application form.

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MAH MBA CET Application Fee is INR 1000/- for general category candidates and INR 800/- for applicants belonging to the reserved categories. Candidates could choose up to 3 test cities at the time of MAH-MBA/MMS-CET Registration 2023. Check MAH CET 2023 Exam Centers

MAH CET Registration Date

MAH CET 2023 Registration Dates

Event Dates
MAH MBA CET Registration Begins February 23, 2023
Last Date for MAH CET 2023 Registration  March 11, 2023 (Extended)
MAH CET 2023 Form Correction March 7 to 11, 2023
Availability of MAH CET 2023 Admit Card By March 23, 2023
MAH CET 2023 Exam Date March 25 & 26, 2023
MAH CET 2023 Registration for Re-exam (Open) April 6 to 16, 2023
MAH CET 2023 Re-exam April 30, 2023

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Documents Required for MAH CET Registration

Documents Required for MAH CET 2023 Registration

Candidates are required to keep the following documents with them before starting MAH CET 2023 Registration:

Documents Required for MAH MBA CET Registration
Class 10 marksheet Class 12 marksheet
Graduation marksheet Address proof
Scanned image of photograph Scanned image of the signature
Caste category certificate Birth certificate
Credit/ Debit card/ Net banking details Valid Email ID and mobile number
MAH CET Application Process

How to Fill MAH CET Application Form 2023?

Registration for MAH CET 2023 is done through online mode only. MAH CET MBA Application forms is made available from the official website- 

Registration for MAH CET 2023 consists of 5 stages: New Candidate Registration, Uploading of scanned photographs, Filling of Application form, Preview of Application, and Payment of Application fee. Step-wise detailed MAH CET Registration process is given below:

Step 1: New Registration

  • Visit the official website of MAH MBA CET 2023.
  • Click on the provided link for a new registration to access MAH CET application form.
  • Read all of the important instructions provided and select the “Continue” tab.
  • Then fill in all the required details like name, last name, contact details, address, and email id. 
  • Enter the captcha code and click on the ‘Save and Next’ tab.
  • After submitting the required details, your MAH CET registration ID and password of the applicant will be generated.
MAH CET Application Form

Step 2: Upload Scanned Documents

  • Scanned images of the photograph and signature of the applicant need to be uploaded in this step.
  • The photograph of the applicant must be 200 x 230 pixels and the size shouldn’t be more than 50 KB in JPG/JPEG format.
  • MAH CET 2023 applicant needs to sign on plain white paper with blank ink before scanning the signature. The dimension of the scanned signature must be 140 x 60 and the file shouldn’t be more than 20 KB in JPG/JPEG format.
  • Upload proper image else the application form will not be submitted.
MAH CET Application Form

Step 3: Fill MAH CET Application Form

The next step is to fill in all the required details in the application form for MAH CET 2023 exam. Candidates need to provide the below-mentioned details in MAH CET Application form:

Personal Details Academic Details Other Details
Gender Degree and stream Category
Marital status Year of Passing Caste Certificate
Date of Birth Marks obtained Type of Disability (for PwD candidates)
Father’s/ Mother’s/ Spouse’s name Percentage & Grades Religion and Domicile

Step 4: Preview MAH CET Application Form

After successful completion of MAH CET Application form, candidates must preview all the filled details and make sure that all information is correct. Verify your signature, photograph, and click on the ‘I Agree’ button. 

Step 5: Payment of MAH CET Application Fee

  • After the documents are uploaded successfully, applicants will be directed to the payment gateway.
  • Pay MAH MBA CET Application fee via online mode through credit/debit card, internet banking, mobile wallets, etc.
  • MAH CET Application fee for all categories has to be paid online only.
  • After successfully making the payment, applicants will receive an e-Receipt through email regarding the successful completion of MAH CET Registration fee payment.
  • In case of payment failure, the applicants are advised to log in again by using their login credentials and repeating the payment procedure.
  • Applicants will have to take a printout of the e-Receipt and MAH CET MBA application form 2023.
Category Application Fee
For General Category Applicants INR 1000
For Applicants belonging to Reserved categories INR 800

Important Points to Remember for Payment of MAH CET Application Fee:

  • Service charges as per rules will be applicable in addition to MAH CET MBA application form processing fee.
  • Do not press the back or refresh button while making the payment in order to avoid double charges. 
  • Upon successful completion of the transaction, an e-Receipt will be generated. Take a printout and keep it safe for future references.
  • Candidates are advised to log in again using their Provisional MAH CET Registration Number and Password and repeat the process of payment, on the failure of payment.

Check MAH CET Exam Day Requirements

MAH CET 2023 Application Form Status

It is mandatory for all candidates to “Register and Confirm” the Online MAH MBA CET Application Form by themselves. No documents are needed to be submitted at this stage.

  • Applicants are advised to carefully check their MAH CET Registration status once they submit the requisite application fee for MAH CET 2023.
  • Applicants are required to submit the documents during the registration process for MBA CET 2023.
  • State CET cell reserves the right to allot exam center to candidates who fill MAH CET Application form 2023. This unique provision for registration is a “one-time” measure. The changes can be done by logging in from the official website.
  • The candidate needs to enter their MAH CET application number and password. Tap on the edit profile option to make changes in the form and then click submit.

Retrieving MAH CET Application Number and Password

In case, the applicant forgets his application number and password for MAH CET 2023 exam, then they should contact on the below-specified correspondence:

Contact numbers: 91-8857954644, +91-9028625695,

MAH CET Registration Important Points

Important Points to Remember for MAH CET 2023 Registration

Applicants are required to ensure that they accurately fill in the details as no changes will be made later on.

  • Personal details must be accurate and exact.
  • Applicants may complete MAH CET 2023 Application Form filling process in multiple sessions by saving the data and clicking on the ‘Save & Next’ tab.
  • After checking the details, applicants need to save their application by clicking the 'Validate your details’ and 'Save & Next' buttons.
  • Applicants need to click on the Preview Tab to go through the whole application form and correct errors, if any, before final submission.
  • Visually impaired applicants need to fill the application form very carefully and cross-check before the final submission of the application form.
  • Applicants must ensure that the dimensions of the photograph and signature to be uploaded are as per the particulars specified by DTE, which are 200 x 230 pixels for the photograph and 140 x 60 pixels for signature.
  • Applicants must verify the e-mail id twice they use to enroll for the test is valid and active until MAH CET (MBA) application form is totally filled and submitted.

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MAH CET Registration FAQs

MAH CET 2023 Registration FAQs

Ques. What are the steps to fill MAH CET Application form 2023?

Ans. The Online Application Submission for MAH MBA CET is a five-step process:

  • Registration
  • Filling up Application Form for MAH CET 2023 for academic, experience, and personal details.
  • Upload of Photograph and Signature
  • Application Preview and final submission
  • Payment of Registration Fee

Ques. What should be the size and format of the photo to be uploaded in MAH CET Application Form?

Ans. The file size of the photograph should be between 20 KB and 50 KB and the signature should be between 10 KB and 20 KB. The photograph and signature must be in .jpg/.jpeg format.

Ques. What is the last date for filling MAH CET Application Form 2023?

Ans. The Application Process for MAH CET 2023 has started on February 23, 2023. Candidates can fill MAH CET Application form till March 11, 2023. 

Ques. What is the minimum eligibility criterion to appear for MAH CET 2023 exam?

Ans. Possessing a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks for general category and 45% for the reserved category is the minimum eligibility criterion to fill MAH CET Application form.

Ques. Will MAH CET Application Forms 2023 be available in offline mode?

Ans. No, MAH CET MBA Application forms are available only in online mode on the official website, No offline form filling process is available for candidates.

Ques. What is the official website for filling MAH MBA CET Application form?

Ans. State Common Entrance Test Cell launches a specific website exclusively for MAH CET (MBA/MMS) exam just like in 2021. However, the common site for all CET exams is-
For MAH CET 2023, the official website is expected to be - 

Ques. I forgot my MAH CET Registration password, how do I retrieve it?

Ans. In such cases candidates are advised to create a new password by following the below-mentioned steps:
  • Click on the ‘online registration tab.
  • Enter your registration number and click on forgot password.
  • Enter your registered email id/ phone number to receive password reset links on them.
  • Create a new password and log in with the same.

Ques. Should I take up the examination if I want to apply for 1st-year Pharmacy courses?

Ans. No, MAH CET exam is exclusively conducted for MBA and MMS admissions. For 1st year Pharmacy courses, candidates need to register for MHT CET exam for Physics, Chemistry, and/or Biology subjects.

Ques. Can I change my test city option after submitting my MAH CET application form?

Ans. There is no provision of form correction for test city in MAH CET. Thus, the candidates cannot change the test city option after submission of MAH CET application form

Ques. If in case I face some trouble while filling MAH CET 2023 form, then whom should I contact?

Ans. If in any case, you face trouble when applying for MAH CET 2023 form then you can contact authorities via:
Contact numbers: (022) 22641150 / 22641151 / 22612139 / 22644859 / 22644861
Fax numbers: (022) 22692102 / 22690007

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year MAHCET Questions

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Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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