MAH CET Preparation 2023: Study Plan, Section-wise Strategy, Tips & Tricks, & Important Books

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MAH CET 2023 Preparation should begin at least 3-4 months before the exam. Preparation for MAH CET exam involves understanding the exam pattern, going through the syllabus, and analyzing previous year papers to get an idea of the difficulty level and types of questions.

  • For completing the entire syllabus, the candidates need to follow a carefully devised study plan and timetable for MAH MBA CET exam preparation.
  • MAH CET Syllabus consists of four sections namely, Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension. 
  • Candidates are advised to give as many mock tests as possible before appearing for the exam.
  • Previous years’ trends of MAH CET exam show that MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude section is the hardest to crack, hence students must devote their maximum time to prepare for this section and devise their MAH CET Preparation strategy accordingly. Check MAH CET Exam Pattern 2023.
MAH CET Preparation Tips

General Preparation Tips for MAH CET 2023

  • Solve as many practice papers as possible to get a real idea of the exam.
  • Jot down the strengths and weaknesses and devote time accordingly.
  • Prepare a timetable and devote enough time for physical exercises.
  • Get a good amount of sleep every night to increase concentration and productivity. 
  • Understanding MAH CET Exam Pattern is essential to crack MAH CET exam. There is no sectional time limit, however, candidates should follow the section-wise time allotment tabulated below:
Section Number of Questions Suggested Time (in minutes)
Logical Reasoning 75 60
Abstract Reasoning 25 20
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension 50 35
Quantitative Aptitude 50 45
Total 200 150

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MAH CET Study Plan

MAH CET Preparation 2023: 3 Month Study Plan

MAH CET (MBA) Preparation Plan for the First Month

  • Look for the most suitable coaching institute to assist you in your preparation. Otherwise, gather all the recommended books and subscribe to all the vital YouTube channels. 
  • Solve a previous year's paper to understand the level and pattern of the exam.
  • Try to complete at least 50% of the syllabus for each section.
  • Attempt at least 2 mock tests at the end of the month to understand your level of MAH CET Preparation.
  • Jot down the important points and analyze the mistakes.

MAH CET (MBA) Preparation Plan for the Second Month

  • Cover the remaining syllabus of each section.
  • Revise the already studied topics in each section. 
  • Attempt 2-3 practice papers every week and analyze your performance. Also, note down any new trick or concept which you come across.
  • Start taking sectional mock tests:
    • MAH CET Logical Reasoning - Monday & Wednesday
    • MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude - Tuesday & Saturday
    • MAH CET Abstract Reasoning - Thursday
    • MAH CET VARC - Friday & Sunday

MAH CET (MBA) Preparation Plan for the Third Month

  • Revise the entire syllabus.
  • Focus on solving sample papers and full-fledged mock tests. Practice as many practice papers as possible.
  • Analyze previous year’s question papers.
  • Jot down the mistakes and rectify them.
  • Study every day and stay away from any distractions.
MAH CET Section-Wise Preparation

MAH CET Section-Wise Preparation Strategy

Every section in MAH CET 2023 exam has been awarded a different weightage with respect to the number of questions. Hence, a section-wise MAH CET Preparation Strategy is essential for scoring well in all sections.

MAH CET Preparation Tips for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Candidates should focus on the below-mentioned points to ace preparation for MAH CET Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension Section.

  • Read newspapers to enhance the skill set in both verbal ability and reading comprehension sections.
  • Maintain a habit of reading the questions first and then answering and not the other way around.
  • Focus on the context of the words if the meaning is incomprehensible. 
Section Preparation Tips
Reading Comprehension Practice 2-3 RC Passages daily. Read Newspapers like The Hindu, The Times of India, and The Indian Express. Read Short stories, novels and articles to understand different themes of RC passages Break elements of passages into simple words to understand the essence.
Verbal Ability Improve the vocabulary by jotting down and memorizing the difficult words.
Read a good reference book for vocabulary like Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis. Practice Sample Papers to get hold of the pattern of questions. Practice confusing grammar topics like prepositions, word usage, etc. daily from books like Wren and Martin, M.Tyra, etc. Read newspapers and journals.

MAH CET Preparation Tips for Logical Reasoning

The Logical Reasoning section has the maximum weightage and hence requires a lot of practice. Below are some preparation tips for MAH CET Logical Reasoning section.

Important Topics for MAH CET Logical Reasoning Preparation
Arrangement (Linear, Circular, Matrix) Blood Relations
Direction-sense  Statements – Assumptions
Fact – Inference – Judgement Syllogisms
Coding-Decoding Ranking
Puzzles Analogies
  • It is advised to know the weightage of each part of the Logical Reasoning section and focus on the important topics.
  • Practice at least 20 questions from Arrangements daily as around 20 questions are asked from this topic alone.
  • Try to visualize the problem and solve the questions with the help of tables and grids.
  • Use the process of elimination, wherever necessary.
  • Avoid choosing the trap answers. 
  • The students should practice previous year’s question papers to get real-time exam experience.

MAH CET Preparation Tips for Abstract Reasoning

  • Do not spend inconsiderable time on one question.
  • Read all important concepts and visualization tricks to solve Non-Verbal Reasoning questions.
  • Do not make any assumptions and stick to whatever the question is asking.
  • Speed and time are crucial elements of this section. The students must devote their time accordingly.
  • The students need to practice as many previous year question papers as possible. 

MAH CET Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude

This is the most time-consuming section of the entire exam. The students need to follow these tips to ace MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude section of the exam.

  • This section requires students to think quickly. Hence, they are advised to solve as many questions as to increase their thinking speed.
  • The students need to memorize the tricks and shortcuts for calculations.
  • Practice is the key to ace this section. So practice at least 20-25 questions every day in the given sequence:
    • Arithmetic - Monday
    • Algebra - Tuesday
    • Geometry - Wednesday
    • Mensuration - Thursday
    • DI - Friday
    • Miscellaneous - Saturday
    • Mock Test - Sunday
  • Don’t make any assumptions and strictly stick to the questions.
  • Solve mock tests and Identify the topics you are weak in and work on them.
  • Don’t stick to one question. If one is unable to solve a question within 60-90 seconds, it is advised to move on to the other.
Best Books for Preparation

Best Books for MAH CET Preparation 2023

Section Book and Author
Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension
  • Verbal Ability by R.S.Aggarwal
  • How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Mastering the Verbal Ability for Cat Common Admission Test by Ajay Singh
  • How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
Quantitative Ability 
  • Quantitative Aptitude Quantum Cat by Sarvesh Kumar
  • How to prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R.S. Aggarwal
  • Data Interpretation for the CAT by Arun Sharma
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning by Arihant Publications
Analytical and Logical Reasoning
  • How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT by Arun Sharma
  • A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R.S.Aggarwal
Coaching Institutes

Coaching Institutes for MAH CET Preparation 2023

Before registering in the coaching institute the candidates need to know about the success rate of the institute. Given below are some of the top coaching institutes in India for MAH CET Preparation 2023.

Career Launcher Prudence Academy
IMS Erudite
BYJU’s classes Bulls Eye
PT Education Endeavor Careers
T.I.M.E MBA Guru
Last Minute Preparation Tips

Last Minute Preparation Tips for MAH CET 2023

  • Revise Important Topics: The students must spend the last week revising the stuff they have already prepared. 
  • Do not pick up new topics: The students are recommended not to pick up new topics a week before the exam. Studying new topics is likely to create confusion.
  • Analyze the mistakes: Students must spend considerable time attempting practice papers. They need to jot down their mistakes and analyze their point of weakness.
  • Rest well: The students need to sleep well and eat enough the day before the exam. It is scientifically proven that a good sleep of 7-8 hours is essential to sharpen memory. 
  • Don’t Take Stress: Taking stress can have a negative effect on your health and performance in the exam. Stay calm and have confidence in your preparation.
Frequently Asked Questions

MAH CET Preparation 2023 FAQs

Ques. How to prepare for MAH CET 2023?

Ans. The students need to gather all the important sources before commencing their preparation for MAH CET 2023. After that, they need to give a diagnostic test to analyze the areas of strengths and weaknesses. Consequently, they need to prepare and follow their timetable accordingly. 

Ques. In how many months can one wind up preparation for MAH CET MBA 2023 exam?

Ans. The students are advised to complete every unit mentioned in the syllabus. Hence, it would take them approximately six months to wind up MAH CET preparation for the 2023 exam. However, before appearing for the exam the students must ensure that they have analyzed their mistakes thoroughly, otherwise, they won’t be able to secure high marks on the first attempt.

Ques. Which section needs the most time during MAH CET Preparation?

Ans. The students need to give a diagnostic test before starting with their preparations for MH CET 2023. This would enable them to realize their topics of weakness. Only then can the students comprehend which topic requires most of their attention, time, and effort. 

Ques. Can I prepare for MAH CET 2023 on my own?

Ans. One can complete their MH CET preparation without taking the coaching. However, before appearing for the exam the students must practice as many practice papers as possible. This will help them in gaining real-time exam experience. 

Ques. Can one depend entirely on mock tests for MAH CET 2023 Preparation?

Ans. One can not rely on mock tests entirely and appear for MAH CET 2023. The students need to devote their time reading thoroughly the recommended books too. However, the students must not forget the importance of mock tests in MAH CET Preparation 2023.

Ques. How many books would be enough for MAH CET 2023 Preparation?

Ans. There is no single book to prepare for MAH CET 2023 exam. The students need to read as many books as possible. Before appearing for the exams they need to make sure that they possess the required skill set for answering the questions.

Ques. Which subject should one begin preparing for MAH MBA CET exam?

Ans. The students need to commence their preparation for MAH CET 2023 from the section that they find the most difficult to comprehend. They can only know this after attempting a diagnostic test. Hence, the students are encouraged to attempt a test before commencing the preparation for the exam.

Ques. What is the most effective strategy for MAH CET Preparation?

Ans. The students need to make their personalized strategy for MAH CET exam preparation 2023. They need to figure out if the adopted strategy is effective or not. The above-mentioned entire article talks about the preparation tips of MAH CET. The students can take assistance from there.

Ques. What mistakes must be avoided during MAH CET exam preparation?

Ans. The following mistakes should be avoided during MAH MBA CET Preparation:

  • Studying for long hours.
  • Studying without a break.
  • Focusing on the topic in which strength lies.
  • Not sleeping enough. 
  • Not analyzing the mistakes.
  • Not going through the previous year’s question papers. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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