MAH CET Exam Pattern 2023: Check Section-wise Pattern, Marking Scheme, Difficulty Level, Syllabus

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MAH CET Exam Pattern 2023 is provided by Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test Cell and no major changes are expected this year. MAH CET 2023 exam duration will be 150 minutes.

  • As per MAH CET Exam Pattern, 200 questions will be asked from 4 sections: Logical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Ability, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension. Check MAH CET 2023 Syllabus
  • MAH CET exam will be conducted in online CBT mode tentatively in August 2023. A clear understanding of MAH CET Exam Pattern 2023 is necessary for efficient exam preparation. Check MAH CET Preparation
  • As per MAH CET marking scheme, there is no negative marking and candidates will be awarded 1 mark for every correct answer. 
  • Candidates must score the minimum required marks to seek admission into an institution of their choice. Check MAH CET Cutoff
  • Candidates must start solving MAH CET Previous Year Papers to begin with their exam preparations. Check MAH CET Previous Year Paper PDFs
MAH CET Exam Pattern Highlights

MAH CET 2023 Exam Pattern Highlights

Particulars Details
Mode of exam Online
Medium of MAH CET exam English
Types of questions MCQs
MAH CET Exam duration 150 minutes
Sectional Time Limit No
Number of Sections 4
Sections Logical Reasoning
Abstract Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension
Total Marks 200
Total Number of questions 200 
Number of Answer Choices per question 5
Marking Scheme +1 mark for each correct answer
No Negative Marking

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MAH CET Sectional Exam Pattern

Section-wise MAH CET Exam Pattern 2023

  • No sectional time limits imposed
  • Candidates can switch between sections as per their preference. However, it is highly recommended to attempt one section completely before moving on to the next one.
  • Candidates can attempt the questions in a particular section in any order.
  • There are no sectional cut offs that a candidate has to clear.

Given below is the section-wise MAH CET exam pattern along with the number of questions and question-time analysis based on previous years’ paper analysis for your reference. 

Sections No. of Questions Type of Questions Question-Time Analysis
Logical Reasoning 75 Critical Reasoning, Puzzle sets, Seating Arrangement, Syllogisms, Blood Relations 40 Questions – 40 seconds to 60 seconds per question. 
35 Questions will consume around 2 minutes each.
Abstract Reasoning 25 Non-Verbal Reasoning, Venn diagrams, Odd one out, standalone questions on topics of logical and critical reasoning.

Based primarily on non-verbal reasoning, the section will have around:

  • 10 questions that can be attempted in 40-60 seconds each.
  • 15 questions will consume around 1-1.5 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 50 Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Data Interpretation sets 15-20 Questions – 30 to 40 seconds each. 
The remaining questions can consume more than 2 minutes.
Verbal Ability 50 Fill in the blanks, Sentence Completion, Para Completion, Reading Comprehension Passages

20 questions – 30-60 seconds each

30 questions will consume more than 1 minute each.

MAH CET Marking Scheme

MAH CET 2023 Marking Scheme

As per MAH CET Exam Pattern, no changes have been made in the marking scheme of MAH CET 2023.

  • 150 minutes will be provided to answer 200 questions.
  • 1 mark will be awarded for every correct response
  • There will be no negative marking
  • No marks will be deducted for unanswered questions
Name of the section Number of questions Marks per question Maximum marks
Logical Reasoning 75 1 75
Abstract Reasoning 25 1 25
Quantitative Aptitude 50 1 50
Verbal Ability/Reading Competition 50 1 50
Total 200  - 200

MAH CET Score Normalisation Process

The Scores of the Online Examination will be obtained by adopting the following procedure:

  1. The final score will be determined by the total number of correctly answered questions in each objective test.
  2. Scores obtained by the candidate will be equated to the base form by considering a distribution of scores of all forms.
  3. Scores will be marked with decimal points up to two digits.

The final scores presented are called “Equated Scores” and are mentioned in MAH CET Scorecard.

Download MAH CET Free Sample Papers

MAH CET Syllabus

MAH CET 2023 Syllabus

MAH CET Syllabus 2023 is vast and candidates must be aware of it in detail. MAH CET Syllabus 2023 has been divided into 3 sections: Logical & Abstract Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension. Given below is the section-wise syllabus for MAH CET 2023 exam:

Logical/ Abstract Reasoning

MAH CET Logical Reasoning assesses a candidate’s ability to interpret number sequences and questions based on verbal & non-verbal reasoning. It will have questions from the following topics:

Linear and Circular Arrangement Series Completion
Venn Diagram Coding/Decoding
Syllogisms Symbol-based Comparison
Sequential Output Selection Criteria
Blood Relations Conditional Coding
Conditional Coding Direction Sense

Quantitative Aptitude

MAH CET Quantitative Aptitude is added to assess the quantitative reasoning and interpretation skills of the candidates. It will include 50 questions from the following topics:

Arithmetic Algebra
Mensuration Probability
Trigonometry Numbers
Quantitative Reasoning Data Sufficiency
Geometry Ratio & Proportion
Percentage Data Interpretation – Graphs, Charts, Tables

Verbal Ability/ Reading Comprehension

This includes English language grammar and basics and is designed to test comprehension and accuracy of the English language. This section will include 50 questions from the following topics:

Antonyms & Synonyms Reading Comprehension Fill in the blanks
Grammar Sentence completion, arrangement Spelling/Inappropriate usage
Vocabulary Para Jumbles Error Correction

MAH CET Preparation Books

Check detailed MAH CET Syllabus

MAH CET 2023 Books for Preparation

Name of the book Author/Publisher
Quantum CAT S K Verma
How to Prepare for DI for CAT Arun Sharma
Word Power Made Easy Norman Lewis
How to Prepare for VARC for CAT Meenakshi Upadhyay & Arun Sharma
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning R S Aggarwal
50+ Solved Papers Arihant
Solved and Mock Papers Arihant
Entrance guide for MHA MBA Deepak Aggarwal
MBA Mock Papers R. K Jha
Mock Papers Disha Experts

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MAH CET Paper Analysis

MAH CET Exam Analysis: Number of Questions & Difficulty Level

Verbal Ability/Reading Comprehension

This section mostly includes questions on the usage of contextual vocabulary, phrases, synonyms, antonyms. Few questions are difficult and some are moderate. Reading comprehension accounts for 15-18 questions out of 50 questions

Topics of questions Number of questions Difficulty level
Reading comprehension passages – 600 to 800 words 15 Moderate
Vocabulary (Synonyms, antonyms, contextual usage, formation of words with specific letters, matching the words, Fill in the blanks) 15 Moderate
Para jumble, Para placement, completion, out of context, Fill in the blanks 5 Tricky
Error correction in Sentences  6 Moderate to difficult
Passage Inference  1 Moderate
Replacement of Phrases  5 Moderate to Difficult
Fill in the blanks - Phrase  1 Moderate to difficult
Interchanging the words  3 Moderate to difficult

Quantitative Aptitude

The level of difficulty is moderate to difficult. There are mostly four sets of Data Interpretation questions and mostly the questions are on Arithmetic. Data Interpretation carries 20 questions and the remaining questions are from Arithmetic Aptitude.

Question topics Number of questions Difficulty level
Arithmetic (Percentage, P&L, TSD, ratio, etc) 10 Moderate
Geometry 2 Moderate to difficult
Modern Maths 1 Moderate
Graph, Pie charts, Table, case lets (DI questions) 20 Moderate to difficult
Data sufficiency 4 Moderate
Others including Algebra, odd man out 8 Moderate to difficult
Approximation  5 Moderate

Logical Reasoning

  • The logical reasoning section has 75 variable questions. It includes question sets on series, statements,inferences & conclusions, true/false and coding/decoding.
  • There are about 59-60 questions on Non-Verbal Reasoning and the remaining 15-16 fall under the Verbal Reasoning section in  MAH CET Exam.
  • Statements, arrangements, family trees, and letter re-arrangements are amongst the most favorite sections in the exam. The questions are usually in the form of sets. They can be quite lengthy in nature and may take a considerable amount of time to solve.
  • A majority of the questions in The Verbal Reasoning Section section belong to Critical Reasoning, Syllogism, and others.  The questions on syllogisms are usually moderate but time-consuming.
  • Cause-effect and strong-weak arguments are also some of the other time-consuming questions which test takers have encountered in the past. However, these questions are not as difficult as compared with the other sections and are quite doable in nature.
Question topics Number of questions Difficulty level
Arrangements-Seating, Linear, Matrix, Square, etc. 28 Moderate to difficult
Statement-conclusion, inference, cause-effect 7 Moderate to difficult
Direction 5 Moderate
Family tree-blood relationship 5 Moderate
Syllogism 6 Moderate to difficult
Critical reasoning  15 Moderate
Assumption 3 Moderate
Data sufficiency 4 Moderate to difficult
Letter re-arrangements 2 Moderate

Abstract Reasoning

The Abstract Reasoning section is moderate in nature and candidates must try to maximize their attempts in this particular section. Most questions are based on analogy, series, and puzzles. A majority of the questions in this section are quite similar to Visual Reasoning questions.

Question topics Number of questions Difficulty level
Series Completion 11-12 Moderate to difficult
Analogy  6-7 Moderate to difficult
Matching of Pair 7-8 Moderate

Check detailed MAH CET Paper Analysis

MAH CET Preparation Strategy

MAH CET Preparation Strategy 2023

  • Go through MAH CET Exam Pattern thoroughly to understand the types of questions, weightage, marking scheme, and difficulty level.
  • Prepare a well-thought study plan and complete MAH CET Syllabus for MBA accordingly to ensure timely preparation and revision.
  • Revision of important formulas and concepts is a must to perform well in the exam.
  • Take regular breaks during preparation to freshen your mind and retain what has been learned.
  • For the VARC section, it is recommended to develop a habit of reading and practicing grammar concepts every day.
  • Solving Mock Tests is the key to cracking MAH CET 2023 exam. Try to attempt at least 2 mock tests every week and analyze your performance in it. 
  • Practice Previous Year MAH CET Question Papers to increase your efficiency and improve performance.

Check MAH CET Preparation Tips, Study Plan, and Timetable

How to choose the correct answer in MAH CET 2023?

The candidate will have a combination of 5 alternatives in a palette. The procedure of choosing the correct answer for MAH CET exam is given below:

Question Paper Pattern

Note: If the answer that has been selected is for a question that is ”Marked for Review” then, the answer will be considered in the final evaluation.
  1. How to select the correct answer?
  • Select the most appropriate answer and ‘mouse click’
  • The clicked option will be treated as the answer to that question.
  • The final submission of the answer will be marked by clicking on “Save &Next” or “Mark or Review”
  1. You can select the question of the answer in one of the following ways:
  1. You can click the question number on the question palette to go to the numbered question directly.
  2. You can click on ‘Save & Next to save answers to the current question.
  3. You can click on ‘Mark for Review and Next to save answers.
  1. For selecting your answer, click on one of the following options:
  1. To change your answer, select the question and then click on the new answer option.
  2. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the desired option or click on the Clear Response button.
  3. To save your answer, click on “Save & Next”.
Note: Only “Saved & Marked” questions will be considered for evaluation. To view a question click on “test name” on the top bar of the screen.
MAH CET Exam Pattern FAQs

MAH CET Exam Pattern FAQs

Ques. What is the duration of MAH CET MBA 2023 exam?

Ans. The duration of MAH CET 2023 exam is 150 minutes or 2.5 hours. Candidates have to attempt 200 questions in this time duration.

Ques. Is there a provision of negative marking in MAH CET exam?

Ans. No, there is no negative marking for any wrong answers. Also, there is no deduction of marks for unattempted questions.

Ques. Which section of MAH CET exam has the highest weightage?

Ans. The Logical Reasoning section has the highest weightage of 75 marks. Candidates must note that there will be 75 questions carrying 1 mark each.

Ques. Am I allowed to use a calculator on exam day?

Ans. No, candidates will not be allowed to carry any calculator or other electronic devices to the exam center. However, candidates will be allowed to use the on-screen calculator during the exam.

Ques. Can I prepare for MAH CET 2023 exam in 1 month?

Ans. Nothing is impossible if you have the confidence and determination. Although the syllabus is vast if you spend at least 8 hours every day and solve mock tests, then you can prepare well for the exam.

Ques. Is there any sectional time limit in MAH CET exam?

Ans. No, there is no provision of a sectional time limit in MAH CET exam. Candidates will be given 150 minutes to solve all the 200 questions.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Previous Year MAHCET Questions

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