Birla VIshvakarma Mahavidyalaya engineering college

Dr. Bhargav Goradiya is seasoned academician, having more than two decades of experience. Presently he is Professor and HoD of Electronics and Communication engineering department at Birla VIshvakarma Mahavidyalaya engineering college. He is having keen interest of developing sustainable, affordable, low cost and robust solutions for smart cities. His area of interest is towards Machine learning, IoT and Medical electronics. He was instrumental in fetching world bank supported MHRD TEQIP II grant of rupees 10 crore at BVM. Dr. Goradiya was Pioneer in promoting the entrepreneurship and has established BVM incubation centre for promoting student start-up activities. He is having strong belief that engineering education is not within four walls of classroom but in constant and continuous interaction with industries. He has setup centre of excellence in the domain of IoT infrastructure in association with System Level Solution (SLS) at BVM. Through his interview Dr. Goradiya explains his association with the education sector. He shares his thoughts and valuable advice to the students and lays down his thoughts upon the current situation of the country in education. Read here to know more about what he has to say.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector? 

“It is pivotal to channelize the potential of the students to yield the maximum results”

There are many factors that I believe have molded me into the person I have become. My everyday motivation, which excites me the most, is to be with enthusiastic and creative students. I have always been fascinated by the idea of shaping the young ignited minds. Teaching and mentoring students give me immense pleasure and a sense of satisfaction. Their naivety and curiosity excite me.Moreover, I believe that a young mind has immense potential and can adapt to change quickly. Therefore, it is essential to channelize their potential in the right direction to yield the best results. Identifying students' strengths not only in the technical domain but in providing the appropriate platform in the non-scholastic domain certainly enhances the students' overall personality. To sum up, I would say shaping their future and guiding them to be on the right path makes me connected to the education sector. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style? 

“A leader identifies the strengths of each individual and maps the appropriate work to them” 

The word leadership puts immense responsibility on the shoulder of the leader. It’s not an easy job as it requires continuous perseverance and dedication. Being a leader – HOD of the department, I certainly don’t believe in ruling people. My leadership philosophy is in the inclusive growth of students, teaching, and non-teaching staff members, focusing on imparting the finest teaching-learning to the students. I firmly believe that leadership should imbibe the sense of belonging amongst all the stakeholders like students, parents, alumni members, and faculty members. I am empowering the students in various student chapters like IEEE, ISTE, IE(I), robotics club, and nurturing their skills of leadership and education. I believe that unity brings prosperity, and that’s my philosophy to the Electronics and Communication department. 

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How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for marketing and administration of your school? 

“We equip students with the best education so that they flourish their innovative ideas into reality”

Marketing has become an essential part of any institute nowadays as it plays a vital role in getting a good number of quality students. However, we don’t believe in direct marketing for attracting students; we believe that action speaks louder than words. I am glad to share that around 20% of the total enrolled students are the siblings of our department alumni members at any point in time. Electronics and Communication Department of Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya possess one of the adequate faculty bases in Gujarat, with a 100% retention ratio for more than a decade. 

Apart from high-quality education, our institute provides various facilities to the students to flourish their innovative ideas into reality. Institute has well established Students Startup and Innovation Policy (SSIP) through which a student or team of students supported up to Rs. 2 lacs for developing prototype or PoC. Institute is well connected with the startup ecosystem for supporting students' startup for scalability. Institute also possesses a well-established center of excellence in Pile Testing, Supercomputers, IoT infrastructure, RF, Microwave, and Antenna testing research center. 

How does the curriculum of Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya ensure the best practice of industry? 

“We focus on providing hands-on training for the students and help gain industrial knowledge”

Industry exposure is the need of the hour, especially for the students who are keen to work in the industries. We aim to connect with the industries via “One Faculty- One Industry” so that every student gets sufficient exposure to the industry. Each faculty is associated with at least one industry expert and arranges seminars and hands-on sessions to guide students. To promote and support industry interaction – Saturday is reserved only for learning beyond the syllabus. On an average of more than 250 expert lectures, 50 industrial visits, 50+ workshops, 10+ STTPs/FDPs are organized every year. 

Also, industry experts are involved at the Academic Council, Board of studies. Some of the best practices that the institute follows are Industry Meet, Project Expo, Mandatory Industry Internship, and allowing the student to go for a full semester Industry Project. To produce industry-ready graduates: department offers subjects which are entirely taught by industrial experts. Institute has MoUs with 76 Industries for knowledge sharing, a student internship, joint Research, and Development. 

“India’s diversity and vibrant history have always attracted and cherished foreign culture. Thus, India provides the best education to international students. One such initiative is by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) under which BVM has also received many international students from Afghanistan and South Africa”

What do you think should be the university’s top priority over the next 10 years? 

“We are aiming for an all-round development in all the segments to evolve as a reputed institute”

The primary objective is to enhance students throughput in terms of placements, higher studies, and registering startups. In my opinion, the university's top priority should be on getting an autonomous university status, along with NAAC accreditation, and to stand out in the top 100 universities in NIRF ranking. Observing the global trends, we would soon be introducing B. Tech. and M. Tech. Programs in the field of emerging areas recognized by AICTE. Presently we have introduced the concept of a minor degree, and in the future, we can extend it to a dual degree. Moreover, once we get the fully autonomous status, we may think of expanding the BVM brand nationally by opening campuses at different places. Also, setting up bonds with foreign universities is a long term vision. 

What do you see as Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya’s greatest strengths? 

“The greatest strength for any institute lies in its Faculties, Students, Industry connections, and Alumni”

  • Our Faculty members have an average experience of over 25 years. Some of the noteworthy attributes of our faculty members are almost 100% retention rate, ready to adapt changes in technology, teaching-learning methodology. The quality education that we provide comprises the Problem Based Learning (PBL) to justify outcome-based education (OBE). Teaching-learning methodology always caters to 4Cs (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking).
  • Students & support system is another greatest strength of our institute, they work very closely with each endeavor of the institute, and meritorious students with the zeal of learning and full of creativity provide the second pillar of the system.
  • Industry Connect: with the constant and continuous efforts of the institution and department, the institute has established strong bonding with Employer, Recruiter, Micro, Small, Medium, and large corporates. The major focus of interaction is towards solving the problems of industries, society, and governance by providing process/product/service innovation. 
  • Alumni“Once a BVMite is always a BVMite”. In the last 72 years BVM has produced more than 21000 engineering graduates. They are the strongest pillar of our institute. Alumni association is always ready to put forward its helping hand. Recently our respected alumni Dr. Anil Naik (Group Chairman L&T) is conferred with “Padma Vibhushan” by the Government of India.

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What are some challenges you see for education in general and for Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya specifically? 

“Students and parents should understand and make wise decisions while opting for subject streams”

Like every other institute, we are also prone to the challenges and wavy trends of the branches. The biggest challenge I feel is about the lack of awareness among the students and parents. Neither student are aware of which specific branch to choose nor parents. The delusion of getting into some specific branch makes a mass movement, and they fail to see the bigger picture. The influence of peers and society plays a vital role, which unnecessarily creates hype and hoopla about the desirability making decisions. This perennial problem’s panacea is to make parents aware of their child’s caliber and their interests.