Camellia School of Engineering & Technology

Dr Tripti Guin Biswas is the Principal of Camellia School of Engineering and Technology. She has multiple research publications and international conference presentations to her credit. Dr.Biswas has held key positions in various institutions of repute over the past few years of her career. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Exploring the scopes for development and research in the engineering sector”

My passion to inspire the youth to utilize their technical skills and knowledge for the implementation of advanced technologies that can be used for the overall development of the country has kept me connected. Science and Technology are directly related to the overall development of the country. The standard of living and form of life are indispensably dependent on technology. It is a major challenge for the country to produce engineering talent for the overall development of society. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Being a leader that the situation calls for”

To the best of my view, the institution needs a new paradigm to thrive in the future. Hence, leadership philosophy is a structured approach to lead others. I believe in democratic leadership philosophy and transformational leadership approach. I always intend to share responsibilities with the team. I make sure to listen to their ideas and inspire them as and when needed. I interact with empathy, thoughtfulness and kindness. I always focus on establishing new benchmarks and goals to cope up with the advanced technologies and their implications.

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How does the curriculum of your Institute ensure the best practice of industry?

“Arranging for industrial interactions and practical applications of the theory being taught”

The institute has collaboration with several industries to ensure the industrial relevant application-based training for the students. These arrangements help us to bridge the gap between theoretical classroom knowledge and practical field applications. Besides, several training based programs are conducted throughout the year to enhance the employability. The teachers put their best effort to learn and guide the students. Industry visits, interaction with industry experts, technical exhibitions etc. are arranged throughout the year to make the students aware of applications of theoretical knowledge.

Any insights into how your Institute could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Financial background should not decide the availability of education”

The institute offers merit-based scholarships to help the meritorious students with weak economic background. There are several scholarship schemes offered by the government to such students where the tuition fees are waived off depending on their merit. 

What do you think your roles and responsibilities to the Institute and the students are?

“inspiring students to become a better version of themselves”​

As an academic head of the institution, I always prefer to offer a cordial and professionally guided ambience to the students so that they feel free to learn things of their best interest. I always inspire the students to understand their strength and utilize it for their successful future.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Develop a sense of responsibility towards your goals and the society as well”

The youth has immense capacity and intellect to learn things and connect themselves to cope up with advanced technologies and their implications. You are open to numerous possibilities to stand as a successful professional in future. It is important to invest your quality time to fix your goals and strive hard to achieve it. Achieving goals requires effort and hard work. 

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How do you tend to establish a healthy relation and environment in your Institute?

“Emphasizing on the importance of having an ethical approach”

Our teachers act as mentors for the students. They are cordial towards the students. All other staff members are humble towards the students to make them feel comfortable while staying inside the institute. The relationships are nurtured with mutual respect and trust. We have kept the management transparent so that there is no space for misunderstanding.