Dr. S.K. Moulick is working as the Principal at Columbia Institute of Engineering and Technology. He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and has 22 years of experience. He has worked very hard to achieve this post and he believes in achieving excellence through a positive attitude, towards the students, towards innovation and towards building up a global citizen.

CIET Raipur

What are the future goals of the Columbia Institute of Technology?

“To increase the business value of college and create a beast environment for students to grow”

Our goals for the upcoming years are that we will be mainly focusing on our weak areas and will give our best to overcome those hurdles which are becoming a hindrance in increasing the business value of college and in making our institute the best for our students. We do believe in slow but strong growth, we want to make education available for everyone and for this we are working very hard day and night.

What difference is there in Indian and Foreign education culture and which is best according to you?

“Foreign education system is in a much better position but we are also growing in this area”

We Indians still use to follow old methods of teaching, because somewhere we all know that it is the best method, sometimes we don’t get many opportunities to learn and sometimes we don’t want to focus on real issues of society, what we want is only to study through that traditional method and get a decent job and that’s why we don’t focus much on implementation rather we want to just learn things and want to achieve good marks in exams. Whereas Foreign countries focus on new methods which maybe bring better outcomes for them but according to me Indian system of learning is developing is far better than any other country in the world.

What are your views about this competitive world which is pushing students to do their best?

“Don’t push yourself only for a good result in every race, focus on your unique skills”

The race which we have been seeing is every student wants to come at no. 1 position, but according to me coming 1st doesn’t make you a winner or makes you win anything. Students and parents both should focus on the quality of education it is the best for student and their future.

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What would you like people to know about your Institute?

“We do offer best education and opportunities to students to learn and grow”

If I talk about our campus it is lavishly spread over lush green land and situated 14 km. away from the hustle-bustle of the city and just 4 km from Chhattisgarh state assembly and setting unabated efforts to add value in Pharma, Engineering and Management education. Our institute is unique because we have classes from nursery to courses like P. HD in our organization, we are one of the oldest and the best institutes, we believe in practical knowledge and try to understand student’s issues and strive to provide the best education and guidance for their overall personality development and better growth.

Any suggestions you would like to give to current youths and aspiring students?

“Be patient and make the best use of every opportunity that comes your way”

I want to give a message that there isn’t any shortcut in life, if you study today you will achieve tomorrow. If your today is bad tomorrow will be best, always choose your own way of learning, understanding, studying and focusing, because If you do good today it will help you in better future. Value your time, teachers and parents because they are the main pillars in your whole journey.

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