Dr. Pijush Pal Roy is the Director of Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur. He is an Outstanding Scientist and Research enthusiast. He has completed his post-graduate degree and has a Ph.D. in Applied Sciences. He has also done advanced professional training from the University of Sunderland, UK and Management institute in India. He has 32 years of R&D experience as a Blasting Scientist and has worked in more than 400 mines and quarries and around 15 prestigious hydroelectric projects of the country as part of sponsored and consultancy assignments. He is the author of 5 books published in India and abroad, 1 book chapter, 2 Guidelines, 1 handy-manual and nearly 129 scientific papers published in International and National Journals. There are extensive references to his work in Standard Text Books written by the world-renowned scientists of India and abroad. 

Dr.B.C.Roy Engineering College

What factors connect you to the education sector? 

“A passion to build stronger academic structures and policies”

An institution of higher learning is built upon four pillars. Academics are the college's first pillar. The second factor is a conducive environment. Discipline is third, followed by campusing. Building the brand of your college is very important. Once your college is established as a top college, you have an environment that is conducive to learning. I am passionate about all four of these things.

How do you plan the marketing and administration of your school?

"Communication platforms and collaborative activities for marketing"

  • Our faculty consists of 170 members, of whom 63 hold doctorates. During this pandemic, I am focusing eminently on teaching-learning. I have completed over 9000 online classes and over 50 webinars to date. We had speakers from all over the world, including alumni working around the world in different positions.
  • We have a collaboration with Cambridge marketing college, Texas Innovation Lab, Urban Computers, Desun Hospital, and MoU with PPSV. 
  • One way to create brand awareness can be through television, such as regular advertisements on television channels. Marketing through social media is also available. 
  • We have a training and placement company at Kolkata which was established in the year 2002. We also established our training and placement campus in 2018. 

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different backgrounds?

“A zero-tolerance policy towards any discriminatory activity”

Our organization offers a number of scholarships for students of different economic backgrounds. We don't charge much for anything at our college. In our case, the cost of 4 meals will be INR 410 and for the hostel fee, we will be charging INR 1500. Knowledge is emphasised since this enables them to be both good engineers and good people. Student background is not a factor in a student's classification. 

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What do you think your responsibilities to the University and the students are?

“Ensuring discipline, smooth operations and healthy academic environment”

The first thing I will do is to see how the college is performing academically. Secondly, I need to review the college's discipline. In order to evaluate the students, I have to verify whether or not they are prepared for the interviews. My responsibility is to oversee all cultural activities as well, to enable a balanced college life. My main goal is to see if everything is going according to our set plans. 

What do you think should be the University's top priority over the next 10 years?

“To become a trustworthy and reputable institute”

Our top priority is to raise the brand awareness of our college. We aim to become the best college not just in West Bengal but also in India. Building dedicated professionals in the field of Engineering with a strong skill set is our motto. We aim to work in this direction in the coming years.

What are some of the biggest challenges for the higher education sector?

“Mushrooming of institutes and lack of decent job opportunities in the region”

Specifically in this state, our college is facing the biggest challenge: congestion. Our students need to be placed in good company with proper placement. Unfortunately, the state has fewer companies and new ones aren't coming, so students move out in search of opportunities. It is hard to motivate students for engineering, and it is a challenge to do so. It is imperative that we make good engineers before the country can develop.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth?

"Do your duty, work for the good of the nation, and be sincere"

As an expert, all I can say is that one must be sincere, do their duty, and work for the good of the nation. Because the foundation is built in these four years, it is important for the student to be sincere. There is no alternative for hard work and persistence.