This year Common Management Test, CMAT 2016 will be conducted only once in single slot at several pre mentioned exam centres. Final selection process varies from one B-School to other. There are approximately 400 B-Schools all over India who accepts CMAT 2016 score. You may check brief details as mentioned so that you could prepare well & perform well in CMAT 2016.
Now once in a year:
Till now students were have been selected through CMAT which was conducted two times in a year. But this year CMAT 2016 will be conducted only once according to new CMAT Exam pattern. Now you have only one chance to show your talent.
Whole selection proceedings of CMAT 2016 has been classified under two steps:
- To take CMAT 2016 test, a very basic but crucial step is CMAT 2016 Application process..
- Once you have taken the test, you have to wait till the result has been declared. After briefing of result a merit list will be provided to the State Governments. Seats will be allotted to a student after centralized counselling.
- The decision regarding admission process is solely decided by the institute’s authority from where you have got your short listing call. These factors may be tested for selection:
- GD (CMAT 2016 GD Preparation)
- PI
- If there is no any centralized counselling procedure then B-Schools may call a student as per merit list.
Score Calculation:
As your selection is depends on the marks you have scored & alternatively CMAT 2016 Cutoff in the entrance. At this stage you need to know the marking scheme which affects your performance & alternatively selection. You can calculate your percentile by this formula:
Percentile (P) = (N-your rank/N) * 100
N- Number of students appeared for CMAT 2016
Selection Criteria for Foreign students/Non Residential Indians (NRI) & Person with Indian Origin (PIO):
Now foreign students seeking admission through CMAT could appear for the test at pre declared exam centres namely,
Country |
City |
Malaysia |
Kuala Lumpur |
Afghanistan |
Kabul |
Nepal |
Kathmandu |
Nigeria |
Lagos |
Dubai |
Consequences & solutions of same ranking/score on merit list:
At the time of merit list preparation of CMAT, if more than one student has been enquired with same score then final list will be prepared on the basis of sectional score obtained in the below mentioned order.
- Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation
- Logical Reasoning
- Language Comprehension
- General Awareness
For Example: Case1: If one student scores, 68 marks in QA, 56 in LR, 72 in LC & 48 in GA. Second student scores 48 in QA, 72 in LR, 56 in LC & 68 in GA (Both students are belongs to General category).
Explanation: Both of these students have scored equal marks i.e. total 244 marks & maintain same position in merit list. To avoid this situation above sectional order will be considered. Who have scored more marks in QA will ranked higher in merit in comparison to the one who have scored less.
Case 2: With respect to the above ranking if the students come up with the same position in merit list then the rank allotted to them will be maintained in alphabetical order.
Explanation: If a student have positioned 27th in the list & if there are three more students with same sectional marks then they will be extended from 28th to 30th.
Cancellation of final selection:
- If any student is found to be guilty in terms of incorrect information at any stage of selection then he/she will be disqualified from selection process.
- If you want to gather information under RTI regarding exanimation then you have to send your queries within one month of result announcement.