Dr. Sheeja V Francis is a Professor and Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. She has a rich teaching experience of more than twenty-five years. She has explored the possibilities of using non-ionizing radiations in diagnostics instead of the bio-hazardous X-rays currently in use. She has presented her works at several National and International Seminars & Conferences and published several research papers in reputed International Journals. She is also an invited reviewer with leading international journals. Additionally, as Dean of Augmentation, she directs diverse learning activities such as online courses through NPTEL, IIT-PALS initiatives, GATE/ ESE / Foreign Languages, etc.

Jerusalem College Of Engineering

What factors connected you with the education sector throughout your professional career?

My love for sharing knowledge through teaching influenced my connection with the education sector. I am also passionate about gaining knowledge and upgrading my skills. The feeling of responsibility towards grooming young students into reliable professionals for the future is fascinating.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

As a leader, I follow an inclusive model. I believe that leadership is all about prioritizing the interest of your team over one’s self. It nurtures the feeling of motivating a team and helping them to explore their maximum potential. Also, a good leader initiates, implements, appreciates, and corrects a team if required with friendly approaches. 

How do you strategize the programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your institute?

We have designed several strategies for marketing, like meeting students at school and creating interest in engineering education, and advertising on mass media to make our name familiar in households. Furthermore, we continuously publish news, events, achievements from time to time in digital and print media.

We frequently update our website and post on social media handles to enforce these strategies. We have decentralization of powers for various activities under marketing. We also ensure the involvement of an adequate workforce in defined roles and responsibilities.

We attract students by including skills and hands-on courses/ modules that educate them about technological advances. We also ensure they gain personality and communication skills in the institute. 

The education systems in India and other foreign countries are structured very differently. In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

The students studying here can get the best of the two worlds at an affordable cost.

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How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?

The curriculum is holistic in the sense delivers theoretical, practical, and personality development courses. In addition, the best practices followed through industrial visits, in-plant training, internships, projects, and workshops offered by industry personnel

Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

The college welcomes students of all social backgrounds by extending several Governmental and Non Governmental Scholarship Schemes.

What do you think are your roles and responsibilities to the University and the students?

At the institute, I am responsible for implementing rules and regulations of the college to self-groom themselves. Furthermore, I visualize the curriculum structure, course objectives, and outcomes and explore betterment. Consequently, nurturing creativity and technical prowess and exhibiting the same through efficiently implemented projects

For the institute, I have to ensure quality infrastructure, competent faculty, and a holistic curriculum that produces industry-ready graduates.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next ten years?

The top priorities include adapting to the paradigm shifts in the teaching and learning process from theory to skill development. We aim to visualize behavioral changes in students and adopt hybrid modes of instructional delivery and evaluation systems to bring about subtle behavior, attitude, and skill. We also emphasize future technologies and skills in the curriculum.

When you first came to the institute, what was your vision for the university? Has it evolved, and how far are you in implementing that vision?

The college was stepping into the Autonomous structure in 2019. My vision of implementing a holistic and complete technical education with the flexibility of designing our curriculum has been evolving and getting fine-tuned as we presented our syllabi to various academic boards. The first regulation under Autonomy has been implemented and has reached the final year successfully, providing complete satisfaction to the academic heads and an urge to improvise further.

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

I want the people to know that our institute provides access to quality engineering/management education. Now the dream education is affordable to all classes of society through the easy availability of educational loans and scholarships. JCE is the place that guarantees the best future for students at a minimal cost.

What do you see as your institute’s greatest strengths?

Our strengths include a wholesome curriculum covering fundamental subjects to recent technology, skill-developing practical/project-based courses, and personality and soft skills grooming courses. We provide abundant opportunities for students to exhibit their technical, nontechnical, co, and extracurricular prowess. They enjoy college life through NSS, YRC, Culturals, Symposia, Club Activities, Field trips, health camps, etc. 

We also have Vibrant Alumni Connect that guides current students through guest talks, workshops, and career guidance. Lastly, we are also at easy connectivity from all parts of the city.

What challenges do you see for higher education, in general, and your institute specifically?

Rapid technological change and high industry standards are global challenges that academia struggles to reach. It is challenging to offer recent trends in technology without compromising on foundational subjects. Another challenge includes the need to upskill and train the stakeholders.

What are your suggestions to the current youth and aspiring students?

Students must inculcate the right attitude. They should ignite a fire within themselves for learning and train themselves to learn, unlearn and relearn as technology evolves. They should be aware of present scenarios and future trends to equip themselves with necessary value additions.

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What are you currently (or will be) designing for your college's international affairs and students?

International twinning programs or student exchange is not allowed under the purview of the Autonomous structure. However, we might provide international exposure through Guest lectures, Conferences, and Ph.D. Viva Voce etc., in online/offline modes involving speakers from foreign universities and research centers.

How do you establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute?

I foster healthy relationships by ensuring equality and fraternity, ample academic freedom, employee-friendly policies, etc., on campus. Apart from regular academics, the college has a proctor system, professional counseling, an anti-sexual harassment cell, support mechanisms for slow learners, parent-teachers meets, sports, and cultural and social activities.