Dr. M.M. Bhagwat is designated as the Principal of Rajendra Mane College of Engineering and Technology. A Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad, he has nearly 21 years of experience in the education industry. The academician has published eight papers in international and nine papers in national journals of repute. With this, he is a life member of Indian Society for Technical Education and Senior member of Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering. 

In an exclusive interview with Mohit, Dr. Bhagwat shares his experience in the education industry, his accomplishments and more. Edited excerpts: 

Experience in the education industry and what sets it apart from others 

I am working in this noble profession of teaching since last 21 years. We are the sole people who gets this beautiful chance to groom students for the upcoming challenges. As a professional we take it as our sincere responsibility to work on each students’ independent attributes like communication skills, ethics, self-learning, lifelong learning, teamwork, etc. 

I believe that students are like toys of wax and they can be moulded in a way, we want. So, teaching fraternity can contribute considerably in developing the next generation. That is why it makes it the best industry to work in. 

Leadership philosophy and style 

I strongly believe in decentralization and delegation of authority. If subordinates are given due respect and motivation, they can give extra ordinary results as an outcome. So, my leadership styles are participative type of leadership and situational leadership style, whenever required. 

Read about RMCET Courses & Fee

Challenges faced while heading RMCET 

After taking the charge as the Principal,during the last four years,I was successful in creating awareness among teaching faculty members that they need to contribute in many ways to the development of an institute other than their teaching load and 

many good things are possible to achieve through effective Team work. As an outcome of it, we have attained the following achievements like -

  • Our Institute has B+ Grade in NAAC committee assessment, 
  • Ranked under the Gold Category in AICTE-CII Survey during Academic year 2016 & 2017, 
  • Received ISTE Best Campus Award 2018, 
  • Ranked amongst Best 200 Private Engineering colleges in India Today-MDRA Survey during the year 2018 and Year 2019 

Future plans for the engineering college 

We are planning to apply for NBA accreditation of all programs in a phase wise manner, ensuring the establishment of basic quality. Subsequently, we will apply for permanent University affiliation and then for autonomy so that we can have a freedom to develop curriculum as per the industry requirements and as per the requirements of all the stakeholders around. 

Click here RMCET Faculty

Adding that extra touch in RMCET curriculum 

Being an affiliated institute to the University of Mumbai, we have to follow the curriculum of the affiliating university, but to make our students industry ready, we offer various add on courses and various soft skill training programs to students. 

Bringing all cultures together under one roof 

RMCET is a residential college having five boys’ hostels and two girls’ hostels. So, we call it as RMCET family. Here, we celebrate various festivals like Navaratri, Gokulashtami as well as annual cultural and sports events with full enthusiasm. It helps in developing the Synergy and positive culture among students. 

Placement Opportunities at RMCET 

In here, we prepare students with mock interviews, aptitude tests and soft skill training along with technical training. We encourage them to appear for interviews, may it be campus, off campus or pool campus interviews. 

We are striving hard to develop an industry-institute interaction to offer better opportunities to students. Also, we have established an entrepreneurship development cell to encourage our students to become entrepreneurs. 

Also check RMCET Placement

Building healthy student-teacher relations within the college 

This generation is very smart. In my opinion, role of a principal is to motivate the students and role of a teacher is like a mentor, guide and facilitator. I treat students as friends and I maintain friendly relationship with students by keeping a safe distance, but if encouraged properly and shown faith in them, students give extra 

ordinarily results as an outcome. 

Balancing act that Dr. Bhagwat follows 

Students and faculty members are some important stakeholders of an institute. We always encourage students to participate in various competitions at State, University, National and International level to give them proper exposure and become industry ready. 

Our students have formed various teams like Team MH08 racing and Team Full Throttle. As an outcome of it, students have proved themselves by representing India at International forum through participating in formula student UK 2019 competition. Team captain Mr. Pranit Watve has bagged the prestigious “Craig Dawson Award” as a Best Team Member. Only two teams from India namely Team MH08 from RMCET, Ambav and another from IIT Bombay represented India in this competition at International Level. 

Also, for development of faculty members, we have started offering various awards like “Best teacher award, Departmental excellence award, Best technical paper award” and for students, various awards like “Best outgoing student award and Best sportsman award” to satisfy their self-actualization needs. 

Suggestions to the upcoming youth 

One important suggestion I would like to give this generation is that they should try to become entrepreneurs and try to instil prerequisite qualities in them to become a successful entrepreneur. They must try to become job givers instead of job seekers, but must always follow the human values to create this world a better living place for all and we can follow the principle of “Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam”.