Sai Vidya institute of technology

Dr. Ramesh Babu is the Principal at Sai Vidya institute of technology. He is a dynamic personality with many years of experience put together in the education sector. He firmly believes in working together as a team for maximum results and to obtain maximum growth for each individual. Read here what he has to say in his interview. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Teamwork is the best method to achieve our goals and success”

If everyone grows professionally, they will be happy and love to contribute. The majority of institutions fail because only a couple of people do all the hard work, whereas the rest won't get proper focus, support, and growth opportunities. If everyone is given a chance to contribute and give a proper road map for their career growth, they will grow. That's how SVIT can stand up to the standards of colleges that have been there for decades. Hence, my main motto is the growth of every individual involved because if the individual grows, the department grows, and if the department grows, the institute will grow automatically. 

How does the curriculum of SVIT ensure the best practice of industry?

“An essential element of learning is through practical approach”

We always believe in a practical approach. We have associated with a lot of industries where we try to give industrial oriented training every semester. We always plan at least one such activity per semester to get practical knowledge as well. We have tied up with good institutions such as Nptel, prayojana, and so on. We have more than twenty MOU’s being signed with very dynamic industries. 

Another point is every field of engineering has got attached to one professional student chapter. They have an active student chapter that we conduct beyond the books activity required in the industries. Whatever I teach in the curriculum will not meet the purpose of the industry. They want something beyond that. How I implement that, through this professional society, we provide such facilities so that students are made industry-ready.

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Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“We work together as a team to help student belonging to economically weaker sections”

In my college, whenever a student walks in, we only ask about the educational background. We don’t ask about the economic or racial background because it has nothing to do with the future. If a student is passionate and dedicated to learning, that’s all that matters to us, not the economic background or the religious background. We have a proctorial system. My faculties talk to every student. Many times our faculties know the students better than their parents. The question of economic background never pops up when it comes to providing education to everyone equally. However, we have a separate system for supporting background students; we have an OBC cell, SC, ST cell. We have a team of professors working to get scholarships for students from the government and facilitate such students in all respects, particularly those who are financially weak.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for SVIT specifically?

“The student ratio in various streams in not in proportion, which should be monitored ”

When it comes to higher education, students have plenty of opportunities and the various dimensions to take up; they have various courses to take. It is getting populated by private and deemed universities where they have an intake of thousands of students in the school of computing or electronics, which is alarming. I feel higher education should not be of that volume. Because even for kindergarten, there is a restriction, handling thousands of students in the school of computing might lead to dilution. Such organizations like AICTE or UGC should give a serious thought about this. There should be a proper demarcation and benchmarks for giving such inputs. From the past three years, admissions to mechanical, civil, or electrical have decreased manifolds. Instead of running behind the trend, students should find their passion and what they are or can be good at doing. So this trend has to stop, its a threat to all educational institutions.

“The top priority of any university should be to keep up with the trends and industry evolutions, so that when students graduate they won't find themselves in a tough spot.”

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing for international affairs and/or students?

“We are open to every source of learning”

We have initiated the international affairs of students. Like I mentioned earlier, 26 of my students have been to foreign countries for conferences, and the numbers are growing. We recently had a couple of international students coming in for internships as well. Being at a very early and budding stage, we attracted two students from France for their summer internships. Another two were supposed to come, but they couldn’t because of the pandemic. Since we are in an interconnected system, I cannot sign MOU’s for particular exchange programs, however any opportunity that knocks the door of SVIT, we openly accept such offers and proposals.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Be passionate about the courses you want to pursue”

My suggestion to all students is to take up the course you love whatever course you take up to be passionate about. Give your best and be strong in fundamentals. Instead of searching for jobs, the job should search for you. The majority of the students are not passionate about the course they have taken up. They then start looking at other courses. Every stream is equally interesting and rewarding. They should work on new technologies and try to learn new technologies. Definitely industries would be behind them. There is no shortcut for hard work, hard work matters.