Yagyavalkya Institute of Technology

Ms. Krishna Gupta is an assistant professor at Yagyavalkya Institute of Technology, Jaipur. She is a highly organized and hardworking individual. She acquires a responsible position to gain practical experience and utilizes her skill & knowledge to guide her students.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The ability to improve the confidence of the students through several new tools of learning”

Teaching involves a great deal of intellectual, emotional, and even physical labor. It's a hard job, plain and simple. And being a teacher means constantly learning and evolving, which we think makes for a fun and exciting career! At the same time, teaching is also highly collaborative. Not only will you work with many, many students a day. You’ll also interact frequently with your colleagues, your students' parents or guardians, and so on. Education involves the exchange of ideas so you'll want to make sure you're up for collaborating and communicating with others all day, every day.

When you first came to the college, what was your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself"

I first came to YIT on 16 August 2017, and I have been working with YIT, Jaipur since 16 August 2017 as an assistant professor of the computer science and engineering department. We make every effort to make our academic culture strong and reliable for the students. We are encouraging students to explore new fields, research, hands-on training, and different application experiences to contribute to capacity building and problem-solving techniques for real life purpose. The college/university has evolved by begging in new technologies and facilities for students.

How do you strategize about the key programs and plan for the administration of your department?

“A goal without a plan is just a wish, so planning and implementing is a path our institute follows”

Department’s staff builds good healthy relationships with students’ parents through a personal tutor system. Also, we develop a strong relationship with the esteemed Alumni for the purpose to make interaction programs, industrial visits, training & internships for current students.

I strategize the B.Tech Program by emphasizing Advanced Technology & practical implementation of different subjects in the laboratory rather than theory. Since all of our labs are project-oriented, we try to do good projects in the lab that are presentable & helpful to the students for understanding the basics of the theory.

What are the challenges you are facing to uplift the quality of education in your department?

“No course works without hurdles and clearing hurdles create development” 

The biggest problem today in education is turning out well-balanced students- mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. 

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What kind of project is provided by the department of CSE at YIT for students?

“Association with several industrial corporations for activity-based earning and practical knowledge of work” 

The students of CSE at YIT work on major industry level projects every semester using different new technologies. They work on projects like Web Applications, Android Applications, Web Sites under the guidance of faculty members. They work on recent frameworks like spring framework in java or javascript and framework in python. The students of CSE at YIT are given huge internship opportunities, and a summer internship every year and a six-month internship at the end semester are compulsory. This step is taken to know how the IT industry functions and are well acquainted with the technologies used and do not find it difficult to adapt there when they are placed.

What are the greatest strengths of your department?

“Guide by the motto saying nobody can go back and start new, but anyone can start today and make a new ending”

The CSE Department of YIT mainly focuses on practical learning rather than theory because computer science is not about mugging stuff up. Students work on huge projects under the guidance of faculty members. Every student has an industrial mentor with whom he/she could communicate for any industrial level query. We give our students proper placement and Campus Recruitment pieces of training, including group discussions, aptitude, mock interviews, resume building, and technical rounds. 

"Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace."

Tell us about your best experiences in the field of higher education?

“It is essential to gain knowledge from various domains and keep learning to grow at every level”

Some of my best experiences in higher education are the meetings and conferences, faculty development programs I attend, which enlighten me so much and helps me acquire new knowledge and retrain myself. Every time I learn something or the other, I understand the world I live in much better and gives me absolute bliss to share that knowledge with my students. 

 Being HOD of CSE, what goals do you have in your mind for your department for the next few years?

“To provide education as the path to development and not just learning"

I want my students to have their hands on all the latest technologies running in the era of digitalization. I want them to do their internships with the best possible companies. As in today’s scenario, the economy is at its low end. For the alternative, they should also know startups. They should know what interests them the most. I want to widen their options as much as possible. My department is already halfway in the facilities mentioned above and soon would fulfill all of these.

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 What suggestions would you like to give to the current students, who are pursuing computer science courses?

“During this era of digitalization, students will have various opportunities and none of those should be wasted”

They have to realize the importance of what, why, and how and should have the confidence to accomplish those. They need to learn how the industry works, the key factors, and teach practical and theoretical knowledge. They should know the gap between the education and the industries and find the “why” of every logic rather than just cramming up stuff, sometimes they tend to ignore these, and that’s where they lack.