JIMS New Delhi

Dr. Pratima Daipuria is currently working as Dean, PGDM Program Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Rohini Delhi. She holds MBA in Human Resource Management, MA in Economics and PhD from Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi on Emotional Intelligence.

She is a Certified Hogan Assessor and makes use of personality based assessments for consultancy support to industry in selections, team building, coaching and has delivered more than 30 training programs.

With 20 years of experience that includes both academic and corporate, she is actively involved in teaching, research and training in areas related to individual behaviour, leadership, culture, interpersonal relations, emotional intelligence and mindfulness. She works closely with students and fellow academicians to experiment and find ways to make learning an engaging journey.

It is both challenging and rewarding to work in an ever-evolving sector

India is one of the fastest developing economies in the world with an advantage of demographic dividend. Currently the gross enrolment ratio in higher education in the year 2019 was approximately 26.3% which presents a huge opportunity to work in this segment. And with rapid changes in the socio-economic fabric of the society, education also evolves. It is exciting to feel a part of India’s growth story by providing right knowledge, skill and attitude, thus adding capabilities to an individual’s economic prosperity. I enjoy the transformation journey of youth in higher education especially in the management field where we have to keep pace with the ever changing industrial landscape and VUCA world.

In the current times, with Covid-19 affecting one and all, the education sector is also affected in a big way. With education going online worldwide, it was seemingly both exciting and challenging to change with technological platforms but both educators and learners kept the spirit of learning high by demonstrating great strength and flexibility.

I believe leadership is a way of life and not a style

I truly believe in a participative model where all stakeholders collaborate for a larger purpose with education as the medium. I have the responsibility to foster learning environments, with the right kind of inputs to encourage better on-campus experiences, where students are able to voice their opinion, nurture creativity and develop their thinking capability.

At JIMS we have a diverse set of students coming in from different strata with a goal to carve out their careers. I am a people’s person with firm belief on empathic concern at core and communication at large.

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We stepped in to provide the right kind of emotional, mental and moral support to students during crisis

The biggest challenge that educators across the globe faced was closing down of schools and colleges due to Covid-19 in mid-march 2020. The syllabus was unfinished, examination pending and there were concerns for the health and safety of the students especially those staying in hostels. It took us a week’s time to take cognizance of the situation, and plan future course of action which of course was treading in unknown territories. We trained our faculty to deliver online classes, framed new guidelines and supported them with desired technical assistance. Similarly in remote models besides online teaching, we incorporated mentoring to provide the right kind of emotional, mental and moral support to students. With multiple lockdowns in the country the situation was grim, and we had the huge responsibility of assisting students in finding summer internships on virtual mode. Our Corporate resource center reached out to industries, linking industry to students, who are remotely located across almost all states in India and I am happy to share that we could place the entire batch on virtual training assignments within a fortnight. As we were evolving every single day leaving behind inhibitions and hiccups of technology, we got stronger, agile and more confident of handling tough situations. 

Respecting time and understanding its importance is the first management lesson

A powerful quote “time has a wonderful way of showing what matters”, runs my day. I am truly a people’s person and believe in the workplace mantra of cooperation and collaboration. I plan my day by preparing a “to do” list early in the morning, prioritize the work on the basis of urgency and importance, and wherever needed, I delegate the responsibilities to people in my team. 

Although it is becoming a common place phrase of convenience, where people keep complaining of less time, I think respecting time and understanding its importance is the first management lesson that any B-school must follow and teach. And one must be clear of investing time in building relationships that pave way for success and happiness. 

We make sure students are developed holistically and are prepared for the future

The PGDM curriculum is a blend of management philosophy with latest industry trends and contemporary developments. We have a panel of industry representatives in our academic council to guide us on changing industry trends and practices. The curriculum is regularly revised and updated every two years with incremental updates as needed. We invite industry professionals to share teaching assignments with core faculty. To be able to deliver most relevant content such as digital marketing, business analytics, ecommerce to name a few makes us proud. From global arena to local level players, our curriculum is thoughtfully curated with latest cases, environmental trends, tools and techniques to meet industry requirements. 

We find confidence in our system when we find recruiters coming back again every year

Placement has always been our strength, and it is our responsibility to nurture management graduates at JIMS Rohini to become leaders of tomorrow. We find confidence in our system when we find recruiters coming back again every year. With 26 years of rich legacy we rely on our strong network of Alumni who act as brand ambassadors and are currently in leading positions in corporate or their own entrepreneurial ventures. We are very meticulous in job fitment of students as per their acumen, personality and ambition. And what matters the most is their happiness in their pursuit of a fulfilling life. 

Taking it further our focus areas are international placements and entrepreneurship and have success stories in the past. Now on we wish to extend it to a wider pool of students. Besides this we are conscious of technology, machine learning, artificial intelligence as game changers in times to come and we are bracing up for a changed landscape of placements. 

My relation with students starts the day they enter campus and it extends even after they graduate

To my students, I am a teacher first, Dean later. I have a strong commitment towards student connection. My relation with students starts the day they enter campus and it extends even after they graduate. I make it a point to remember all my students by their first name and encourage them to identify and nurture their potential. 

I have an open door policy and I am available to all my students through any mode of communication both formal and informal. Also I ensure that any email, any message is answered within 24 hours of its generation. 

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Students should focus on developing the pivotal core skills to strive for a better future

Most of the schools focus a lot on technical and managerial skills, which are much needed to make them employable. But, the potential for human development is much more, and according to me the most important skills one must possess are empathy, compassion and resilience. These three skills form the core of one’s character and if done and practiced right can bring success, fame and power to any individual. And at JIMS rohini we emphasize holistic development of a future manager. 

There is no short cut to success and youth has the power to change the world

Believe in the mantra of Purpose, Passion and Perseverance to stay focused in life. Even when life throws challenges, look at nature, how beautifully it recreates itself after adversity; they must learn to be resilient. Life is not always about running and winning, it is about who shares our runs and wins. 

To the future aspirants, you have the wings of imagination and creativity, flutter and fly; sky's the limit. At JIMS Rohini, we partner in your dreams and nurture you with the right competencies to enable you to lead a happy life.