Dr. K.N. Modi University

Prof. Dr. D.K. Modi is the Chairperson of Dr. K.N. Modi University. Coming from a lineage of preachers who were an integral part of the education sector, Prof. Dr. D.K. Modi highlights the key factors that keep him motivated and inclined towards this sector. He goes on to describe the role of a leader and how to build an effective leadership in order to be successful. He goes on to add that learning from various sources of information helps a person to grow. Thus, it is important to bring in diversity. The institution caters to the students coming from different backgrounds and the institution itself becomes an ambient environment which provides a continuous learning. He then significantly mentions the challenges possessed by the current pandemic. Due the norms that everyone is supposed to follow, and institutions being forced to remain shut, for the wellbeing of everyone. The pandemic has taught us to evolve as an individual and as an institution too. On a similar note he concludes by giving valuable advice to the students. He encourages students to explore and evolve with time. He puts emphasis that students should take charge of their lives, and take advantage of every opportunity.

Innovation and change are the mantras of success; my personal style of leadership is to be flexible for the people around me

My experience in the education field has been a rather long one as my forefathers were always interested in giving back to society. They had established four cities and in every city they had set up education institutions for the children of their workforce and from a very young age we were always encouraged to go and be a part of the Institutions. The first Institution under the flagship of Dr K N Modi Foundation came into being in 1942. I have been the Chairman of Dr K N Modi Foundation since 1994. The Institutions under the Foundations made their presence felt with quality education and became the most favored destination for students, parents and corporate recruiters.

In these times when innovation and change are the mantras of success, my personal style of leadership is to be flexible so that everyone around me can strive and an environment of warmth, dependability is created. Leadership is not so much in the solution but in the process of getting people to identify the problems and to address those problems. 

The diversity of students lets everyone to learn and prosper together 

In the last few years we had a good number of students from foreign countries. Students are young and at a very impressionable age. They come to us from diverse backgrounds and conditions be it society, culture and living conditions, but they imbibe the new surroundings amazingly fast, in no time they start liking our food, festivals and culture.

Our education system is quite different from the one prevalent in many foreign countries. But our methodology is particularly good and always up to date and commensurate with many good foreign universities. Seminars, lectures & conferences are conducted from time to time to keep students and faculty abreast with the latest occurrences around the world. Students get to know and learn a lot of things from each other. During festivals it's often noticed that the local students call the ones who are away from home or unable to go back home, to their homes for a meal. Living together at the campus makes a lot of difference. 

It is imperative to establish a healthy environment for the students to be constructive 

An ideal mind is a devil’s workshop: this is a famous saying and works very well for young people. If students are busy they will always be thinking of their work, if left free they will be mischievous and will have the tendency to be destructive. Establishing a healthy environment is in the hands of the administration; they must constantly keep in touch with the students and guide them in a positive way. Nurture them to have a feeling of brotherhood and be friendly. We make sure to conduct friendly matches, debates, symposiums, excursions and curricular activities. 

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We inculcate discipline and the healthy competition in the students from the day one

Our biggest strength is that we have an incredibly positive reputation. The students' experience is good and they speak high of the faculty, administration and facilities provided at the campus. 

The University participates very actively in the offerings by neighboring Universities, Corporates, and other agencies. We always believe in healthy competition and the spirit of competition. This is inculcated in our student’s right from day one; hence it becomes a habit with them to follow this rule in their life. 

All the programs offered are accredited by the relevant statutory authorities. This implies that we follow the maximum standard of education & facilities for our students. Faculty and Students support our mission of “Education for All”. Under the various Clubs that are active in the Campus, Faculty and Students visit NGO’s, nearby villages and schools to teach the underprivileged. 

The campus also has a special program for students who want to be entrepreneurs after completion of their courses. They are given an opportunity to have a feel of what they have in store for them. Recently during a conference our ever enthusiastic students volunteered to have 4-5 stalls offering various kinds of food, drinks to the participants as part of their entrepreneur exercise. 

The pandemic made us evolve and transform the ways we were offering education to the students 

During these difficult times of Covid-19 all higher education providers are facing unique sets of challenges. Due the norms that everyone is supposed to follow, and institutions being forced to remain shut, for the wellbeing of everyone. 

We were amongst the first ones to close as we have domestic students from across the length and breadth of India and wanted students to reach home safely. For foreign students, we could not follow the same and few are still staying with us. We started online classes as soon as the faculty was ready with the required preparedness. 

In future too we plan to have some part of teaching to be delivered online, so that more and more students can be reached. Many more courses and training are being planned keeping online education in mind. 

It is pivotal to evolve with time and make necessary amendments wherever possible

In the current times of COVID -19 the biggest challenge that all educational Institutions are going to face will be admissions and the return of existing students safely. We are waiting for the SOP to be issued by the Government. We are prepared to go one step extra than the requirement as it is for the safety of all of us, the Faculty, the Students and everyone else present in the Campus. 

Today, we are living in a world which is constantly changing, due to newer technologies coming every day. There are newer ways of learning which are interesting and extremely easy to adapt too. But at the same time these are difficult times too, we must constantly keep updating our resources and invest in new technologies. Since times immemorial, education has been understood to be the root to prepare all human beings for life, progress, and social change, for this if changing needs are not taken care off, education may lose its real meaning. So keeping Up-to-date with the changing needs is a real challenge. 

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Students should explore as much as they can in order to find their right fit 

I would like to tell the current youth and the aspiring students to try and find your place in this beautiful world. They should try and do things they want to do, their way. There will be loads of advice available, choose the one which suits you the best. The road to success is very rocky, long, and often very lonely too, make sure you hear from your parents and have some good friends. Do not ever changes your decisions to please others, because then you will never be yourself, only fragments of someone you could be. You need to belong to yourself.

Be Bold; try not to miss an opportunity to let your brilliance shine and dazzle. Take that chance. Accept that challenge, or if the challenge does not arise, make your own challenges, and make the most of the opportunities. Do not settle for mediocrity. Find a dream, whatever it may be, and pursue it. Allow every decision you make to bring you closer in achieving that dream. Finally, have fun. Keep time to enjoy your extracurricular activities. Take time to play, if you like sports or do anything apart from studies. If you are not having a good tear-squirting belly laugh, chances are you are doing it wrong.