Dr. Biswajoy Chatterjee is presently serving as VC at University of Engineering & Management - [UEM], Kolkata and Jaipur. Playing an important role in the introduction of Applied Robotics amongst the graduate students, he is an author of 23 SCI International Journals research papers and many other international and national journals and conferences and several book chapters. He is a member of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Computer Society of India (CSI) and IEEE as well. He has also ventured into development of an industry-standard Electrical workshop and has organized regular conferences and workshops both in India and abroad.
What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
“Development of the students to the fullest”
When you develop a student, you are also helping that student grow. And students, when they start developing, it never goes obsolete as manpower can only develop and keep the nation moving forward, economy moving and the world moving. Hence, it is the connection with students and that the institution I have been in, trying to do good for them.
Being the vice chancellor of UEM, what is your philosophy of leadership?
“Creating future creators”
On leadership style, I or rather the entire management team or the entire group of visionaries in this UEM group, we always believe that we have to look 10 years or 20 years down the line and give our students those things which they might need in the future. So, the leadership as a whole at the University of Engineering and Management, is always focused towards developing the future leaders or developing the people who can actually be the future leaders or who can actually lead this industry or lead this industry 4.0.
What do you think should be the UEM’s top priority over the next 10 years?
Priority for the next 10 years for an educational institute is always to be in line with the industry. Now in this world, where we all are thinking of moving towards electric vehicles more because we have started loving our environment more, we may be intending to move towards electric vehicles. Now prior to this electric vehicles we were all dependent on China to produce, but in this world in this COVID world, we might think that India will come up with electric vehicles themselves. So this is one sector we will look upon in a big way: the automobile sector producing our own electric vehicles. We have started the process we have been doing. We will be focusing more on that in the next ten years because in the coming days our studies will be aligned with industry, industry people will come more to the campus and impart the training to the students. Also, we will be focusing more towards giving the students industry experiences prior to joining the industry.
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What do you think are UEM's greatest strengths?
“Successful students and advanced automobile sector”
Greatest strengths are all students, no doubt about that. Our students in the last year actually acquired 123 percent placement, the number of job offers are much more than the number of students opting. I can say that more than that we are riding the success of our students, our students are acquiring that success and we have been able to help them. So, we are always focusing towards academics and an academic discipline. Moreover, UEM has always been known for automobiles because our students have been developing racing cars in their own workshop. They have been developing an atv, all-terrain vehicle, in their own workshop. They have participated in international competitions running their own cars and have won 12th position all over the world. So, we have been known in India for this automobile sector as well. In the last two to three years we have produced machines for the industry, we have converted many machines of the industry to automatic machines to automated machines.
What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in general?
“Analyzing changes and working accordingly”
Foremost challenge for higher education at the moment is to suit the needs of the industry which will change with time. In the coming years, industry will totally shift to something new, so for the coming years is the time to learn because you have to learn how the industry is going to change. Then strategizing and implementing those changes in an effective and productive way is going to be the real challenge for each and every sector, be it Engineering, Medical or Management.
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Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?
“Upskill yourself everyday”
Learn something new each day. Learn for knowledge, strength and wisdom. Learn finance and economy as well, they are important for career development and the nation at large. Learning is eternal and so is knowledge.