Yash Sharma converted IIM Sambalpur MBA with a 89.25%ile marks in CAT 2021 Examination. He graduated from Aryabhatta College with a GPA of 8.43 and without any prior work experience. In this Interview, Yash has shared his IIM Sambalpur MBA Admission experience with the Collegedunia Team, read below

Yash Sharma

Collegedunia Team: What was your CAT percentile? Did you avail reservation benefits for IIM Sambalpur MBA Admission?

Yash: I secured a CAT percentile of 89.25% in my examination. And, I am from an OBC background, So yes, I availed reservation benefits.

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Collegedunia Team: Can you please describe your Pre MBA Academic Performance for Collegedunia readers?

Yash: Yes, I had scored 8.9 GPA in my 10th board exam, and 9.5 GPA in 12th board exam. Furthermore, I completed my graduation with a GPA of 8.43.

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Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any).

Yash: The GD was held offline in a conference room with about 8 members in each group. Each member was given equal opportunity to speak and there was only one moderator present to facilitate the discussion. The GD was a soft one, with a respectful and collaborative atmosphere among the members.

The time given to think on the topic was about 15 minutes before the actual GD started. During the GD, each member was given about 2-3 minutes to speak and share their thoughts.

For the written aptitude test (WAT), the mode was online and participants were given 45 minutes to write their answers. There was a word limit of about 500 words and participants were given about 20 minutes to think on the topic before they started writing.

Some pro tips for WAT aspirants include:

Make sure to plan and structure your answer before you start writing, as this will help you stay focused and ensure that you cover all the relevant points.

Use examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points and make your answer more engaging and interesting.

Pay attention to grammar and spelling, as these are important for making a good impression.

Don't be afraid to use your own voice and personality in your writing, as this can make your answer stand out from the others.

Finally, make sure to proofread your answer before submitting it to check for any errors or mistakes.

Collegedunia Team: What was the WAT/GD Topic?

Yash: The topic for the WAT was "The impact of social media on society." Participants were asked to write an essay discussing the ways in which social media has affected society, both positive and negative, and to provide their own insights and opinions on the topic.

As for the GD, the topic was "The role of education in eliminating poverty." The GD participants were asked to discuss the ways in which education can be used as a tool to alleviate poverty and address social inequalities, and to provide examples and ideas for how this can be achieved.

Collegedunia Team: What was your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Yash: "The impact of social media on society" focused on the following points:

Social media has a significant impact on the way we communicate and interact with each other. It has made it easier for people to connect with each other and share information, regardless of their location.

One of the positive impacts of social media is that it has given a voice to marginalised communities and allowed them to share their stories and experiences with a wider audience.

However, social media also has negative impacts, such as the spread of misinformation and the negative effects on mental health and well-being, particularly among younger users.

In order to maximise the positive impacts and minimise the negative ones, it is important for individuals to use social media responsibly and for society to establish appropriate guidelines and regulations.

Overall, the impact of social media on society is complex and multifaceted, and it is important to consider both the benefits and the potential drawbacks when discussing this topic. 

Collegedunia Team: Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Yash: The general setting of the PI was in a conference room at the company's office building. There were three panel members present - one faculty member from my university, one alumni, and one industry expert from a related field. The mode of the interview was in-person. The interview lasted for about 45 minutes.

It was not a stress interview, but the panel members did ask some challenging questions to gauge my knowledge and problem-solving abilities. They also asked some behavioural questions to get a sense of my personality and how I would fit in with the company's culture.

For aspirants preparing for a personal interview, some pro tips include:

Research the company and the role you are applying for thoroughly, so you can speak intelligently about why you are interested in the position and how your skills and experiences align with the job requirements.

Practice answering common interview questions with a friend or mentor. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable during the actual interview.

Dress appropriately for the occasion and arrive on time.

Be polite and respectful to the panel members, and try to maintain good eye contact and body language throughout the interview.

Think about examples from your past experiences that showcase your skills and strengths. Having specific stories or examples to draw upon will make your answers more impactful and memorable.

Collegedunia Team: Mention at least 5 questions that were asked in IIM Sirmaur Interview and how you responded to each of them?

Yash: The questions asked during the Interview are: 

Ques 1: What motivated you to apply to our college?

Ans: I was motivated to apply to your college because of its strong reputation for academic excellence and the diverse range of opportunities it offers for students to get involved in extracurricular activities and research. I believe that attending your college would provide me with the best foundation for success in my future career.

Ques 2: What do you hope to achieve by earning a degree from our college?

Ans: I hope to achieve a well-rounded education that prepares me for a successful career in my field of study. I am also excited to take advantage of the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning experiences, such as internships and research projects, which I believe will be invaluable in helping me to develop the skills and knowledge I need to succeed in my future endeavours.

Ques 3: What do you consider to be your greatest strength?

Ans: I consider my ability to work well in a team to be my greatest strength. I have always enjoyed collaborating with others to achieve a common goal, and I believe that my ability to listen to and respect the perspectives of others has helped me to be an effective team member.

Ques 4: Describe a challenge you have faced and how you overcame it.

Ans: One challenge I have faced was during a group project in my communication class. Our group was having difficulty coming to a consensus on the direction of our project, and tensions were high. To overcome this challenge, I took the initiative to facilitate a group discussion in which we each shared our ideas and worked together to come up with a compromise. By actively listening to and considering the viewpoints of my group members, we were able to move past our differences and successfully complete the project.

Ques 5: Why do you think you would be a good fit for our college community?

Ans: I believe I would be a good fit for your college community because of my passion for learning and my commitment to being an active member of the campus community. I have always been involved in various extracurricular activities and have a strong desire to give back to my community through volunteer work. I also value diversity and inclusivity, and I believe that these values align with those of your college.

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Collegedunia Team: Mention any three reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Yash: The three main reasons were:

Reputation: The college I chose has a strong reputation for academic excellence and is consistently ranked among the top universities in the country. This was important to me because I wanted to attend a school that would provide me with a high-quality education and prepare me for success in my future career.

Location: The college I chose is located in a vibrant, cosmopolitan city with a rich cultural scene and a wide range of internships and job opportunities. This was important to me because I wanted to be in a city that would provide me with a diverse range of experiences and opportunities to explore outside of the classroom.

Student support services: The college I chose has a wide range of student support services, including academic advising, tutoring, and career counselling. This was important to me because I knew that I would have access to the resources I needed to succeed academically and professionally.

In comparison to the second-best option I had, the college I chose had a stronger reputation for academic excellence and a more vibrant location. It also had a wider range of student support services, which I believed would be crucial for my success as a student.

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Collegedunia Team: What was the reason for you not converting other colleges?

Yash: One reason I did not convert certain colleges was because they did not have strong programs in my field of study. I had done my research and determined that these colleges did not have the course offerings or faculty expertise that I was looking for, and I did not believe that they would provide me with the education I needed to succeed in my career.

Another reason I did not convert certain colleges was because they were located in areas that did not appeal to me. For example, some of the colleges were located in small towns with limited cultural and recreational opportunities, and I did not think that I would enjoy living in such a place.

Finally, some of the colleges that I did not convert were simply too expensive for me to afford. Despite my best efforts to secure financial aid and scholarships, I was not able to come up with the funds to cover the cost of tuition and other expenses.

In hindsight, I made the mistake of not thoroughly researching the colleges on my list before applying. I did not consider all of the factors that were important to me, such as location, course offerings, and cost, and as a result, I ended up applying to schools that were not the best fit for me. To avoid making the same mistake, I would advise aspiring college students to take the time to carefully research and compare their options before applying.