During this critical period, states are suffering because of the nation wide lockdown imposed due to the Covid-19. In order to help, IIM Sambalpur has come forward to help the underprivileged, daily wagers, street vendors, and migrant workers with food shelter.

The kind initiative taken by IIM Sambalpur is very helpful to the underprivileged people who are finding it difficult to meet their basic necessities amid the nation wide lockdown which is taken to control the spread of infection. 

The Social club Sankalp along with the institution's alumni, is working tirelessly to help the underprivileged people. They have helped 400 families in Sambalpur so far.

The Ministry of HRD has praised this step by calling this an incredible initiative taken by the Sankalp Club of IIM Sambalpur who are educating people on Covid-19 & providing essential goods. 

Around the globe, Universities and Colleges are doing their bit to help during the coronavirus pandemic. Some of them are using their research facilities to help find a successful Covid-19 vaccine.

Some of the institutions are creating tools to provide useful information regarding the Covid-19. In some instances, institutions are also providing their ideal facilities for some crucial use.

More and more institutions are coming forward to help in whatever way they can to fight with the ongoing situation which has affected the entire world.