Ar. Parisutha Rajan is the Principal of MARG Institute Of Design and Architecture Swarnabhoomi. He has 30+ years of rich experience in the field of Architectural education and the professional world. He is also an Architect and Landscape Architect with almost three decades of practice and academics. He is a proud alumnus of three prestigious institutions including BVBCET, Hubballi, School of Planning and Architecture - New Delhi and HIS - Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 


What are your roles and responsibilities?

“To be a good mentor for them”

My main accountability towards my students is to offer them good mentorship, guidance and motivation. I do not believe merely in only inculcating subject knowledge in them, but try my best to make them ethically and emotionally strong. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“My eagerness to teach youths to make them educationally and ethically sound”

I believe that academia and industry should go hand in hand. Whatever we teach, the syllabus and course material should be in line with the industry. It should be plug-and-play for any graduating student in the industry. Therefore, I can proudly say that the driving factor which keeps me associated with the education sector is nothing but my enthusiasm and determination to prepare our youths for the industry and society in the best possible way. 

What is your leadership philosophy?

“To keep everyone on the same page through participative environment”

Being the Principal at MIDAS, I try my best to keep the environment inclusive and safe not only for students but for our faculties and staff too. Because I believe that people would only like to work with you if they feel a sense of belongingness. I have also enforced a teaching-learning environment for the equal participation of teachers and students in understanding new concepts in a better way. 

How do you strategize the key programs for the marketing and administration of your college?

“Through various kinds of sessions using social media platforms”

In my opinion, our good work in itself serves as a great marketing tool. The happiness of students who studied here and those who are studying here, they both know our worth and dedication of imparting best quality education hence helps us directly or indirectly to expand our reach among students and youths. Apart from this, we conduct webinars and talks through online and offline mode, where students from multiple colleges can participate, hence using this future student get to know us and facilities we have for them. 

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What an inbound student can gain from studying here in your college?

“Direct contact with industry partners to frame our syllabus”

Our college curriculum is truly aligned with the latest industry demands, developments and includes University guidelines too while preparing the syllabus for each subject. We regularly organize expert sessions, where industry professionals share their experiences of working in a corporate world and what the industry expects from us and our students. Therefore, we are directly exposing our students to industrial experience from the very start of their courses.

How does the curriculum of MIDAS is aligned with the best practices of the industry?

“It is prepared after rigorous analysis of industry needs”

We are affiliated to Anna University and our curriculum is based on the syllabus prescribed by Anna University. I would like to highlight one thing and that is University gets feedback from all affiliated colleges to frame the syllabus. When we participate in the board of studies, we meet and contribute to the syllabus and curriculum preparation. 

How your university is more welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“We organize exchange programs in this respect”

We have students from all over the country, and this diversity is enough to tell how much we value University diversity. We also provide scholarships to students who hail from the low economic background and to help our students to sync easily with their friends easily, we have introduced a concept of exchange programs where we assign various tasks to them to explore each other in a fruitful way.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“To work on enhancing research facilities for students welfare”

Our priority for the next few years should be on strengthening and developing research facilities in our college for the benefit of students, teachers and ultimately our college. We should also explore newer methodologies of teaching and learning because with changing industry and societal needs, it’s become mandatory to upgrade ourselves in terms of syllabus, facilities knowledge, skills and our college infrastructure.

When you first came to MIDAS, what was your vision for the college? 

“To assist everyone in terms of opportunities in the best possible way”

When I joined this college, my aim was to take teaching and learning to the next level through a participative environment, where students and teachers can collaborate very easily and in a cordial manner. Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate are the 3 essential pillars that we follow in our university. Because our end goal is to celebrate learning.

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What are some of the greatest strengths of your institute?

“Each individual who work for us and work with us”

Our greatest strength lies in the factor that we are offering the residential course to our students. We have made a combined hostel facility for both students as well as teachers. Also, our highly qualified and experienced faculties make us strong and everyone who puts their 100% to fulfill our goals is the reason for our strength.

Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

“Be patient, dedicated and committed”

As we all know that hard work, perseverance and time management are very important in today’s competitive world. Hence my u only advice to the current youth is, to be more focused on what you want and what you should do. Also, be committed to your goals and gather new skills to achieve them.