Dr. Kshitij Prabha is the Principal at Russell Square International College (RSIC), Mumbai. She has a Ph.D. from the Department of Civics & Politics, University of Mumbai is a dedicated researcher in her field. She is dedicated to the academic administration of higher educational institutions in Mumbai for the last twenty years; and has contributed immensely to establishing new colleges and streamlining the academic and administrative system. She strongly believes that teachers are the backbone of any educational institution and hence there is a need to improve the quality therein. She has motivated and facilitated underqualified faculty to obtain Ph.D. degrees and helped them excel in their profession.

Russell Square International College

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“The ability to contribute in society’s enhancement with the help of academics”

Two factors inspired me to choose education as my profession. First, it keeps me connected to the process of learning, which is my passion. Secondly, because education is the lifeline for socio-economic and political growth of any civilized society.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Respecting everyone's opinions and being a facilitator of newer ideas is my motto”

I believe in democratic and participatory model of leadership for college and university level education. As a principal of an undergraduate college delivering an international program of studies in the Mumbai metropolitan region, my philosophy is to create world-class citizens and compete with global institutions of higher learning.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your College?

“An economically affordable study model with international standards & opportunities”

Students studying at Russell Square International College will have many benefits as follows: 

  • They will have the opportunity to study an international curriculum and on successful completion will acquire an overseas degree without moving out of India. 
  •  Students have an option to progress to the UK campus for the final year and get the necessary exposure and foreign experience. Moreover, if interested in a career abroad, they can plan their further studies accordingly. 
  • They save money on the cost of foreign education. 
  • Most importantly, emotionally and culturally they stay connected to their roots and do not get subjected to depression and isolation.

What do you think your responsibilities to the college and the students are?

My first priority is to engine growth of the college in terms of quality education”

I feel dutiful towards my students and colleagues, to provide a conducive learning environment. Simultaneously provide facilities for professional skill development training to students and faculty members.

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What has been your vision for the college? 

“To be able to learn from this experience and provide my expert services for upliftment of the organization”

I was new to the international higher education system and had no vision whatsoever. Joined the college with a receptive mind and evolved over the years with support from my colleagues. I came with an open mind, observed the system in place, and implemented my professional ideas for the overall growth of the college.

What do you see as Russell square international college's greatest strengths?

“A learning environment with dedicated faculty that pays equal attention to every student”

Experienced teaching faculty, infrastructure, and facilities to match with global standards. We have smaller sized classes that help us provide personalized attention to every student. Additionally, our campus is adorned with an excellent library and wifi.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education?

“Educational and curriculum reform is a must for today's competitive era”

The biggest challenge to higher education in general (in India) is designing a new curriculum, which is a must. Perhaps it would be incorporated in NEP. The traditional system will not yield the desired result in the 21st century.

As far as Russell Square International College is concerned, our biggest challenge is marketing international programs in a price-sensitive local educational environment.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“I urge students and all youngsters to have a futuristic vision and focus majorly on skill acquiring”

Students must think and plan ahead of their times as they are the future of society. In the current situation, the world is breaking the chains of the global and local economic system, and hence there is a need for integration of both and perform as 'glocal' for a lasting solution to all the problems that we face today. Students need to be prepared for these challenges.