Ms. Meenaschi Mehta is the Admission Manager at Russell Square International College (RSIC), Mumbai. Having graduated with a BA in Psychology, she has been associated with RSIC for the last 10 years and learned a lot in a fast-paced environment. She aims to build strong relationships with a growing number of Schools and Colleges and partnerships between the University, local school systems, alumni networks, and faculty. At her position, she is responsible for working with prospective students, helping them make decisions, assisting with the college application process and establishing outreach programs to promote the College.

Russell Square International College

What keeps you connected with the Education Sector and how has your experience been so far?

“The ability to ensure that each of our students can reach their aspired goal”

My experience at RSIC has been great so far. I have been associated with this institute for the last 10 years and able to learn a lot. Working in the Education sector provides the space and the opportunities to meet like-minded individuals, leaders in their field, and top professionals. Additionally, making contacts through extra-curricular activities is what keeps me connected in this field.

How do you plan for the marketing and administration of your institute?

“A strong implementation of digital tools to bring advantages and boost business growth”

Social Media plays a very important role in today's life. It enables people to discover and learn new information, share ideas, interact with new people and organizations. It has changed the way people live today and made communication much easier in the Global Era.

Check Russell Square International College Courses & Fees

What are the factors that make this program the best for the students to opt for?

“Opportunity of getting world-class education without moving away from home”

  • RSIC offers the most prestigious degree from the University of London under the Academic Direction of LSE and Royal Holloway while studying in India. (2+1 Degree programme)
  • UOL degrees are Internationally Recognized and Highly Ranked.
  • All examinations, no matter where they are taken, are marked in London
  • Option for 3rd year Transfer to UK campus.
  • Examinations are of the same high standard as those taken in London at one of the University’s constituent Colleges.
  • No Entrance Exams.
  • Graduates are invited to attend the University of London Presentation Ceremony in London.

How does the curriculum of RSIC ensure the best practice of industry?

“With one-to-one guidance and mentoring we ensure that students can maximize their potential”

  • The College adopts a student-centric approach to teaching and learning by using the lecture tutorial method. 
  • Small Batches, focused tutorials, special attention to weaker students, workshops and remedial classes, and group discussions.
  • Frequent parent teacher interaction.
  • Besides regular classroom teaching, the college organizes skill development programs for learners to groom their professional skills and personality.

What are the benefits and career options after pursuing this course?

“Candidates can have a career in Entrepreneurship, HR Management, Marketing Management, International Business, etc”

University of London Degree (LSE) caters to the areas of:

  • Accounting and Finance: Prepares you for work in areas of Professional Accountancy, Investment Banking, Investment Analysis, and Management, etc.
  • Banking and Finance: This degree may suit you if you want to pursue a career in Accountancy, Consulting, Commercial, or Investment Banking.
  • Business and Management: Helps in areas of Management Consultancy, Banking, Accountancy, and General Management.
  • Economics: The degree is an excellent foundation for Business and employment as an Economist in industry, finance, government, or international organizations.
  • Economics and Finance: A career as a financial economist, whether in Government or Finance
  • Economics and Management: A career in finance that requires a high level of logical and quantitative reasoning, such as Accountancy, Banking, and General Management and Economics and Management.
  •  University of London Degree (Royal Holloway) BSc Business Administration, BBA prepares you for the challenges faced by modern business and management education in a rapidly changing environment.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education?

The Acceptance of international education is a problem with the higher education universities in India”

The General Education system offers a theoretical and not a practical approach that is needed to survive in the industry. Additionally, international Education caters to a growing but niche segment, who understands the value of British Education/ Degree and can afford quality education.

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“A course that provides international exposure and global opportunities”

The high ranking of the Degree offered by the University of London (Academic direction by LSE- London School of Economics and Political Science and Royal Holloway) is still a topic which not every prospective student is aware of. This information needs to reach one and all!!

Click Russell Square International College Faculty

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Focus on acquiring skills along with your scores”

In a world of rapid change, young people need the right mix of skills to evaluate and apply knowledge. They should be able to meet the new demands of our changing social and economic landscape. Students have to prepare for the job markets that await them. Just a Degree is not enough. Skills like communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and flexibility have always been important for work and life and will be even more crucial for future generations.