AISSMS College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology was established in 1997 by All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society, to impart education and technical knowledge to the aspiring hospitality professionals. Read more about the latest happening of AISSMS-CHMCT:
First Time in India AISSMS CHMCT Organises ‘Skillet’ an Entrepreneurial Event
Date: September 22, 2022
This year AISSMS CHMCT celebrates its 25 th year in the education field. To rejoice these years, thecollege has planned numerous events to make learning more practical and exciting for hotelmanagement students. To promote entrepreneurship, the Innovation and Start-up cell of the collegehas organised a 2-day event named “Skillet- Restaurateurs in making.”
The unique concept of this event is a brainchild of Chef Sarvesh Jadhav, the college alumni who ownCafehouse Reeka, Pune and this thought is supported by another Alumni, Chef Ambar Rode, ownerof Le Petit Amour Pune.
‘Skillet’ is a competition of operating two Food and Beverage outlets named ‘Cafehouse Reeka’ and‘Le Petit Amour’ Pune on 19 th and 20 th September 2022. A team of 15 students will be operatingthese Food and Beverage outlets. The teams will be competing with each other on variousparameters like, revenue, services offered and operations management.
Final year BHMCT student Mr Vipul Shelke will lead the team at the Le Petit Amour and Final yearBsc Hs student Ms Komal Parmar will lead the team at Cafehouse Reeka. Both the teams startedtheir training on 1st Sep to understand the daily operations. The teams will also be innovating andpreparing 05 preparations to be sold on the event dates.
The winning team will get an opportunity to work with the respective outlets.
Dr Sonali Jadhav, Principal of the college said, that this assignment will give the students a first-handexperience of running a restaurant with all its challenges.
The Udaan cell head Dr Prachi Wani with its coordinator Mr Sukesh Monga will be executing theevent.
World Bread Day was celebrated uniquely by AISSMS-CHMCT Creation of 20 types of bread for Bread Day

Date: October 21, 2021
“World Bread Day” is internationally celebrated on October 16 every year. The day is celebrated to raise awareness of the availability of food throughout the world. AISSMS's "College of Hotel Management and Catering Technology" carries out various innovative initiatives. The college celebrated World Bread Day this year by baking 20 different types of internationally popular bread throughout the week.
“World Bread Day” was celebrated by the ‘Udaan’ department of the college that focuses on entrepreneurship development. The event took place between October 16 and October 20. Four types of bread were made every day by the students of the college and sold through the social media platform 'Pune Eat Outs'. Orders for the bread were accepted on the PunEOrders website, while arrangements were made to carry orders from nine locations. During this initiative, Potato Buns and Cookies were distributed to several NGOs such as Nirankar Balgram, Matruchhaya Balakashram and Dnyandeep Balagruha.
Dr. Sonali Jadhav, the college's principal, provided additional information about this initiative, "We have many options for international cuisine, but most of them are either unrecognizable or very expensive. Taking responsibility as a college that is performing remarkable work in this field, we organized this initiative to introduce various international bread at affordable prices. Pune citizens enthusiastically embraced the initiative.” AISSMS Honorary Secretary Maloji Raje Chhatrapati praised this innovative project, saying, "Learning from real-life experiences is a valuable tool in professional life. Congratulations to the students and teachers for making this event a success!"