Mr. Ankur Goswami is the Assistant Professor of English at NEF College, Lokhra, Guwahati. His academic qualifications include M.A. in English and SLET. He has experience of 16 years in academics and research. Due to his experience, he has authored a book on Business Communication for B.Com students and has published research papers in journals of repute.
What are the key factors that have kept you connected with the education sector?
“Being able to do continuous research and upgrade existing knowledge”
To state in a nutshell, my association with the education sector has proved to be highly satisfying as it has helped me follow my bliss. The benefits that have kept me connected to this sector are manifold. One is that I have grown and flourished in many ways due to the constant study and research that my work entails. The other is of course the scope that education offers, to impart my passion and learning to the young and the eager souls.
What is your philosophy of leadership?
“A positive co-creator philosophy, being actively engaged in all the tasks”
As a leader, I adhere to my work ethic while keeping myself accessible and flexible. It always helps when I am alert and conscious about what is needed to be done. I would define my leadership style as positive co-creator philosophy. I actively engage myself in all tasks and assignments with a positive attitude even when my key objective is to ensure that the other members are sure, confident and motivated about the work at hand. At the same time, I honestly rely on the strengths and potentialities of each member in the department. I am prepared to incorporate their innovative and practicable ideas at all times.
What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?
“A highly evolved syllabus with choice-based credit system”
An inbound student can definitely benefit from choosing to study at NEF College. The infrastructure of the college is at par with that of any private college in India, including those preferred by students from abroad. Of course, assimilation within a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic scenario could be another richly rewarding factor for the inbound student. The syllabi of Indian universities are evolving to meet the current demands. The choice-based credit system is a very good example followed in our institute as well. It offers an opportunity for the students to choose courses independently, from the prescribed courses comprising core, elective/minor or skill-based choices. Hence, despite the difference in the education structure, the inbound student should feel more fulfilled, aware and enriched by opting to study here.
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How does the curriculum of your institute ensure the best practice of the industry?
“Cross-functional learning to ensure intellectual growth via GDs, projects and presentations”
NEF College follows some of the best practices of the education industry. Students are put through a process of cross-functional learning to ensure their intellectual growth by incorporating group discussions, projects and presentation sessions apart from the regular classroom lectures. They are offered the space to clarify doubts and receive extended knowledge on any relevant topic in tutorial classes. The institute makes the best use of learning resources such as multimedia and internet resources as well. Skill enhancement knowledge is imparted on English communication skills while other subjects have their own specific paper. There is an exhaustive library with an abundant stock of books on all subjects and branches of learning. The institute follows the system of continuous evaluation and transparency is secured in evaluating students’ academic performances.
Any insights into how your institute could be more inclusive in its acceptance of various students?
“The inclusive approach requires that every member of the institute is free from prejudice”
The NEF College has always followed a policy of non-discrimination. All learners receive equal opportunities in all cases, whether within the classroom or outside. More than a sense of tolerance, which reminds us of differences, unity is the need of the hour. Discounts in fees or relaxation in the cut-off percentage during admission, are already implemented for students from tribal communities, for those from backward classes or for poor students.
What do you think your responsibilities to the institute and the students are?
“To assist students with the process of learning and during performances based on the curriculum”
As an Assistant Professor of English, my major role at NEF College is to impart and disseminate knowledge on English literature, communication skills and soft skills to students. Besides, I am responsible to assess the learning outcomes and decide on teaching strategies to ensure further improvement, if needed. This apart, my role also involves teaching emotional intelligence and behavioural skills to gear the students up for social interactions and job interviews.
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What are some of the biggest challenges for higher education?
“Need to cope with the shift towards skills-learning and professional courses away from traditional degree courses”
The system of higher education presents a variety of challenges at every stage of the education process. NEF College, like most other private colleges, will have to constantly respond to the demand for incorporating and imparting new and advanced skills. Additional faculty with specialized training and experience will have to be engaged. The need for infrastructural modifications and the installation of new equipment and gadgets will have to be continuously met from time to time. This incurs huge costs. One big challenge will, therefore, be to make higher education accessible and affordable for even the economically weaker aspirants, while ensuring cost-effectiveness. The other challenge I can see is the lesser enrollment in conventional streams signifies a decline in the number of youths turning to research.