Master of Veterinary Science [MVSc] & A.H. From Nanaji Deshmukh Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur

Jabalpur, Madhya PradeshState UniversityEstd 2009
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Master of Veterinary Science [MVSc] & A.H. 
first year fees:  ₹45,078
2 YearsFull Time
Yearsyear 1year 2
Total Year Wise fees45,07841,020
Total Fees₹24568₹20510₹20510₹20510
Tuition fees₹15000₹15000₹15000₹15000
Exam fees₹1000₹1000₹1000₹1000
other fee₹8568₹4510₹4510₹4510

Eligibility Criteria

The candidates having B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree are eligible for admission.

Admission Guidelines

Admission to M.V.Sc. degree programme shall be through entrance examination. Student shall be admitted in different subjects as per the merit list generated on the basis of above entrance examination. However, the requirement of minimum- OGPA / percentage of marks for admission shall be 6.00/10 or equivalent OGPA/equivalent percentage of marks (60%) for general category candidates and 5.50/10 or equivalent OGPA/equivalent percentage of marks (55%) for reserved category candidates in B.V.Sc. & A.H. and B.Sc.

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BVSc & A.H.
Course Duration:  5 Years 6 Months
₹44752  First Year Fees
Course Duration:  4 Years
₹41177  First Year Fees
MVSc & A.H.
Course Duration:  2 Years
₹43049  First Year Fees
Dr. Rakhi Vaish
Head of Department, Department of Veterinary Anatomy
Dr. S.N.S Parmar
Head of Department, Department of Animal Breeding& Genetics
Dr. Sunil Nayak
Head of Department, Department of Animal Nutrition
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