IIIT Bhopal Placement 2025: Highest Package, Average Package, Top Recruiters

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IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022 : Average Package : INR 13.54 LPA & Highest Package : INR 46 LPA

Aparna Das photo
Written By Aparna Das 

IIIT Bhopal maintains a good placement record every year. The institute is conducting its 2022 placement drive, in which, 91 students have been already placed till March 16, 2022. The highest salary package increased by nearly 76.92% whereas average salary increased by nearly 46.22% compared to the previous year. The highest & average salary stood at INR 46 LPA & INR 13.54 LPA respectively in the 2022 placement drive.

IIIT Bhopal students have already received 208 offers which is almost 117% higher than last year. This year, 79.13% of the participating batch have already been placed. 

Reputed recruiters like Microsoft, Tekion, GEP Worldwide, Tejas, CISCO, Wipro, Cognizant, Mathworks & many more visited the campus. 

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IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022 Report

Particulars Placements Statistics (2020-21) Placements Statistics (2021-22)
Number of students registered 110 138
Number of students participated 90 115
Number of students opted out 20 23
Number of students placed 72 91
Number of offers made 96 208
Placement percentage 80% 79.13%
Highest salary INR 26 LPA INR 46 LPA
Average salary INR 9.26 LPA INR 13.54 LPA
Top recruiters Qualcomm, Walmart, Commvault Microsoft, Tekion, CodeNation, GEP, Tejas

During the placement drive, a total of 138 students registered for the placement drive among which 23 students opted out. 91 of them got hired by reputed recruiters. Microsoft offered the highest salary package of INR 46 LPA to a B.Tech student. Students received an average salary of INR 13.54 LPA. The institute achieved 79.13% placements.

Other major recruiters included CodeNation, Tekion, GEP, Tejas, Wipro, IBM, CISCO, Cognizant, Accolite etc. 

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IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022 Branch-wise

The below table shows the branch-wise placement data of IIIT Bhopal Placements:

Particulars ECE CSE IT
Number of students registered 41 58 39
Number of students participated 31 50 34
Number of students placed 22 45 24
Male students 21 39 19
Female students `1 4 5
Number of offers 44 101 63
Placement percentage 70.96% 90% 70.59%
Average salary INR 9.34 LPA INR 14.08 LPA INR 16.49 LPA

A total of 115 students participated in the placement drive, out of which, 91 students were placed. Among these 91 students, 22 students were from ECE branch, 45 students were from CSE branch & 24 students were from IT branch. The placement percentage was the highest for the CSE branch. 

CSE students received an average salary of INR 14.08 LPA, IT students received an average salary of INR 16.49 LPA & ECE students received an average salary of INR 9.34 LPA.

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IIIT Bhopal ECE Placements 2022

The below table shows the highlights of IIIT Bhopal ECE Placements 2022:

Particulars Placements Statistics
Number of students registered 41
Number of students participated 31
Number of students placed 22
Male students 21
Female students `1
Number of offers 44
Placement percentage 70.96%
Average salary INR 9.34 LPA

During the ECE placement drive, 41 students registered to participate. 31 students finally participated in the placement drive, out of which, 22 students got placed. Among them, 21 students were male & 1 student was female. 

The placement percentage stood at 70.96%. Students received 44 placement offers. The average salary stood at INR 9.34 LPA.

IIIT Bhopal ECE Placements Year-wise Trends

The below table represents the year-wise trends of IIIT Bhopal ECE Placements:

Particulars 2021-22 2020-21
Number of students registered 41 35
Number of students participated 31 25
Number of students placed 22 18
Male students 21 14
Female students `1 4
Number of offers 44 19
Placement percentage 70.96% 72%
Average salary INR 9.34 LPA INR 8.23 LPA

As we can see in the above table, more students were placed this year. Number of offers increased by nearly 132% compared to last year. The average salary increased from INR 8.23 LPA to INR 9.34 LPA.

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IIIT Bhopal CSE Placements 2022

The below table represents the highlights of IIIT Bhopal CSE Placements 2022:

Particulars Placements Statistics
Number of students registered 58
Number of students participated 50
Number of students placed 45
Male students 39
Female students 4
Number of offers 101
Placement percentage 90%
Average salary INR 14.08 LPA

During the CSE placement drive, out of 50 participating students, 45 students were placed. Among them, 39 students were male & 4 students were female. CSE students received 101 placement offers. 90% of the batch got hired. An average salary of INR 14.08 LPA was received.

IIIT Bhopal CSE Placements Year-wise Trends

The below table shows the year-wise trends of CSE students:

Particulars 2021-22 2020-21
Number of students registered 58 43
Number of students participated 50 38
Number of students placed 45 30
Male students 39 23
Female students 4 7
Number of offers 101 39
Placement percentage 90% 78.94%
Average salary INR 14.08 LPA INR 9.25 LPA

The average salary increased from INR 9.25 LPA to INR 14.08 LPA. Number of placed students increased from 39 to 101. The placement percentage also increased to 90%.

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IIIT Bhopal IT Placements 2022

The below table represents the placement data of IIIT Bhopal IT Placements 2022:

Particulars Placements Statistics
Number of students registered 39
Number of students participated 34
Number of students placed 24
Male students 19
Female students 5
Number of offers 63
Placement percentage 70.59%
Average salary INR 16.49 LPA

During IIIT Bhopal IT Placements 2022, 24 students out of 34 participating students were placed. A total of 63 placement offers were made. 70.59% of the IT batch were hired. Students received an average salary of INR 16.49 LPA. 

IIIT Bhopal IT Placements Year-wise Trends

The below table represents the year-wise trends of IIIT Bhopal IT Placements:

Particulars 2021-22 2020-21
Number of students registered 39 32
Number of students participated 34 27
Number of students placed 24 24
Male students 19 20
Female students 5 4
Number of offers 63 37
Placement percentage 70.59% 88.88%
Average salary INR 16.49 LPA INR 10.30 LPA

The number of offers increased from 37 to 63 in the 2022 placement drive. Average salary alspo increased this year compared to the previous year. But, the placement percentage declined to 70.59%.

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IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022 Top Recruiters 

Codenation GEP Publicis Sapient
Infoedge CISCO Mathworks
Capgemini Wipro TCS
CGI Tejas Zensar
Mathworks Cognizant Accolite

IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022 Alumni-wise Distribution

The below graph represents the alumni-wise distribution of IIIT Bhopal Placements:

Alumni wise Distribution Graph

The alumni distribution was the highest for the Engineering domain which is followed by Operations.

IIIT Bhopal Alumni Network

Name of the organization Number of alumni
Kratigence, IIIT Bhopal 25
Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhopal 18
CODAME, IIIT Bhopal 16
Tekion Corp 9
IIITians Network 7
Google Developer Student Clubs 7
Amdocs 5
GEP WorldWide 5
GNU / Linux Users Club IIIT Bhopal 5
Ericsson 4
Synopsys Inc 4
DSC IIIT Bhopal 4
Tata Consultancy Services 3
Girl Script Summer of Code 3

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IIIT Bhopal Placements FAQs

Ques. How many students were placed during IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022?

Ans. IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022 is in progress. Till now, 91 students were hired by reputed recruiters. The placement percentage stood at 79.13%.

Ques. What was the highest salary offered during IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022?

Ans. The highest salary package stood at INR 46 LPA during IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022.

Ques. What was the average salary offered during IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022?

Ans. An average salary of INR 13.54 LPA was offered during IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022.

Ques. Who offered the highest salary package during IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022?

Ans. Microsoft offered the highest salary of INR 46 LPA to one IIIT Bhopal student. The second highest salary package was offered by Teknion who offered salary packages between INR 27 LPA to INR 30 LPA to 14 students.

Ques. Who were the top recruiters of IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022?

Ans. Top recruiters of IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022 included Micorosft, Tekion, Wipro, CISCO, GEP etc.

Ques. What are the placement trends of IIIT Bhopal? 

Ans. During IIIT Bhopal Placements 2022, the highest salary package increased by nearly 76.92% & average salary increased by nearly 46.22% compared to the previous year. The highest & average salary stood at INR 46 LPA & INR 13.54 LPA respectively in the 2022 placement drive. Number of placement offers was also 117% higher than last year’s.

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IIIT Bhopal Highest and Average Package

Highest PackageAverage Package
80 L
21.94 L
016.0 Lakhs32.0 Lakhs48.0 Lakhs64.0 Lakhs80.0 Lakhs

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IIIT Bhopal Placements 2025

company logocompany nameaverage packagehighest packagestudents placed
Linked InLinked In060 L0
CredCred052 L0
AmazonAmazon45.50 L023

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IIIT Bhopal: 1 Answered Question

What can be expected about the placements in IIIT Bhopal? Is it better than SGSIT Indore and other new IIITs?

Tanya DeyB.Tech in Information Technology (IT), Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhopal (IIIT Bhopal) (2020)

SGSIT Indore is one of the oldest colleges in MP and reputed for its courses, yet enrolling in IIIT Bhopal gives you the environment of the latest curriculum, good programming and the guidance of MANIT Bhopal. Also, as of now, IIIT is running through the campus of MANIT.






#250 by NIRF

Total Fee

6.68 lakhs


Companies Visited

Amazon, GEP, Saggezza, etc.

Accenture, Deloitte, Axis, Infosys, etc.

Highest Package

12.5 lakhs

10.2 lakhs

Concerning the placement scenario, the college has 12.5 lakhs per annum as its highest placement. It is important to keep in mind the fact that IIIT Bhopal has MANIT as a mentor institute which provides it with an additional edge over other colleges of Bhopal. Further, it all depends upon the efforts of a student.

When we compare it with other IIITs, we need to understand that the IIITs which were established earlier, including 4 old IIITs, are a far better choice, but if we talk about those which are new like Surat, Bhagalpur, Ranchi, Nagpur, etc., one can expect IIIT Bhopal to be comparable and better in many fields. 

Even if we have to match it with some old ones, we can expect it to point out better results in future while keeping in mind it's a fast-growth, proper guidance, and therefore, the passion for college kids towards their field of interest. The scholars are working together to make various clubs, like robotics, programming, metaphysics etc.

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IIIT Bhopal Alumni Distribution By Companies

Capgemini 23%
Infosys 22%
IBM 14%
Vassar Labs 12%
Amazon 11%

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Other companies

Oracle Financial CorporationCapgeminiVassar LabsCoviam Technologies
Tata Consultancy ServicesCredLinked In

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