They offered me a small scholarship, which allowed me to move on campus and stay somewhat close to home while studying my major of choice (aerospace engineering), which was not available at most other universities I looked at.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum changes based on each professor I have had. Most of my engineering courses at least test roughly every 2/3 weeks, along with having a final exam. There is usually homework to be kept up with throughout the course to allow us to practice the material in between.
I believe that the college actually runs very smoothly. There are many centers/offices open to students to go to if they need things like career or course advising, financial aid help, etc. I have always found this helpful.
I took the SAT multiple times in high school. I also took AP exams; Physics (1), AP Language (3), Government (2), Economics (2), Calculus AB (4), Calculus BC (3)
Fees like tuition were comparatively low to other colleges in my state. There are some other fees such as parking decals, gym access, etc. that are included in our overall charges.
Examination Structure
Most of my professors tend to take a test every 2/3 weeks, and then have a final exam. For the most part, these exams are based on the homework that we are expected to complete in class anyway or the extra practice problems they give us.