School Of Management Sciences - [SMS], Lucknow - List of Professors and Faculty

Lucknow, Uttar PradeshEstd 2008 AKTU, Lucknow
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SMS Varanasi Faculty Details

Mr. Shailendra Singh Rana
Assistant Professor
Mr. Vikram Singh
Assistant Professor
Dr. Khurshid Ali
Assistant Professor
Dr. Shitala Tripathi
Assistant Professor
Mr. Priyank Sharma
Assistant Professor
Dr. Lavina Singh
Assistant Professor
Mr. Asad Raza
Assistant Professor
Mr. Inderpal Singh Bindra
Assistant Professor

Why To Join SMS Varanasi - Reviews & Rating

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Ananya Srivastava
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2023)


The course curriculum is quite easy, not so difficult. It was prescribed by SCERT itself. Yes students do fail in the exams if not secured minimum marks. Good aspects of this course are you gain knowledge, skills, confidence to speak, participate in various activities and social interaction too. It also provide hand on experience by giving 30-35 days training in school. The bas aspect is, it is also based on the the old school education system to give exams which I personally don't like and u have to submit various files of all subjects. Although it is a good practise to gain the experience but it is somewhat burdensome. There are 3 exams conducted in a year-2 internals and 1 term end with 10 subjects each. 8 classes take place usually in a day with 45-50 minutes each. As such no free time is given except lunch break which is of 20-25 minutes. Every teacher has its own methodology to teach. Some use lecture method, some uses discussion method and some uses demonstration method according to the topic and subject. I personally admire all the faculties as they do work wholeheartedly to teach us. All the teachers are best according to my opinion. Yes there is a mandatory attendance rule. You have to maintain atleast 75 percent attendance in a year to qualify for the exams. If you don't fulfil the criteria, then you have to come to colleges in preparatory leaves to complete the attendance. Yes I have seen students coming to college because of short of attendance. And regularly or monthly, students were given short of attendance forms to get it signed by parents and they have to secure the 75 percent criteria of attendance.

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Anuj Yadav
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2023)


Course curriculum is not difficult but if you don't study at all you can fail also. classes are 5 days a week and mostly all faculties hold a PHD degree, there is 75% attendance criteria, if you don't full fill the attendance criteria you will be not able to sit in the exams.

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Ananya Srivastava
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2023)


The course curriculum is quite easy, not so difficult. It was prescribed by SCERT itself. Yes students do fail in the exams if not secured minimum marks. Good aspects of this course are you gain knowledge, skills, confidence to speak, participate in various activities and social interaction too. It also provide hand on experience by giving 30-35 days training in school. The bas aspect is, it is also based on the the old school education system to give exams which I personally don't like and u have to submit various files of all subjects. Although it is a good practise to gain the experience but it is somewhat burdensome. There are 3 exams conducted in a year-2 internals and 1 term end with 10 subjects each. 8 classes take place usually in a day with 45-50 minutes each. As such no free time is given except lunch break which is of 20-25 minutes. Every teacher has its own methodology to teach. Some use lecture method, some uses discussion method and some uses demonstration method according to the topic and subject. I personally admire all the faculties as they do work wholeheartedly to teach us. All the teachers are best according to my opinion. Yes there is a mandatory attendance rule. You have to maintain atleast 75 percent attendance in a year to qualify for the exams. If you don't fulfil the criteria, then you have to come to colleges in preparatory leaves to complete the attendance. Yes I have seen students coming to college because of short of attendance. And regularly or monthly, students were given short of attendance forms to get it signed by parents and they have to secure the 75 percent criteria of attendance.

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Anuj Yadav
Reviewed on (Enrolled 2023)


Course curriculum is not difficult but if you don't study at all you can fail also. classes are 5 days a week and mostly all faculties hold a PHD degree, there is 75% attendance criteria, if you don't full fill the attendance criteria you will be not able to sit in the exams.

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