B.Tech Aerospace Engineering Syllabus, Subjects, 1st Year, Semester, Entrance Exam, Books, Top colleges

B.Tech Aerospace Engineering Latest Updates

13 Feb, 2025 Testing JEE Main

BTech Aerospace Engineering is a 4-year undergraduate program which is a major overlap of Aeronautical engineering and Astronautical engineering. A large part of Aeronautical Engineering is covered under mechanical engineering, while the electronics part of Aeronautical engineering is covered by Avionics engineering. 

See Also: B Tech Courses

The 4-year course covers the study and practice of mathematics and physical science for research purposes. The core subjects covered in this course are thermodynamics, aerodynamics, celestial, control system, propulsion, electronics, mechanics, etc

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B Tech Aerospace Engineering Course Details

The proper course details for B Tech Aerospace Engineering is listed below:

Course Level Undergraduate
Duration 4 years
Average Course Fee INR 65,000 to INR 4,00,000 per annum
Eligibility 10+2 examinations with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as compulsory subjects with an aggregate of 60% marks
Admission Process Entrance test
Top Recruiters Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO),National Aeronautical Laboratory,Tata Advanced Systems,Hindustan Aeronautics Limited,Air India,Larsen & Toubro
Average Aerospace Engineer Salary INR 5 LPA ( According to Ambition Box)
Top Job Profiles Aerospace Designer,Mechanical Design Engineer,Aircraft Production Manager,Assistant Technical Officer,Aerospace engineer
BTech Aerospace Engineering Specializations
  • Aerodynamics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Control System
  • Propulsion
  • Celestial Mechanics
  • Electronics


B Tech Aerospace Engineering Syllabus

Students will be able to understand governing principles and apply them in the fundamental disciplines of Aerospace Engineering (aerodynamics, guidance & control, propulsion and structures). They will be able to use methodology and tools pertaining to the fundamental design of aircraft and rockets.

Semester 1 Semester 2
Technical Communication Multivariable Calculus
Single Variable Calculus Ordinary Differential Equations
Matrix Algebra Engineering Physics - B /Engineering Chemistry - A
Problem Solving and Algorithmic Thinking Engineering Physics Lab - B / Engineering Chemistry Lab - A
Engineering Physics - B /Engineering Chemistry - A Computer Programming
Engineering Physics Lab - B / Engineering Chemistry Lab – A Engineering Mechanics
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Manufacturing Practice
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Introduction to Aerospace Technology
Engineering Graphics – CAD Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab
Cultural Education – I Cultural Education - II
Semester 3 Semester 4
Free Elective I** Free Elective II**
Amrita Values Program I Amrita Values Program II
Laplace Transforms Numerical Computing
Partial Differential Equations Aerodynamics I
Mechanics of Fluids Compressible Fluid Flow
Mechanics of Materials Aerospace Structures I
Materials for Aviation and Space Introduction to Control Theory
Introduction to Thermodynamics Mechanics of Fluids Lab.
Measurement and Instrumentation Lab. Materials Testing Lab.@
Professional Elective I* Soft Skills I
Disaster Management Environmental Science
Semester 5 Semester 6
Linear Algebra Finite Element Methods for Aerospace
Aerodynamics II Flight Mechanics
Aerospace Propulsion Professional Elective III*
Aerospace Structures II Professional Elective IV*
Avionics Propulsion Lab.@
Professional Elective II* Low-speed Aerodynamics Lab.@
Aero-structures Lab.@ Innovations Lab.
Avionics Lab.@ Soft Skills III
Soft Skills II [Live-in –Labs]***
[Live-in –Labs]*** -
Indian Constitution -
Semester 7 Semester 8
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Aerospace Professional Elective VII*
Aero Design Professional Elective VIII*
Flight Dynamics & Control Project Phase II-
Professional Elective V* -
Professional Elective VI* -
Flight testing lab. -
Project Phase 1 -


B Tech Aerospace Engineering Subjects

This course teaches the students about the design and functioning of all airborne vehicles such as civil aircraft, rockets, missiles, space shuttles, space stations. The proper Explanation of B Tech Aerospace Engineering Subjects according to semesters is listed below:

B Tech Aerospace Engineering First Semester Subjects

  • Soft Skills-I - Students will learn about Self Analysis, Attitude, Change Management, motivation, Goal setting, Time Management, Creativity. To develop interpersonal skills and be an effective goal-oriented team player. See AlsoManagement Courses
  • English - Students will learn to achieve proficiency in English and develop their professional communication skills to meet the demand in the field of global communication to enable them to acquire placement anywhere with ease and confidence. See Also: English Courses
  • Principles of Environmental Science - To provide the students with hands-on experience in different trades of engineering like fitting, carpentry, smithy, welding and sheet metal.

See Also:

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Second Semester Subjects

  • Advanced Calculus and Complex Analysis - To impart analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering.
  • Engineering Graphics- To draw and interpret various projections of 1D, 2D and 3D objects. To prepare and interpret the drawings of buildings.
  • Engineering Mechanics- To develop the ability, in the engineering student, to understand, formulate, and solve a given problem in a logical manner and to apply it to solve a few basic problems in engineering mechanics. See Also: Engineering Mechanics Courses

Check Also: Top Aviation colleges in India

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Third Semester Subjects

  • Electronics and Instrumentation - This course provides basic knowledge about thermodynamic laws and relations, and their application to various processes.
  • Aero Fluid Mechanics - To be familiar with all the basic concepts of fluids and fluid flow phenomenon, conservation equations and their applications to simple problems.
  • Manufacturing Technology-To make the students aware of different manufacturing processes like casting, metal forming, metal cutting and gear manufacturing.

See Also:

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Fourth Semester Subjects

  • Machines AND Mechanisms - To expose the students to learn the fundamentals of various laws governing rigid bodies and their motions. 
  • Aerodynamics – I - To study incompressible flow over airfoils, wings, and bodies – and to be able to estimate the interaction effects when such bodies are combined.

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Fifth Semester Subjects

  • Elements of Aeronautics - The course intends to deal with various instruments used to control the aircraft system.
  • Aero Thermodynamics - It will improve the student's ability to analyze Engineering concepts of air-breathing propulsion systems.

See Also:

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Sixth Semester Subjects

Introduction to Space Technology - This course is designed to provide a broad overview of space technology with regard to rocket propulsion.

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Seventh Semester Subjects

Economics and Principles of Management- The different engineering economic principles and strategies, Principles of organizational management, and Behavior of humans at organizations with modern management concepts.

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Eighth Semester Subjects

Project Work - To apply the knowledge obtained in the theoretical and laboratory courses. To design and fabricate various components and instruments related to Aerospace Engineering and to analyze various problems related to Aerospace Engineering

See Also:

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Entrance Exam Syllabus (AME CET)

Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Common Entrance Test which is also known as AME CET and it is given for Pilot, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, BBA in Aviation, B.Sc in Aviation etc

  • The exam will begin in both modes.
  • The question paper will last 90 minutes, during which time the candidate will answer 90 multiple-choice questions.
  • Questions will be taken from various subjects, including physics, English, mathematics, chemistry, and general knowledge.
  • The question paper will be available in both languages Hindi and English.
  •  Four points will be awarded for the correct answer, and one point will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Elective Subjects

Fundamentals Heat Transfer Experimental Aerodynamics
Manufacturing Processes Composite Materials and Mechanics
Vibration Analysis Advanced Avionics
Computational Methods for Engineers Hypersonic Flow Theory
Aero-Elasticity Air Breathing Engines
Engineering Fracture Mechanics Helicopter Theory
Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion Advanced Composite Structures
State Space Techniques Turbulent Flows
Space Flight Mechanics Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics Surface Engineering, Coating and Joining Technologies
Principles of Airport Management -

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Syllabus in IIST

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Syllabus in IIST is mentioned below

Semester 1 Semester 2
Calculus Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
Physics I Computer Programming and Applications
Chemistry Physics II
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering Materials Science and Metallurgy
Basic Electrical Engineering Basic Electronics Engineering
Communication Skills Engineering Graphics
Physics Lab Chemistry Lab
Basic Engineering Lab Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering Lab
Semester 3 Semester 4
Linear Algebra, Complex Analysis, and Fourier Series Integral Transforms, PDE, and Calculus of Variations
Engineering Thermodynamics Aerodynamics
Mechanics of Solids Heat Transfer
Fluid Mechanics Applied Dynamics and Vibration
Manufacturing Technology Machining and Precision Manufacturing
Introduction to Machine Elements and Drawing Introduction to Social Science and Ethics
Introduction to Economics Thermal and Fluid Lab
Strength of Materials Lab Metrology and Computer Aided Inspection
Semster 5 Semester 6
Probability, Statistics, and Numerical Methods Air-Breathing Propulsion
Compressible Flow Aerospace Structures
Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Optimization Techniques in Engineering
Spaceflight Mechanics Principles of Management Systems
Theory of Elasticity Elective I
Automatic Control Elective II
Aerodynamics Lab Aerospace Structures Lab
Manufacturing Processes Lab Modeling and Analysis Lab
Semester 7 Semester 8
Rocket Propulsion Comprehensive Viva-Voce
Aerospace Vehicle Design Project Work
Environmental Science and Engineering -
Elective III -
Elective IV -
Institute Elective -
Flight Mechanics and Propulsion Lab -
Instrumentation and Control Systems Lab -
Summer Internship and Training -

See AlsoAerospace Engineering Courses

Amity University Aerospace Engineering Syllabus

The syllabus for Amity University Aerospace Engineering is :

Semester 1 Semester 2
Technical Communication – I Technical Communication – II
Engineering Chemistry Engineering Mechanics
Basic Electrical Engineering Elements of Mechanical Engineering Lab
Engineering Graphics Lab Introduction to Computers and Programming in C
Introduction to Environmental Studies Applied Mathematics - II
Applied Mathematics- I Engineering Physics
Semester 3 Semester 4
Elements of Aerospace Engineering Aerodynamics - I
Fluid Mechanics Propulsion - I
Basic Electronics Engineering Aircraft Structures - I
Object Oriented Programming Using C++ Self-Reliance and Socialization
Internship - I Cloud Computing Practitioner
Mechanics of Solids Basic Simulation Lab
Thermodynamics Applied Mathematics-IV
Applied Mathematics- III -
Semester 5 Semester 6
Aircraft Materials and Processes Professional Ethics and Social Responsibility
Propulsion - II Aircraft Maintenance
Aerodynamics - II Aircraft Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Certification
Aircraft Structures - II Airplane Performance
Airplane Systems and Instruments Aircraft Stability and Control
Heat Transfer Aircraft Design
Fundamentals of Product Design & Development Basics of Machine Learning
Internship - II Aircraft Composite Materials
Aptitude and Reasoning Ability Theory of Vibrations
Cognitive Skills, Leadership and Decision Making Fundamentals of CAT (Aero)
- Aerospace Employability and Career Enhancement
- Aerospace Embedded System
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Elementary Soft Computing
Semester 7 Semester 8
Experimental Aerodynamics Major Project
Rockets and Missiles -
Boundary Layer Theory -
Flight Dynamics -
Principles of Helicopter Engineering -
Introduction to Automatic Flight Control -
Aeroelasticity -
Computational Fluid Dynamics -
Introduction to Finite Element Method -
Economics for Engineers -
Internship - III -
Minor Project -
Aspects of Indian History for Engineers -
Law for Engineers -
Sociology for Engineers -
Aerospace Power Electronics -
Basics of System Simulation & Modeling -
Aerospace Software Engineering -

Hindustan University Aerospace Engineering Syllabus

To provide every graduate with professionally competent education in all spheres of Aerospace engineering, technology, applied sciences, management, ethics and to inculcate the training for lifelong learning. B Tech Aerospace Engineering syllabus in Hindustan University is mentioned below:

Semester 1 Semester 2
Engineering Graphics and Computer Aided Design / Professional English and soft skills Analytical Mathematics
Matrices and Calculus Engineering Materials / Engineering Physics
Engineering Physics / Engineering Materials Professional English and soft skills / Engineering Graphics and Computer Aided Design
Problem Solving Using C* / Sustainable Engineering Systems Sustainable Engineering Systems/ Problem Solving Using C
Engineering and Design/ Introduction to Digital Systems Introduction to Digital Systems /Engineering and Design
Engineering Immersion Lab Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Physics Lab/ Materials Chemistry Lab Introduction to Aerospace Engineering
- Aeromodelling Lab
- Engineering Immersion Lab
- Materials Chemistry Lab / Engineering Physics Lab
Semester 3 Semester 4
Partial Differential Equations and Transforms Numerical Methods
Solid Mechanics Aircraft Structural Mechanics
Aero Thermodynamics Aerospace Propulsion
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Low Speed Aerodynamics*
Professional Ethics and Life Skills Aircraft Systems and Instrumentation
Non Department Elective Non Department Elective
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab Aircraft Systems Lab
Solid mechanics Lab Computer Aided Modelling Lab
Thermodynamics Lab -
Semester 5 Semester 6
Optimization Techniques Business Economics
Aircraft Performance Advanced Propulsion
Aerospace Structures * Control Theory
Jet Propulsion Aircraft Stability& Control
Compressible Aerodynamics Department Elective - II
Department Elective-I Department Elective - III
Non Department Elective Non Department Elective
Propulsion Lab - I Design Project-I
Aerodynamics lab Propulsion Lab - II
Computer Aided Modeling Project Computational Mechanics Lab.
Internship Comprehension
Semester 7 Semester 8
Space Mechanics Project & Viva - voce
Composite Materials and Structures -
Vibrations & Aero-elasticity -
Fem for Aerospace -
Department Elective–IV -
Department Elective-V -
Non-Department Elective-V -
Space propulsion Lab -
Composite Materials Laboratory -
Design Project-II -

See AlsoAeronautical Engineering Courses

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Syllabus in LPU

The Syllabus for LPU Univeristy Aerospace Engineering is :

First Year
Autumn Term Spring Term
Basic Engineering Mechanics Aerospace Engineering Drawing
Engineering Physics Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Engineering Physics Laboratory Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering Laboratory
Environmental Studies Differential Equation and Vector Calculus
Fly Against Gravity Engineering Chemistry
Mathematics for Engineers Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
Soft Skills-I Introduction to Space Science and Application
- Language Elective 1
- Mechanical Workshop
Second Year
Autumn Term Spring Term
Aerospace Materials and Processes Aerodynamics-I
Community Development Project Aerospace Structures-I
Complex Analysis and Transform Aircraft Legislation
Computer Programming-I Computer Aided Design Laboratory
Fluid Mechanice and Machinery Computer Programming-II
Language Elective 2 Engineering MINOR Elective 1
Manufacturing Technology Open Minor 1
Manufacturing Technology Laboratory Thermal Engineering
Numerical and Statistical Method Laboratory Thermo-Fluids Laboratory
Solid Mechanics -
Third Year
Autumn Term Spring Term
Aerodynamics Laboratory Aerospace Structures Laboratory
Aerodynamics-II Aerospace Structures-II
Computing System and Technologies Engineering Minor Elective 3
Engineering Minor Elective 2 Open Minor 4
Flight Mechanics Pathway Elective 2
Open Minor 2 Propulsion Laboratory
Open Minor 3 Propulsion -II
Pathway Elective 1 -
Propulsion -I -
Seminar on Summer Training -
Fourth Year
Autumn Term Spring Term
Capstone Project-I Capstone Project-II
Engineering Minor Elective 4 Engineering Minor Elective 5
Industry Co-op Project-I Engineering Minor Elective 6
Pathway Elective 3 Training Elective 1
Pathway Elective 4 -

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Syllabus Jain University

The syllabus for Jain University Aerospace Engineering is :

Semester 1 and 2
Physics Cycle Chemistry Cycle
Engineering Mathematics –I Engineering Mathematics – II
Physics Chemistry
Communicative English Basics of Electrical Engineering
Problem Solving Through Programming Workshop Practice
Engineering Graphics Sociology and Elements of Indian History for Engineers
Physics Lab Chemistry Lab
Problem Solving Through Programming Lab Electrical Engineering Lab
Communicative English Lab -
Semester 3 Semester 4
Engineering Mathematics - III Engineering Mathematics for Aerospace Engineers
Economic for Engineering Aerospace Vehicles and Systems
Measurements and Instrumentation for Aerospace Machine Drawing
Fluid Mechanics Aerodynamics - I
Thermodynamics Aerospace Structures - I
Engineering Mechanics Business Communication and Presentation skill / Professional Ethics
Measurements and Instrumentation Lab Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Mandatory Course-Energy Studies Aerospace Structures Lab
- Machine Shop and Precision Engineering Lab
Semester 5 Semester 6
Propulsion - I Aerospace Design - I
Aerodynamics - II Flight Mechanics
Aircraft Structures - II Propulsion – II
Introduction to Space Technology Introduction to Finite Element Methods
Heat and Mass Transfer Elective - I
Composite Materials Elective – II
Aerodynamics Lab Flight Lab Course (Mini Project)
Propulsion Lab -
Semester 7 Semester 8
Elective –III Open Elective-III
Elective –IV Open Elective-IV
Elective –V Internship/Project Work –II
Elective –VI -
Open Elective-I -
Open Elective-II -
Project Work –I -

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Top Colleges

The Top colleges for B Tech Aerospace Engineering are :

College Name Average Course Fee (per year)
Amity University, Noida INR 3,11,000
IIT Bombay INR 2,28,000
IIT Madras INR 75,116
IIT Kanpur INR 2,15,600
KIIT Bhubaneswar INR 4,29,000
HITS Chennai INR 2,29,500
IIT Kharagpur INR 82,070
Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar INR 1,68,000
UPES, Dehradun INR 16,04,500
Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal INR 3,35,000

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Books

The important books for B Tech Aerospace Engineering are:

Books Author
“Advanced Engineering Mathematics Kreyszig.E
Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles Thermodynamics an engineering approach
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teen”s Covey Sean
Mechanics of Materials James M. Gere
How to win Friends and Influence People Carnegie Dale
Gas Dynamics Radhakrishnan
Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion Martin J L Turner,

See AlsoHow to become a Combat Engineer?

B Tech Aerospace Engineering Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects in Aerospace Engineering?

Ans. Subjects like Aerodynamics, Thermodynamics, propulsion, Electronics, Mechanics, and Control systems are included in Aerospace Engineering.

Ques. What are the five things Aerospace engineers do?

Ans. Aerospace Engineers specialize in areas such as Aerodynamics, navigation, control, instrumentation and communication, robotics, aerodynamics fluid flow. They develop new technologies for use in aviation, spacecraft and defense systems.

Ques. Can Aerospace engineers get admission without JEE?

Ans. Yes, one can get admission in Aerospace Engineering without JEE and JEE is not compulsory.

Ques. Is Aerospace Engineering a good career?

Ans. There are numerous job opportunities for Aerospace engineers as the aviation industry is growing at a massive pace. It is one of the top five highest-paid professionals in the engineering sector.

Ques. Is there a future in Aerospace engineering?

Ans. After completing Aerospace engineering, students can work as Aircraft production managers, Mechanical design engineers, Assistant technical officers, or Aerospace design check.

Ques. Can Aerospace engineers go in ISRO?

Ans. ISRO hires Engineers on the basis of their performance in the Recruitment exam and after that, they can get jobs as Aerospace engineers with a starting salary of around 6-10 Lakhs per annum.

Ques. Who hires Aerospace Engineers in India?

Ans. The name of companies that hire Aerospace Engineers in India are Airbus, Boeing, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Civil Aviation Department, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

Ques. What are the top colleges for Aerospace Engineers in India?

Ans. The top colleges for Aerospace Engineers in India are IIT Bombay, SRM University of Chennai, RVCE Banglore, IIST Thiruvananthapuram, MIT Manipal etc

Ques. Who is the youngest Aerospace engineer in India?

Ans. Ujjal Adhikary(born on April 29, 1992) is the youngest Aerospace Engineer in India.

Ques. How many hours does an Aerospace Engineer work?

Ans. Aerospace Engineers work 40 hours a workweek, full time and sometimes have to work more depending on the project deadline or according to the demand of the job.

Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Aerospace Engineering) : 39 answered questions


Ques. Is Amity University the best for aerospace engineering?

● Top Answer By Tanushree Chakraborty on 07 May 21

Ans. One of my friends studied aerospace engineering at Amity University, so let me share his experiences about the college and also the true facts about Amity University. Amity University offers two programs in Aerospace - BTech in Aerospace Engineering and a Dual degree program ( Integrated BTech + MTech). There are very few experienced faculty members in both of these departments. They are not very active and supportive. The course curriculum is well designed, however, the teaching methodology is not very impressive. The department is very strict about the attendance of students. The students need to maintain a minimum of 75% attendance. The department debarred the students who fail to attain 75% attendance in any subject. The aerospace department is separated from the Amity School of Engineering and technology and thus the students miss out on most of the events and programs. The student crowd is huge at Amity. There are various spots of the student crowd such as Domino, CCD, Small market, Salons, etc. huge events are being organized for students. Categories Aerospace Engineering at Amity Course Fee 9.20 lakh Placement Percentage 30-40% Highest CTC 10-13 LPA Average CTC 4-5 LPA Recruiting Companies Rockwell, Wipro, Indigo, Spice JET, Tech Mahindra, etc. The campus placement is not good in the aerospace department. Either you will be selected in Defence or any IT company. There are no internship opportunities available. You will hardly get a package ranging from INR 4-5 LPA. The course fee is also high in respect to the placement given. The course curriculum is mainly theoretical and very less practical. You should try for another better college for doing Aerospace rather than in Amity.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is IIT madras Aerospace? How is life like?

● Top Answer By Prabhat Tripathi on 29 Mar 23

Ans. IIT Madras is one of the premier engineering institutes in India, and its Aerospace Engineering department is highly reputed. The Aerospace Engineering program at IIT Madras is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles of aerospace engineering, including aircraft design, propulsion, flight mechanics, and control. Aerospace Engineering at IIT Madras has well-equipped labs and facilities, including wind tunnels, flight simulators, and advanced computational facilities, which enable students to gain hands-on experience in the field. The department also has a strong faculty with a diverse range of expertise, including aerospace structures, aerodynamics, propulsion, and control systems. As for life at IIT Madras, it is known for its vibrant campus culture, with a range of extracurricular activities, sports facilities, and student clubs. The campus is situated in a lush green environment, providing a peaceful and serene atmosphere for students. The institute also has a variety of accommodation options, including hostels and apartments, which are well-maintained and provide a comfortable living experience. Overall, IIT Madras Aerospace is a highly respected program with excellent facilities and faculty, and life at the institute is known for its enriching and enjoyable experiences.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. What marks and rank is required to get Aerospace Engineering in IIT Bombay in JEE Advanced 2024?

● Top Answer By Adwait Tejas on 20 Mar 23

Ans. The JEE Advanced cutoff 2023 for Aerospace Engineering at IIT Bombay has not been released yet.  Factors determining IITs Cutoff 2023 for B.Tech Aerospace Engineering are Previous years’ cutoff trends Difficulty level of JEE Advanced 2023. The total number of candidates who appeared for the entrance examination. Number of applicants for Aerospace Engineering in each institute. Previous Years’ IITs Cutoff for B.Tech Aerospace Engineering You can check the previous years’ cutoff of IITs for B.Tech Aerospace Engineering for reference from the tables given below. Category  Cutoff General 2119 OBC 1211 EWS 496 General (PWD) 164 SC 726 ST 396 As far as marks are considered I think scoring above 50% of the maximum marks will guarantee a rank close to 2000 which is sufficient for getting Aerospace at IITK, IIT-KGP, IITM but maybe not IIT-B. However, don't limit your efforts to attain the required rank only. Work hard and give your best and try to rank as high as you can. Also, I would suggest you to go for IIT Kanpur if you are interested in Aerospace as it has better facilities in this branch. But it is a well-known fact that the job prospects in Aerospace are very limited in India. If you get a rank of more than 10000, go for IIST, Trivandrum. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is Hindustan University for aerospace engineering?

● Top Answer By Anita Mukherjee on 08 Apr 21

Ans. One of my friends studies at Hindustan University. So, I know a little bit about the institute.  Hindustan University is recognized as a great platform for Aerospace Engineering. But the institute owes its reputation to the students who go out of their way to excel in academics without much help from the institute. According to my friend’s experience, the institute does not offer support of any kind, be it lab equipment, leniency in attendance, or time. The institute charges high fines for low attendance. It also has a dress code for the laboratory which is quite uncomfortable. According to authority, it is for the protection of the students. However, there are either computer-related laboratory works or lectures, so there is actually no need for uncomfortable uniforms.  Also, students are not allowed to use most of the equipment in the laboratory. According to authorities, it could be potentially dangerous.  Overall, at Hindustan University you won’t have many facilities, placement offers, or any kind of support. So, it would be better to opt for other options.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is it worthwhile to join aerospace engineering in IIEST, Shibpur formerly known as BESU?

● Top Answer By Yogita Taneja on 26 Feb 21

Ans. One of my elder brothers has completed his B.E degree in Aerospace from BESU, Shibpur.  As per him, Aerospace Engineering is the youngest Department and lacks of proper infrastructure. He also mentioned the poor planning, and except for some professors, other teachers do not have even the knowledge about what they are teaching. However, professors with proper subject knowledge are just awesome; rather, they are the coolest professors in this institute.  Additionally, the positive thing about this institute is that all the professors have a logical mindset. They are always prepared to do any sort of experimentation related to the course. They are always ready to implement any practicable criticism that may approach their way to research. Moreover, the term “worthwhile” is much related to campus recruitment. Considering this, my elder brother honestly told me that if a student wants to engage with Aerospace Engineering, it is better than going for a higher study. This is so because the institute does not provide any job opportunity after completing M.Tech. Aerospace Engineering is a new stream in India and if you wants to establish in this field, then it is better to try foreign universities. It is because India still not have a good infrastructure for the development of its own aerospace industry. Besides, the private organisations that offer a job in India are comparatively very low than Russia, Germany and France. The only sole organisation is Hindustan Aeronautics, and it does not have any competitors. Thus, the student must choose to study Aerospace Engineering very wisely, and they must analyse future job perspectives first.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is aerospace engineering at IIT, Madras and Bombay?

● Top Answer By Yashluv Virwani on 13 Mar 23

Ans. If you're considering attending an IIT for your academic pursuits, you may want to take a closer look at IITB. Not only do we offer top-tier facilities, but we also have a number of unique projects and programs that set us apart from other IITs. One such program is Mood Indigo, which is Asia's largest cult fest and the world's second-largest. In addition to Mood Indigo, we also have the Pratham student satellite program and other exciting projects like AUV and Mini Aerial Vehicle. Plus, we have our own Aeromodelling club, which offers unique opportunities for students to get hands-on experience with aircraft design and engineering. When it comes to job placement, IITB has a strong track record of success. Our graduates are highly sought after by top companies across various industries, which can help set you up for long-term career success. Of course, choosing an IIT is a personal decision that should be based on a range of factors, including academic programs, location, and student life. While we believe that IITB is the best IIT in India, it's crucial for you to do your own research and determine which program is the best fit for your academic and personal goals. Ultimately, you can succeed in any IIT program with hard work and dedication. We encourage you to carefully consider your options and choose the program that best aligns with your unique needs and aspirations.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Which one is better: aerospace engineering in IIT Kanpur, aerospace engineering in IIT Madras, mechanical engineering IIT BHU, or ECE in IIT BHU?

● Top Answer By Admin on 21 Jun 24

Ans. First of all you need to lose this ideology that ECE has more scope and mechanical or aerospace engineering has less scope. Every field has top notch research going in it and provides dynamic and challenging work opportunities.  I also had the same dilemma and I chose Aerospace engineering at IIT Madras over other departments due to following reasons:- IIT Madras has state of the art facilities that focus on practical and industry oriented knowledge. The syllabus of Aerospace follows the latest curriculum and incorporates the latest industry trends such as Structures, Aerodynamics, Propulsion, Controls, and System Design. IIT Madras is in the heart of the city with a lot of entertainment hubs nearby. IIT Kanpur has a NIRF ranking of  4th with IIT Madras at 1st and IIT BHU at 15th. The Average salary for IIT BHU Mechanical and ECE is 12.5 LPA and 22.85 LPA . The Average package for IIT Madras Aerospace Engineering is 21 LPA . The Average package for IIT Kanpur Aerospace Engineering is 20 LPA .Read more
4 Answer

Ques. Is Amrita University the best for aerospace engineering?

● Top Answer By Udit Bhatia on 06 Jul 21

Ans. Yes, indeed. Amrita University offers a degree in Aerospace Engineering, but it has branches spread almost at several places around India. And, the best branch of Amrita University among all is the one at Coimbatore. In terms of a grand infrastructure and a place that provides such a brilliant standard of quality education to students, Amrita University, Coimbatore is the one you should choose for Aerospace Engineering. I would recommend you to take some prior experience on the subject of Aerospace Engineering.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better to opt, aerospace engineering in IIT Madras or CSE in NIT Trichy?

● Top Answer By Aditi Goswami on 30 Mar 23

Ans. Anyone who has the option of choosing IIT Madras must without further thinking grab the opportunity. IIT Madras is Ranked the No.1 Engineering college for the past few subsequent years. Joining IIT Madras will let you change your branch based on your CGPA IIT Madras has excellent culture and peer groups and fairs much better than NIT Trichy in this aspect. The level of competition at IIT Madras is higher and thus you will grow continuously unlike NIT where you will already be among the toppers The plethora of opportunities and exposure at IIT Madras is incomparable to that at NIT Trichy. My friend was a graduate student of Automotive Engineering (Engineering Design) from IIT Madras but ended up with a career in Data Science and Algorithmic Trading. Thus every engineer irrespective of his branch should be proficient in at least one programming language. Choose your college wisely as it’s responsible for shaping and steering your career.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which branch should I choose among IIT Delhi Chemical, IIT Delhi Biotechnology, IIT Bombay Aerospace, IIT Roorkee Electrical, IIT Roorkee Electronics?

● Top Answer By Admin on 12 Jul 24

Ans. I am a second-year student of Aerospace Engineering at IIT Bombay. I think you should opt for Aerospace Engineering at our institution. You should especially choose this branch if the area of research interests you as it is a research-focused department.  The Aerospace Engineering branch of IIT Bombay consistently performs well in placements. The highest package in 2023 was INR 1.68 CPA, while the median package was INR 19.63 LPA for B.Tech Aerospace Engineering students of IIT Bombay.  Some of the prominent recruiters from the department are- Rolls Royce, Boeing India, Akasa Air, Airbus, etc. After graduation, you can work in aircraft design, or as a technical officer, or in some other related field.  Here are some details of the Aerospace branch at IIT Bombay: Parameters IIT Bombay Aerospace NIRF 2023 Engineering Ranking #3 QS World University Ranking #118 Highest Package INR 1.68 CPA Median  Package INR 19.63 LPA Top Recruiters Rolls Royce, Boeing India, Akasa Air, Airbus, etc.  Because of its top-class placements, the IIT Bombay tag, and the unique career opportunities offered by this field, I would suggest you choose Aerospace Engineering at IIT Bombay. Read more
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