B.Tech Agricultural Engineering Syllabus, Subjects, 1st Year, Semester, Entrance Exam, Books, Top colleges

BTech Agricultural Engineering program provides technical knowledge as well as helps in developing skills to excel in the agriculture field. The course includes the disciplines of plant biology and electrical and chemical engineering. 

See AlsoB Tech Courses

BTech Agricultural Engineering course teaching methods include lectures, lab work, assignments, practical on-field training, workshops, etc. Students are also encouraged to take up an internship program or get better through research projects or training.

See AlsoAgricultural Engineering Courses

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Course Details

The Course details for B Tech Engineering are listed below in a tabular form:

Course Level Under-graduate
Duration 4 years (2 semesters per academic year)
Examination Type Semester Wise Exam
Eligibility Must be passed in 12th PCM/PCB from a recognized Board
Admission Process Merit and Entrance Exam Basis
Entrance Examinations JEE, MH-CET
Average Fees Between 50K and 2 lakh
Average Annual Salary INR 1.5 – 2.5 Lacs per annum
Job Designation Agricultural Engineer, Agricultural Managers, Research scientist, Lecturer, Microbiologist, etc.
Average Annual Salary INR 1.5 – 2.5 Lacs per annum
Similar Options of Study
  • Agricultural Engineering Master's Degree
  • Integrated Water Resources Management ME
  • Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering Master's Degree
  • MSc Agriculture

See Also:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Syllabus

The syllabus for B Tech Agricultural Engineering is:

Semester 1 Semester 2
Engineering Mathematics - I Engineering Mathematics – II
Engineering Physics Computers Programming and Data Structures
Engineering Chemistry Applied Electronics and Instrumentation
Workshop Practice Agriculture for Engineers
Surveying and Leveling Workshop Technology
Engineering Drawing Thermodynamics & Heat Engines
Environmental Science Field operation and Maintenance of Tractors and Farm Machinery-I
Electrical Circuits Engineering Mechanics
English and Communication Skills -
Semester 3 Semester 4
Engineering Properties of Biological Materials and Food Quality Farm Machinery and Equipment – II
Soil Mechanics Irrigation Engineering
Soil & Water Conservation Engineering Crop Process Engineering
Farm Machinery and Equipment – I Fluid Mechanics
Farm Power Theory of Machines
Watershed Hydrology Heat and Mass Transfer
Engineering Mathematics - III Field Operation and Maintenance of Tractors and Farm Machinery – II
Agribusiness Management and Trade Advance Computer Science & Engineering
- Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics
Semester 5 Semester 6
Machine Drawing and Computer Graphics Agricultural Structures and Environmental Control
Machine Design Drying and Storage Engineering
Dairy & Food Engineering Design of Structures
Tractor Systems and Controls Drainage Engineering
Electrical M/C’s and Power Utilization Soil & Water Conservation Structures
Database Management and Internet Applications Refrigeration and Air conditioning
Strength of Materials Entrepreneurship Development
Ground Water, Wells and Pumps Renewable Energy Sources
Semester 7 Semester 8
Project - I Project - II
Seminar Practical Training at Institution/University.
In Plant/Industrial Training-I In Plant/Industrial Training-II

See Also:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Subjects

The Detailed explanation of Subjects in B Tech Agricultural Engineering has been listed below:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering First year Subjects 

  • Environmental Science- Students will learn topics like Definition, Scope and Importance. Bio-diversity: value, threats and conservation.Ecosystem: Types, structure and functions, Rural and urban waste management, Global warming etc
  • English and Communication Skill-This includes Structural and functional grammar: tenses, agreement of verb and subject, punctuation, models, modifiers, conjunction, preposition; Writing: Composition, Communication: Introduction to communication, meaning and process of communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, goals of communication, the content of communication, medium of communication, factors influencing communication, barriers of communication, features of good communication.

See Also:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Second year Subjects 

  • Soil and Water Conservation Engineering - This includes Introduction; soil erosion - causes, different types and agents of soil erosion; water erosion - forms of water erosion, mechanics of erosion; gullies and their classification, stages of gully development; soil loss estimation, determination of their various parameters; erosion control measures.
  • Agribusiness Management and Trade - Management concepts and principles, the process of management, functions of management, the concept of agribusiness and application of management principles to agribusiness, production, consumption, and marketing of agricultural products, agricultural processing, meaning and theories of international trade, WTO provisions for trade in agricultural.

See Also:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Third year Subjects 

  • Machine Design- Meaning of design, Phases of design, design considerations. Common engineering materials and their mechanical properties. Types of loads and stresses, theories of failure, a factor of safety, selection of allowable stress. Stress concentration. Elementary fatigue and creep aspects. Cotter joints, knuckle joints and pinned joints, turnbuckle. See Also: ME Machine Design
  • Dairy and Food Engineering - This includes Dairy development in India. Engineering, thermal and chemical properties of milk and milk products, process flow charts for product manufacture, working principles of equipment for receiving, pasteurisation sterilization, homogenisation, filling & packaging, butter manufacture, composition and proximate analysis of food products. See AlsoM.Sc Dairy Engineering

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Fourth year Subjects

  • Project - I - Finalization of the project topic, the survey of relevant literature, the definition of objectives, proposed methodology, presentation on the previous topics and progress of work.
  • In Plant/Industrial Training-II:-The student will undergo Practical Training of one (01) month duration at suitable training institutes/organizations/industries. The students will be evaluated in this course based on presentation, training report submission, and viva-voce.

See Also:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Entrance Exam Syllabus (MHT CET) 

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test, commonly called MHT CET is conducted by the Government of Maharashtra for candidates to take admission in the engineering, pharmacy and technology programs offered by private as well as government colleges in Maharashtra.

MHT CET Exam Pattern

Particulars Details
Mode of Examination Online Mode (Computer Based Test)
Number of Papers 3 (PCM/PCB)
Medium of Examination English/Marathi/Urdu
Duration of the exam 3 hours
Type of Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Number of Questions in OCB 200
Number of Questions for PCM 150
Marking Scheme Mathematics- 2 marks for each correct answer
Chemistry, Physics and Biology- 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer
Negative Marking No

MHT CET 2023 Syllabus

According to the new pattern of exam 10% of the questions will be asked from Class XI Syllabus. The subject-wise topics are listed below in a tabular format:

Subject Groups
Physics Laws of Motion, Motion in a Plane, Thermal properties of matter, Gravitation, Sound, Optics, Electrostatics & Semiconductors
Biology Respiration and Energy Transfer, Excretion and Osmoregulation, & Human Nutrition, Biomolecules
Chemistry Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Redox Reactions, State of Matter, Chemical Bonding, Elements of Group 1 and 2, Adsorption and Colloids, Hydrocarbons, & Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry
Mathematics Straight Line, Circles, Measures of Dispersion, Probability, Complex Numbers, Functions, Limits, Permutation and Combination, & Continuity, Trigonometric II,

See Also:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Syllabus in OUAT

The syllabus for B Tech Agricultural Engineering OUAT is :

Semester 1 Semester 2
Engineering Mathematics-I Engineering Mathematics-II
Engineering Physics Environmental Science and Disaster Management
Engineering Chemistry Communication Skills &Personality Development
Principles of Soil Science Theory of Structures
Surveying and Levelling Strength of Materials
Engineering Mechanics Workshop Technology and Practices
Engineering Drawing Elect. Machines and Power Utilisation
Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer Principles of Agronomy
NSS (Non-gradial) -
Semester 3 Semester 4
Principles of Horticultural Crops and Plant Protection Building Construction and Cost Estimation
Web Designing & Internet Appl. Auto CAD Applications
Engineering Mathematics-III Machine Design
Soil Mechanics Farm Machinery & Equipment-I
Fluid Mechanics and Open Channel Hydraulics Engineering Properties of Agricultural Produce
Theory of Machines Watershed Hydrology
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Irrigation Engineering
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Tractor and Automotive Engines
Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Sources
Agricultural Statistics In-plant training-I (Student READY) Registration only
Semester 5 Semester 6
Farm Machinery and Equipment-II Computer Programming and Data Structures
Sprinkler and Micro Irrigation syst. Tractor Systems and Controls
Agricultural Structures and Environmental Control Post Harvest Engineering of Horticultural Crops
Post Harvest Engg. of Cereals, Pulses and Oil Seeds Water Harvesting and Soil Conservation Structures
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Groundwater, Wells and Pumps
Watershed Planning and Management Tractor and Farm Machinery Operation and Maintenance
Drainage Engineering Dairy and Food Engineering
Renewable Power Sources Bio-energy Systems: Design and Applications
Educational Tour during winter/January break (Registration only) In-plant training-II (Student READY) Registration only
Semester 7 Semester 8
10- weeks Industrial Attachment /Internship (Student READY) Elective course
10- weeks Experiential Learning On-campus (Student READY) Elective course
- Elective course
- Project Planning and Report Writing (Student READY) (12 weeks)

See Also:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Syllabus in AKTU

The syllabus for B Tech Agricultural Engineering in AKTU is :

Semester 1 Semester 2
ENGG Physics ENGG Chemistry
Basic Electrical ENGG Elements of Mechanical ENGG
Professional Communication Fundamentals of Computer and Programming
Elementary Agriculture Surveying and Levelling
ENGG Physics Lab
Basic Electrical ENGG Lab
Professional Communication Lab
Workshop Practice Lab
Surveying and Levelling Lab
Elements of Mechanical Engg Lab
Fundamentals of Computer and Programming Lab
Computer Aided Engg Graphics Lab
Semester 3 Semester 4
Mathematics III/ Science Based Open Elective Science Based Open Elective/ Mathematics III
Basic Electronics and Instrumentation Heat & Mass Transfer
Fluid Mechanics Soil Mechanics
Farm Machinery Theory of Machinery
Industrial Psychology / Industrial Sociology Industrial Psychology /Industrial Sociology
Strength of Material Hydrology
Human Values & Professional Ethics/ Cyber Security Cyber Security/ Human Values & Professional Ethics
Practical / Training / Project
Basic Electronics and Instrumentation Lab
Fluid Mechanics Lab
Farm Machinery Lab
Practical / Training / Project
Soil Mechanics Lab
Hydrology Lab
Heat & Mass Transfer Lab
Semester 5 Semester 6
Machine Design Irrigation & Drainage Engg
Soil & Water Conservation Dairy & Food Engg
Refrigeration and Air-condition Tractor System Contro
Farm power Elective-I
EPBM Elective-II
Engineering Economics Industrial Management
Practical Practical
Soil & Water Conservation Irrigation & Drainage Engg.
Refrigeration and Air-condition Dairy & Food Engg
Farm power Tractor System Control
EPBM Seminar
Semester 7 Semester 8
Open Elective -1 Open Elective -2
Deptt Elective Course- 3 Deptt Elective Course 5
Deptt Elective Course -4 Deptt Elective Course -6
BMSD Agricultural Structures and Environmental Control GD & Seminar
Dairy & Food Engg Project-2
Lab -
BMSD Agricultural Structures and Environmental Control -
Dairy & Food Engg Lab -
Industrial Training Lab -
Project-1 Lab -

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Top Colleges

The list of B Tech Agricultural Engineering Top Colleges is:

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Books

Books Authors
Higher Engineering Mathematics. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 2009 B.V. Ramana
Machine Design Dr. Sadhu Singh
Thermal Environmental Engineering J.L. Threlkald
Elementary Solid State Physics M A Omar, Addison Weasley Publication
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata-McGraw-Hill Arora, C.P.
Electricity and Magnetism Rakshit and Chattopadhyay, S. Chand Publication

See AlsoHow to become a Food Technologist

B Tech Agricultural Engineering Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects in B Tech Agricultural Engineering?

Ans. The subjects in B Tech Agricultural Engineering are Engineering Mechanics, Basic of Agricultural Engineering, Mathematics, Physical Chemistry etc.

Ques. Is there scope in B Tech in Agricultural scope?

Ans. After completing B Tech Agricultural Engineering, students can get government jobs such as IBPS Agriculture Field Officer (AFO), Indian Forest Service (IFS). Students can also become subject matter specialists or scientists at IARI ( Indian Agricultural Research Institute )

Ques. What is B Tech Agricultural Engineering?

Ans. B Tech Agricultural Engineering is a 4-year undergraduate degree that teaches students about the use of automation and technology for agricultural practices and food processing.It is all about the use of advanced technology in agriculture.

Ques. What is the job of an agriculture Engineer?

Ans. Agriculture Engineer tries to solve agricultural problems concerning power supplies,the efficiency of machinery, the use of structures and facilities, pollution and environmental issues, and storage and processing of agricultural products.

Ques. Where can agriculture engineers work?

Ans. Agricultural Engineers can work in forestry, food processing and farming including aquaculture (farming of seafood).

Ques. Does Agricultural Engineering have a bright future?

Ans. Agriculture Engineers are responsible for improving agricultural farm machinery, farm structures,bio-gas, rural electrification and new technologies in the design. Agricultural Engineers have bright opportunities in India.

Ques. What can I study after Agricultural Engineering?

Ans. After completing a Graduate in Agricultural Engineering, Students can pursue M Tech in streams like crop production, Agri-Informatics, Power Engineering, Farm Machinery etc 

Ques. Which is the best country to study agriculture?

Ans. The best countries to study Agriculture are the USA, Canada, Fiji, Hungary, Australia, the UK, and Finland.

Ques. What benefits do Agriculture engineers have?

Ans. Most Agriculture engineers work full-time and earn benefits like sick leave, health insurance, paid vacation, and retirement plans. 

Ques. What are the key skills in agriculture?

Ans. Key skills like problem-solving, interpersonal, organizational skills, and farm management skills are needed in agriculture.


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Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Agricultural Engineering) Colleges IN INDIA

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GIFT Autonomous
Bhubaneswar, Odisha
1.24 L first year fees
IPS Academy
Indore, Madhya Pradesh
4.25 L Total fees
57.26 K first year fees