CMAT Toppers 2023: Know Topper List, AIR, Scores, Percentile, and Preparation Tips

CMAT 2023 Topper List will be updated here after the declaration of CMAT 2023 results by NTA. This year, around 60000+ candidates are expected to take CMAT 2023. Based on CMAT scores, admission is granted to MBA / PGDM courses offered by 1000+ colleges all over India.

CMAT 2023 Topper List

The list of CMAT 2023 Toppers will be updated here along with the result statistics. 

CMAT 2023 Topper List To be Updated
Exam Dates 2023

CMAT 2023 Exam Dates

CMAT 2021 Exam Details CMAT 2023 Dates
CMAT Registration Start Date February 13, 2023
Last date to apply for CMAT 2023 Exam Registration March 13, 2023
Start date to download CMAT 2023 Admit Card Last week of March 2023
Last date to download CMAT 2023 Admit Card April 2023
Date of CMAT 2023 Exam April 2023
Declaration of CMAT 2023 Result April 2023
Toppers 2022

CMAT Toppers 2022

CMAT 2022 Topper list will be update soon. In CMAT 2022, 58956 registered and only 51144 appeared. Out of the appeared candidates:

  • 28513 were males
  • 22630 were females
  • 1 was third gender
Toppers 2022

CMAT Toppers 2021

For CMAT 2021, 71,490 candidates registered. Out of these, only 52,327 appeared in the examination.

Name of the Topper Percentile Obtained in CMAT 2021
Kumar Gaurav 100
Sanket Khandare 99.73
Inzamam Ul Islam 99.18
Shivam Kumar 99.058
Kinjal Shah 98.67
Karan Kumar 98.27
Yash Bajpai 97.98
Aishwarya Nandedkar 93
Hardik Ajay Nigam 91.55
Aparna Sign 90.4

Toppers 2020

CMAT Toppers 2020

Overall topper was Gopaljee Jha with 347 marks in CMAT 2020, among female candidates, Kalisetty Udaya Sandhya Lakshmi Devi secured the highest rank of 6th with 338 marks.

S. No. Toppers Name Marks Secured Overall Percentile
1 Gopaljee Jha 347 100
2 Fahad Nizam 342 99.9984201
3 Jeet Mukherjee 340 99.9968403
4 Gautam Bhugra 340 99.9968403
5 Tushant Kumar 338 99.9936806
6 Kalisetty Udaya Sandhya Lakshmi Devi 338 99.9936806
7 Nidshish Deshpande 335 99.9905209
8 Archit Kottapalli 335 99.9905209
9 Divyansh Tiwari 330 99.9873612
10 Abhishek Jha 329 99.9857813
11 Yash 328 99.9842015
12 Haridev C 327 99.9826216
13 Sadhwani Nikhil Harish 327 99.9826216
14 Bhandwale Abhijeet Sundarrao 327 99.9826216
15 Supreet Gupta 325 99.9778820
16 Mukul Kumar 325 99.9778820
17 Siddhant Nair 324 99.9747223
18 Tarun Garg 323 99.9731425
19 Saurav Tyagi 322 99.9715626
20 Narayan Sharma 322 99.9715626

Among the 63,297 candidates who appeared for CMAT-2020, the gender and categorical distribution of these candidates has been mentioned in the table below:

Category Male Female Transgender Total
Applied. Appeared Applied. Appeared Applied Appeared Applied Appeared
General 25879 21913 23877 20199 --- --- 49756 42112
EWS 2187 1922 1010 900 --- --- 3197 2822
SC 2228 1805 1594 1248 01 01 3823 3054
ST 605 479 483 387 01 01 1089 867
OBC-NCL 9947 8650 6672 5791 02 01 16621 14442
Total 40846 34769 33636 28525 04 03 74486 63297*

CMAT Result Statistics 2020

  • CMAT 2020 was successfully conducted on 28 January 2020.
  • A total of 63,297 aspirants appeared for the decorated exam.
  • An amazing outline of the exam was that only one candidate could score a 100 percentile while 7 candidates scored an aggregate of 99.99 percentile.

Know CMAT Toppers

Sheer will, dedication and hard work combined with well-structured study ethics always lead to fruitful results. Shedding light upon their approach towards CMAT and their experience in preparing for the elite exam, here are few testimonials from the toppers of CMAT.

  1. Narayan Sharma

Scoring a 99.97 percentile in CMAT 2020. The sectional division of Narayan’s aggregate of 322 marks is as follows:

Section Marks Secured Percentile
Quantitative Aptitude 96 99.90%
Logical Reasoning 80 87.39%
Language Comprehension 90 99.92%
General Awareness 56 99.58%

Books recommended by him for preparation of CMAT

  • For Quantitative Aptitude: Emphasize on basics, with reference books like RS Agarwal and NCERT books till class 10.
  • For Logical Reasoning, practicing previous year papers is sufficient.
  • For Language comprehension, Wren & Martins book for grammar and follow a reading habit of newspapers & novels. Also attempt mock tests and papers regularly.
  • For General Awareness, go for Lucent approach banking examinations sites for current affairs.

Personal Experience and Suggestions for CMAT Aspirants

  • There’s no shortage of time when it comes to attempting CMAT and what you should really be focusing upon is accuracy while attempting questions. Cross-check your answers in the surplus time to avoid any silly errors.
  • There’s no necessity to join any coaching institute for CMAT preparation as the exam is primarily focused upon basic aptitude which can be worked upon with consistency in practice and attempting mock tests.
  1. Krutharth Patel

He secured a percentile of 99.65 in CMAT exam 2020. The percentile scored by Krutharth in each section is as follows:

Section Percentile Score
Quantitative Aptitude 99.59%
Logical Reasoning 87.39%
Language Comprehension 94.8%
General Awareness 99.51%

Personal Experience and Suggestions for CMAT Aspirants

  • Reading the newspaper on a regular basis does prove vital while attempting the General Awareness section and Norman Lewis can be of great help for improving your vocabulary.
  • Since I was preparing for CAT simultaneously, I didn’t have to put in any extra efforts for CMAT because their basic structure is similar.
  • GA sections can be a bit time consuming, while other sections are pretty basic so time can be covered up among them. Aim for higher goals and trust yourself to achieve them.

Cut Off 2020
CMAT Cut off

CMAT Cut Off

Enlisted below are some of the top institutes that accept CMAT scores along with their cut-off percentile for CMAT:

Name of the Institute Cut off
Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies (JBIMS) Mumbai 99.99 percentile (Minimum 335)
Goa Institute of Management, Goa 99.8 percentile (Minimum 302)
K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research (KJSIMSR), Mumbai 99.20 percentile
We School Mumbai 99.06 percentile
Pune University Department of Management Sciences (PUMBA DMS) 96.42 percentile (Minimum 262)
XISS Ranchi 95 percentile (Minimum 255)
MET Institute of Management, Mumbai 97.27 percentile
Acharya Bangalore Business School (ABBS), Bangalore 90 percentile (Minimum 234)
Asia Pacific Institute of Management, New Delhi 85 percentile
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida 82 percentile
IFIM Business School, Bangalore 85 Percentile
Prin. LN Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Mumbai 85 percentile
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi 75 percentile
Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 75 percentile
Prin. LN Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Bangalore 85 percentile

Preparation Strategies

CMAT 2023 Preparation Strategy and Tips

  • Aim High: Keep your priorities rigid and aim for the top MBA institutes like JBIMS, Goa Institute of Management, KJ SIMSR, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai/Gurgaon, PUMBA Pune, GIM Goa, IFMR Chennai, IMT Nagpur among others so that you dedicate yourself to put in your apex efforts while preparing for them.
  • Practice Previous Papers: Time is a crucial factor while taking up any competitive exam so attempt previous year CMAT papers and take up mock tests frequently to determine how much time you consume while attempting a paper and what aspects of the exam you need to work upon.
  • Design a Schedule: Covering the complete syllabus for CMAT with limited time can be a challenging task. Design a bespoke study schedule and ensure that each of the four sections of the CMAT paper are appropriately covered and no aspect of syllabus is left out. This would prevent any haste during the final days before the examination.
  • Avoid Referring Too Many Books: Nowadays, there are hundreds of books that claim to have the best curriculum suited for the preparation of CMAT. But referring to all of them would just create a farrago of doubts and ambiguity in your minds so choose your reference books wisely and one or two are sufficient. But you must ensure that the books you choose have all the necessary knowledge required for an exceling CMAT preparation.
  • Seek Toppers Advice: Various interviews are published every year acknowledging the toppers of CMAT for each session. Read them and track their valuable advice on how they prepared for the exam and the strategies followed by them.
  • Coaching Institute: Although it is not necessary to opt for a coaching institute while preparing for CMAT exam as most aspirants believe self-study in a well-planned manner is enough to excel in this examination. But, coaching institutes usually have a promising experience in getting an aspirant prepared for competitive examinations in a time-bound manner. So while choosing a coaching institute, keep the following points in mind:
  • Institute’s previous track records.
  • Curriculum followed by the institute.
  • Faculty of the institute.
  • Time-slots available as per your requirements.
  • Modes of education provided (Online & Offline)

CMAT Toppers FAQs

CMAT Toppers FAQs

Question: Where can I download the answer key for CMAT exam 2023?

Ans. The answer key of CMAT 2023 will be uploaded and available on the official website for CMAT. 

Question: Who is the topper of CMAT 2023?

Ans. The list of CMAT toppers 2023 will only be available after the declaration of results by the NTA. The complete result statistics will be updated here thereafter.

Question: When is CMAT 2023 slated to be conducted?

Ans. CMAT 2023 exam is scheduled to be conducted by National Testing Agency in April 2023 for Business schools admissions academic year 2023-24 in 1000 AICTE approved MBA/PGDM colleges.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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