Best GMAT Books to Get Into the Best MBA programs

Best GMAT Books to Get Into the Best MBA programs

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GMAT Books is necessary for candidates aspiring for an MBA career. Candidates need to undertake GMAT practice questions on a regular basis to achieve high score . However, it is important for candidates to know about the test-taking strategies for certain question types. With the help of the GMAT Books candidates can get into the best MBA Programs. Candidates need to follow preparation tips for GMAT that would help them in answering different types of questions efficiently. 

Types of Study Methods

  • Self-study method - This method requires intense focus and determination. Choosing self-study would give you the advantage of personalization. You can create a study plan that fits your lifestyle and needs. Your study plan will also be self-paced, which means that you can prepare for the exam whenever you want to.
  • Coaching center method - This method is very useful for those students who have to work with time constraints. GMAT coaching center will give you an established study plan for GMAT and resources. You will also have the advantages of professional learning from your mentors and motivating competition from your peers.
  • GMAT Online Coaching offers good course materials for the aspirants to access easily

Best GMAT Books

The format of the GMAT has changed. This would mean that the GMAT books from the previous years may not be very helpful. In order to keep up with the latest GMAT syllabus and format, referring to the new GMAT books would be the right call to take.

List of the best GMAT books 2020-21 -

  1. Beyond the MBA Hype

    • Author - Sameer Kamat
    • Format - Paperback and e-book

Before you begin your preparation with GMAT books, you must pick up a copy of Beyond the MBA Hype by Sameer Kamat. This book will give you a comprehensive idea of what one can expect from international management programs, from preparing for GMAT and doing internships to finding jobs with an MBA degree. The words of this book are sure to drill into your head the bigger picture that you are chasing. Your mind is sure to open up and get prepped for what is to come. Beyond the MBA Hype can provide you with the much-needed focus to develop an active study plan.

Check PDF- Beyond the MBA Hype 

  1. The Official Guide for GMAT Review

    • Author - Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC)
    • Format - Paperback and e-book

GMAT Official guide is the one go-to book for GMAT preparation. This study guide has questions pertaining to GMAT quantitative, verbal, and integrated reasoning. The book features about 900 practice questions of a wide variety along with answers, explanations, essay topics, diagnostic tests, and math review. Along with the book, there is also a mobile app you can access to obtain the test bank on-the-go. A huge benefit of the online question bank is that it lets you build practice tests from as many as 900 retired GMAT questions that are featured in the book. You can also view exclusive videos from the GMAT staff and real test takers who share useful insights and preparation tips for GMAT. There is a diagnostic exam with 100 questions in the online version to assess your preparation for GMAT.

Check PDF- The Official Guide for GMAT Review

  1. Manhattan GMAT Strategy Guides

    • Author - Manhattan Prep
    • Format - Paperback and e-book

The 6th edition of GMAT Strategy Guide Set by Manhattan Prep adapts to the GMAT syllabus and format that is constantly changing. Latest approaches are offered by the Guide Set to students who want to ace the exam with top percentiles. There are ten books in the GMAT Strategy Guide Set by Manhattan Prep. Every book in the set ventures deeply into a single aspect of the exam, providing a specialized and detailed style of instruction. When the ten books are utilized together, they create a noticeable learning impact. They enable students to develop the required knowledge, strategic thinking, and skills that are crucial for success in GMAT. Considerable benefits can be availed from resources of a high level such as - six full-length practice exams that are computer-adaptive, more than 200 extra free practice questions, novel strategies for a content provision that solves problems effectively, and the sets of Official Guide practice questions with answers and detailed explanations.

The Manhattan GMAT Strategy Guide Set is in line with the GMAC Official Guide, 2015. Following are the Manhattan Prep books for different GMAT Question Types: 

  1. GMAT Roadmap (ISBN: 9781941234099)
  2. Number Properties GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234051)
  3. Algebra GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234006)
  4. Fractions, Decimals, & Percents GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234020)
  5. Geometry GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234037)
  6. Word Problems GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234082)
  7. Critical Reasoning GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234013)
  8. Sentence Correction GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234075)
  9. Reading Comprehension GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234068)
  10. Integrated Reasoning & Essays GMAT Strategy Guide (ISBN: 9781941234044)

If you purchase this set, you can gain access for one year to Manhattan Prep's GMAT practice exams and question banks which are computer-adaptive.

  1. Kaplan GMAT Prep Plus

    • Author - Kaplan Test Prep
    • Format - Paperback and e-book

Kaplan GMAT Prep Plus is a great preparation guide. It helps students plan their GMAT preparation step by step along with the provision of videos and online practice to ensure that they are fully ready for the exam. Studying the proven strategies of Kaplan and practicing at a good pace can help you become an expert in the computerized format of GMAT. There are five practice tests that you can take online. This study guide offers all the knowledge that is required to excel in GMAT. GMAT Prep Plus lets you study on-the-go. You can log in from anywhere in the world to take up practice tests. Some GMAT practice papers are even optimized for your specific mobile device.

The components of Kaplan GMAT Prep Plus are –

  1. Over 1,200 practice questions along with detailed explanations. These include about 40 advanced quantitative questions and updated integrated reasoning questions.
  2. Around five full-length online practice tests that can help students gain experience with the same test format as GMAT.
  3. One new full-length practice test which is included in the book for simpler review and reference purposes.
  4. An online question bank with 200 questions from which you can customize a test as per your learning needs.

The questions in Kaplan GMAT Prep Plus have been reviewed, revised, and updated by the all-star expert faculty of Kaplan.

Check PDF- Kaplan GMAT Prep Plus

  1. GMAT Official Advanced Questions 

  • Author - Graduate Management Admissions Council (GMAC)
  • Format- Paperback

GMAT Official Advanced Questions is the books specially curated for those who want additional preparation to achieve top GMAT score. Candidates can develop their practice by following 300 additional advanced questions for both GMAT Verbal and GMAT Quant sections. Candidates can use the book to learn test-taking strategies to solve hard questions by reviewing answer explanations provided by subject-matter experts.WIth the help of the GMAT Official Advanced Questions candidates can organise studying fir the practice questions that would develop their fundamental skills. 

Candidates can make use of the Online Question Bank to create their own practice questions sets and use the Mobile App for practicing from a range of question bank. 

Check PDF- GMAT Official Advanced Questions 

  1. The Princeton Review- GMAT Premium Prep

  • Author- The Princeton Review 
  • Format- Paperback 

The Princeton Review GMAT Premium Prep book provides candidates with solutions to different question types in GMAT. It is a comprehensive guide that helps to ace the exam with highest score. The book includes 6 computer adaptive practice tests, access to online tools and details on reviewed topics. Candidates can find preparation tips for GMAT providing effective strategies and problem solving guides. The book includes 6 full-length practice questions online, diagnostic qarm-ups and 180+ practice questions and drills on each section. Candidates would even find bonus drills on GMAT verbal, integrated reasoning and math. 

Check PDF- The Princeton Review GMAT Premium Prep 

Objective of good GMAT book

A few pointers to keep in mind when choosing GMAT books are -

  1. The realistic value of test questions

It is necessary that your GMAT preparation book has realistic questions. Questions for GMAT have a very specific design. With realistic practice questions, you can get yourself familiar with that particular style and structure your answers accordingly. The most reliable sources of GMAT practice questions are the official GMAT guides and preparation software. Although you can access questions similar to actual GMAT questions in other GMAT books, they are not as good as the practice questions of the official guides.

  1. Clear and crisp review section

To identify a good GMAT book, the review section must be looked at. You can discover more about the content of a book by analyzing how concise and clear the review section is. The information in each chapter must be easily comprehensible, logical, and be accompanied by questions and exercises that can be used to test preparation. 

  1. Detailed explanations to practice questions

Almost every GMAT book contains answer keys. The best kind of GMAT book has answer keys with detailed explanations of why a specific answer is correct. Such informative answers can help students to learn the strategies and skills needed for excellent performance in GMAT.

  1. Video accompaniment

Videos go a long way in explaining concepts and answers to questions in a learner-friendly manner. Heavy text on paper can be very exhausting for a student to grasp. Video clips can play a vital role in providing more insightful information and aiding in obtaining a higher percentage. Good GMAT books come along with access to video or online learning.

  1. Inclusion of full-length preparation tests

Ensure that the GMAT book you choose provides a full-length test experience. It is important to practice having your mind and body ready for the duration of the actual GMAT. Full-length preparation tests can greatly improve your endurance. Good GMAT books give students access to their online practice papers and question banks.

Check   GMAT Coaching Centers in India

Thus, the above GMAT Books can be considered to be extremely helpful for the candidates to prepare for GMAT. Candidates can make use of these books and develop their skills that would help them in acing the exam. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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